Rescue somebody

June 6, 2007 by Tim

Call of Juarez totally flew in under my radar. I played the demo when it came out last fall, and I thought it was pretty entertaining, and then it sort of just disappeared. I hardly saw any advertisements for the game. Maybe that’s just me, perhaps the marketing blitz was just in places I wasn’t looking, but I consider my self pretty engrossed in the “gaming culture”. I keep up on the news, and I receive more than a few press releases. But I completely forgot about the game until suddenly it shows up this week.

I’m a bit of a sucker for westerns. I think it has to do with when I was growing up, my Dad would watch westerns fairly often if they were on TV. And, like most things your parents like when you’re young (music, movies, tv), I thought they were pretty boring. However as you get older, these things you once thought were boring old person stuff, suddenly you find sort of connection with them.

So I like the western genre. Old or new, I enjoy it. And there aren’t really an over abundance of western-themed video games, so when a decent one comes along, I try to grab it. Call of Juarez doesn’t set any new benchmarks, or revolutionize anything. But it is a pretty fun little title, if you like westerns. The atmosphere is just spot-on. Plus, when is the last time you could race around in deathmatch on horses?

I recently started watching Curb Your Enthusiasm. I know it’s been around for a while, and I’d seen clips of it here and there while flipping channels, but I had never really gotten into it. I’m glad that I finally did. I think the show also has a whole new level of humor once you learn that it’s “retroscripted”, meaning they don’t write out scripts, they pretty much improvise the dialogue during filming. You catch those moments where they make eachother start laughing, and you know it wasn’t intentional, and it’s that much more funny. Now I’m waiting on Amazon to bring me the fourth and fifth season.

Thankfully the third season of Rescue Me came out on DVD. I can’t get enough of that show.

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