Seventeen days until DO2008

February 18, 2008 by Tim

I’m going to talk about the current storyline a bit, because it has gotten quite a large reaction, however I’m going to wait a few days until Ethan and Lilah’s conversation has been posted in its entirety. I will say that I have been waiting to get to this part of the story for over two years now, since before Ethan proposed to Lilah. It’s pretty exciting, and I’m glad it’s gotten such an enormous reaction.

Right now, however, I need to remind you that there are only ten days left to register for Digital Overload. If you’re planning to/thinking about going, you need get your badge payment in soon. Especially if you need to pay by e-check, because they need a few days to clear. If you know you can’t go to Digital Overload this year, you only have to listen to me drone on about it for another few weeks. Then I shut up about it until registration opens for the 2009 event.

Most of the tournament spots are filled, however, there are waitlists for these tournaments, and there is a decent chance spots will open up. I haven’t even posted the event schedule yet, and I guarantee that, despite our best efforts at scheduling, some tournaments may overlap. Some people will be forced to decide between tournaments that overlap, and drop one of them, which will open up the spot for, you guessed it, the waitlisters. So if the tournament you were looking for is full, sign up for the waitlist. If the waitlist gets big enough, we will consider just increasing the size of the tournament.

Also try to log into your account in the next week or so and make sure your equipment information is as up-to-date as possible. It will make check-in go much smoother on Friday evening, and get you into the hall faster.

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