So what?

May 14, 2007 by Tim

You know, I’m probably one of the few Xbox 360 owners that just could not care less about Halo 3. I just don’t give a shit. Halo was such a huge and pleasant surprise, and a great way to start off the Xbox and Halo 2 was new maps, new weapons, slightly better graphics, it was the sequel to the game that blew us all away. And now Halo 3… so what?

It’s Halo. It’s not like we don’t know exactly what it’s going to be like. Yeah, the graphics should be much sharper on the 360. And one would hope that means more than just a shinier plastic shader over everything. And it is Halo, and Halo has been good, so Halo 3 will be good, but… eh, I don’t know. I just can’t bring myself to care. Most anticipated game ever? Pfeh, whatever. Give me Mass Effect, Too Human, Phantom Hourglass, Crackdown 2, Condemned 2 (etc etc) over Halo 3 any day.

I also can’t say I’m a huge fan of the caliber of gamer that Halo online multiplayer attracts. I fully intend to ignore the beta for at least the first week. I figure let all the idiots rush the field and squeak themselves into oblivion. I’ll try it towards the end, because I am curious to see where improvements have been made, and who knows, maybe I’ll see something there that gets me excited for Halo again.

I’m honestly not holding my breath.

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