Otakon 2004

July 29, 2004 by Tim

I’m leaving for Otakon. If you’re in the area, or attending the convention, feel free to come by and say hello. I should be in the Artist’s Alley for the most part.

Also, I’ll be at the airport tonight picking up my good friend, the stupendous Brian Carroll, whom I convinced to attend Otakon this year. He’ll be hanging out at my table, and let me tell you… he’s got some really cool Instant Classic and Instant Classic: Pirates posters.

This is my last convention for at least a couple of months, thank god. I’ve got so much work I need to catch up on, mainly the shipping of books. On the bright side, everyone who was seen, touched, licked one of the books has absolutely raved about how good it looks, so apparently all of the hard work I put into it payed off. So for those of you still waiting, at least take solace in the fact that you will be receiving something very special.

Also, a few people have pointed out a couple of typos in the book, but did so hesitantly. Please, if you notice a typo, let me know exactly where it is. I’ll be doing a second printing pretty soon, so if I have all of the errors, I can get them fixed before we print again.

I’ll be back Sunday night or Monday afternoon at some point. Please, if you need to email me, and it can wait until next week, then do. After ConnectiCon I came home to 90,687 emails in my inbox, and it took me a good 2-3 days to get through them, and I’m not even confident some weren’t lost in the shuffle.

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