Totally not safe for work

May 17, 2013 by Tim

Well, it was bound to happen. Still, you have to admit that three out of four isn’t too bad! We almost did the whole thing without going NSFW, so I’m impressed (though some people suggested I interpreted “meat hammer” too literally). I was nearly certain it would be four straight days of dicks. Those sentence submissions where there, of course, but they were surprisingly/pleasantly in the minority.

Today’s comic, for instance: Of 600 emails/sentences received, a search of the inbox only came up with 18 reults for “penis.” Of course one of them just happened to be the one I closed my eyes and clicked on. And I did say anything goes.

Regardless of the throbbing end to our little tale, it was a fun experiment I think. I hope you enjoyed participating, and I certainly enjoyed trying some new things with the artwork. It was a nice little tangent, especially during a month that is entirely devoid of decent new game releases.

Of course a huge thank you to our sponsor this week, SUMO Lounge! If you haven’t taken a moment peruse their website, I highly recommend you do so. Perhaps you’ll find that perfect gaming chair you’ve been looking for. Or even if you don’t have the room for a SUMO now, you can always bookmark it for later!

Come Monday we’ll resume business as usual. Microsoft will officially announce/unveil the new Xbox next week, so that should be fun!

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