
June 23, 2003 by Tim

First things first… I have been put in the spotlight over at I Is A Geek. You can head over there and read a short bio on yours truly, as well as get a look at my ugly mug and the area in which I draw the strip. It’s a really interesting site… look around.

We have a new sponsor this month. Twisted Kaiju Theater is sponsoring CAD for the month, and helping to pay our bills. So head on over there as a sign of appreciation and poke around.

The response to the call for CADMedia staff has been overwhelming. Andrew has been working non-stop sorting through all of the applications. We’ll be choosing the best that we can to start off our site, but if you don’t get chosen, don’t worry. Once we’re well underway I’m sure we’ll be looking for more talent again.

A lot of people have been wondering what I thought of The Hulk. Well, I’m not going to get into a long review here, but to sum it up, I felt 70% of it was good, 30% of it should have been left out. I think the ending sucked, and the tank scene was the best scene ever. Do I recommend seeing it? Yes. Do I think it’s a great movie? No.

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