
August 9, 2004 by Tim

As usual lately, an update about book shipping: it’s going surprisingly well. I can actually see the end of the domestic orders. And I’m beginning to see the floor of my apartment again.

Not too much news going on here at the moment. I’ve hardly even had time to play any video games. I will give you all a sneak peak at what I spent a good portion of the weekend working on, however.

I originally sketched this right after I saw Spiderman 2, but then got so caught up in work, that it sat on my drafting table until this weekend, when I sat down to work on it again. Exclusives! members have been able to watch the progress of this piece on the forum, because it is going to become the latest donator’s only wallpaper. If you donate/donated between the beginning of June and the end of August, you will get this wallpaper as a thank you.

But that’s not all. The original pencils came out so well, I’m going to be giving them to Ubercon to use in an auction that will benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. So if you come to Ubercon, you will have a chance to bid on a cool piece of original CAD artwork, as well as support the CBLDF.

So without further ado…

The original artwork.

A sneak peek at the colors in-progress.

Until next time, true believers. Excelsior!

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