Super Monday

January 5, 2004 by Tim

Well, I spent my New Year with my girlfriend, at a four Xbox Halo LAN. There was also some Karaoke Revolution going on the Playstation 2, which proved to be quite amusing. Alltogether a fun night. I hope you all had a good time as well.

I know a lot of you have been wondering, so here it is. I did actually find an apartment down in Virginia. It’s a spacious one bedroom apartment in an area of old Fredericksburg. I’ll be mailing my deposit this afternoon, so all in all, the apartment is mine. I’ll probably be making the move down there towards the end of the month.

That being said, this move is going to be a rather large production for me. First I’m going to have to deal with all of the things that need to be wrapped up here on Cape Cod in order for me to move, then renting the van, loading my stuff, trailering my car, then making the drive and finally getting situated down there. There will probably be some radio silence while I pass around the dark side of the moon (don’t have cable set up yet).

I will keep you all posted of what’s going on. Here’s a brief explanation of what else is going on with Ctrl+Alt+Del now and in the near future.

Gamer Warez recently launched, which houses all of our products, with more to come. New T-Shirt designs, stickers and more will be constantly added. I am also going to spend today sorting all of the orders, and send confirmation emails to all of you. Also, the store now works on the Opera browser. Thanks to a reader for helping me fix that one.

I still have to send out the CAD Exclusives! for December, but I’m getting behind. Originally the Exclusives! were going to be a partial set of desktop icons featuring CAD characters, but now I’m leaning towards combining December and January and sending out a full set of icons and a new wallpaper.

Coming up in the future will be a couple of print products. First will be the first Ctrl+Alt+Del comic book, featuring an entirely new, full-length storyline. Then once that is released, I will be working on a Ctrl+Alt+Del collection, a book containing a few hundred of our first strips, complete with running “director” commentary on each page.

And these are only the things I can tell you about. I have numerous top-secret projects underway that will be debuted over the course of the year.

Hopefully it will be a successful year here at Ctrl+Alt+Del, and it’s all thanks to you guys.

And finally, a HUGE thank you to Simon Robadey for his very generous donation. Happy New Year to you too, Simon!

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