What a day…

November 9, 2005 by Tim


Crap… my first post and I screw it up right away. Oh well.

folks! My name is Pierre. I’m responsible for this new website and for
other features to come. I just wanted to apologize for today’s
downtime. I understand that it’s very frustrating and trust me, it’s
even worse here.

This being said, things are slowly fixing
themselves and we should be back at full speed (site and forum) within
the next 24 hours. Right now, only the forums remain unavailable while
some more magic is done behind the scene. Shouldn’t be too much longer!

also wanted to thank all of you who contacted Tim regarding comments
and suggestions for the new site. This said, please stop. Tim has a lot
on his shoulders and I don’t think sending all these things to him will
really help him.

Instead, I provide you with an interesting
alternative! Spam me. That is right, send all those comments,
suggestions, bug reports and complaints to pierre AT
ctrlaltdel-online.com. While I might not necessarily get back to you, I
will read every single email and make the changes that are required.

Please understand though that Tim and I have a list of priorities for the new site and making it CSS and XHTML friendly is NOT one of the most urgent priorities on our list. It will be done, just not right now.

also not needed to tell me if the site (or the forums) are down/slow.
I’m monitoring the situation and if it’s down, it’s because I’m working
on something and it should be back shortly.

So to wrap this up,
thank you very much for your patience. We really appreciate it! To show
how much we do, I’m going to tell you a secret. If you have a
Playstation Portable (version 2 and up), use it’s browser to view
http://www.cad-comic.com/psp/ and you might just find a CAD website
formatted for your little machine.

But it’s a secret. Don’t tell anyone!

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