
January 7, 2004 by Tim

You guys are incredible. I woke up this morning to a flood of donations, words of encouragement, good luck wishes and even some offers to help me move my stuff into my new place.

I’ll be honest with you. I’ve always been a rather independance minded person. It has never sat completely well with me that a significant portion of my income, and thus my ability buy food and pay bills, relied on donations.

It’s why I started CAD Exclusives!, because I needed to feel like I was giving something in fair trade (and I don’t count the comic, even though all of you do) for the donations in order to be comfortable with receiving them.

But let me tell you. You guys have never failed to knock me off my feet with the sheer impact of your support. I don’t think I can even explain the feeling I get when I ask a question in the news post, and suddenly my inbox is flooded with people offering answers and help. Or when donations come in, or come in in force like today, and it really hits me. Someone I don’t even know has said “hey.. I like what you do. I think it’s worth some of my hard earned money”.

It’s a pretty powerful thing.

And so sitting here now, with all of this community support that for the last four months has continued to keep my head above water, financially, so that I can continue to draw this comic for everyone, I can’t help but try to think of what else I can do for you to show my thanks. Because with this level of support, the CAD Exclusives! don’t feel like enough.

So I’m going to give something to everyone. I don’t know what it is yet… perhaps a short mini-series worth of extra comics in February, after I get settled. I haven’t decided yet. But there will definitely be something available to all, as a thank you for the support of so many. Donators will still receive their exclusive content, and that will only be for donators, but with their generosity they have bought some extra goodies for the entire community.

Until then, however, allow me to express a very sincere ‘Thank You’.

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