We did it!

July 10, 2003 by Tim

Ctrl+Alt+Del will be at the 2003 ConnectiCon!

I just got off the phone with the mechanic, and I will be able to both fix my car as well as pay for the convention trip, and in no small part thanks to your donations.

You guys and your generosity pushed me from the “oh crap, I don’t think I’m going to have enough money for both” area, to the “holy crap! I can still make the convention!” area.

So I want to thank you all again, those of you who donated, and those of you who emailed me asking to help with the bill. We did it, and now I’m going to have the chance to promote CAD to a convention full of strangers, and hopefully pick up some new readers, as well as meet some fans that will be attending.

So one last big thank you to the donators:

Keith Mitchell
John Wiseman
Tim Gerlach
Colin McLain
Greg Bullock
Jarrod Willard
Justin Janger
Aaron Pohle
Lincoln Wagers
Morgan Kesler
Dries Verachtert
Jocelyn Constantinoff
John Wasser
Mori Bellamy
Aaron Wood
Randall Niven
Tara Wasserman
Melodie Conner
Robert Monson
Amanda Pittock
Joshua Moore-Oliva

I have all of the proof I need that Ctrl+Alt+Del has the best fans around. You guys are awesome… thank you so much for helping me hold on to this next step on the road to my dream.

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