So, holy crap about this month, huh? Next week Gears of War, Call of Duty 3, Viva Piniata, and then shortly after Rainbow Six: Vegas and THPS Project 8. Then the PS3 and the Wii launches soon, and Twilight Princess, Resistance, and all the games that launch with them.
And I’m not even done milking Battlefield 2142, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Splinter Cell, Dark Crusade, and about half a dozen other games for their juices of entertainment.
I played the Tony Hawk Project 8 demo from XBL, and I must say, it’s really rekindled my interest in the franchise. I had American Wasteland, but I really couldn’t get into it. It was well done, I guess, but it just didn’t hook me like the franchise had back in the good ol’ days.
But oh man, Project 8… something about it just feels really… right. And the Nail The Trick feature (click both thumbsticks and time slows down, allowing you to move your skater’s feet individually to perform your own tricks) is a breath of fresh air. Similar to EA’s “Skill Stick” in NHL07, it’s a simple little feature that really adds a lot to the gameplay.
I want to go into how awesome I think Rainbow Six: Vegas is, and how anxious I am to try out using the camera to put your face in the game, but I’m going to hold off. I’d like to play Gears of War, and see how they compare first, as I see them as being similar squad-based, strategy shooters where using cover is a big part of the game.
Not much more to talk about today, except I do have a pretty exciting announcement to make. Since 2003 I’ve been trying to put out a Ctrl+Alt+Del comic book. Those of you who own Volume 2 have seen a couple of the pages that I started three years ago. But the project kept getting pushed to the back burner, and I would get busy with other, higher priority things. And as a result, the comic book wasn’t getting done.
I finally came to terms with the fact that if I continued to try and do this book myself, it just was never going to see the light of day. So recently I hired a team of very talented people to work with me on this project, and I’m happy to say that the first issue of the comic book is finished! You have no idea how happy I am to finally see this project coming into fruition, as it’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for years. My penciller, Zack Finfrock, has done such a great job in translating my script and my vision to paper, and I’m excited for you all to see his work on the book.
We’ll be going to print very shortly, and the book should be available for sale before Christmas.
I’ll talk more about it next week, but for now I’ll leave you with a preview of the cover to issue one.

Have a great weekend, everyone!