DO2007: New Tournaments

December 11, 2006 by Tim

I’ve updated the Digital Overload site with some new information on some tournaments we’ll be holding.

Every tournament winner at Digital Overload this year will have their name permanantly entered on a “Hall of Fame”, which will be posted on the Digital Overload website after the event, and remain for all to see from year to year.

Each winner will also receive a trophy, which will consist of a framed, limited edition print of artwork (pertaining to the game in which they competed) by me, that also lists the dates of the event, and the name of the event won.

On top of this, some of our tournaments will also have other computer and gaming prizes.

We’ll continue to add new tournaments as we get closer to the event. Our newest additions include a No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em tournament. Each player will get 1,000 chips. It’s a freezeout tournament, so once you’re out of chips, you’re out of the tournament. Prizes will be awarded to the top three players.

We’ll also be doing a Smash Bros. Tournament. We did one last year, and it was a huge hit, so we’re bringing it back again. We’ll be using Super Smash Bros. Brawl if it’s out, otherwise we’ll use Melee.

We’re expecting a large presence of tabletop gamers this year, and we’re promoting miniatures wargaming at Digital Overload. As such, our first announced tabletop tournament is a Warhammer 40k 1,000pt Army 1v1 Elimination event.

I’m also considering holding a contest for the best-painted miniatures. I’m still working out details.

Finally, due to popular demand, we’re planning to hold our first Warcraft 3: Defense of the Ancients tournament. A 5 versus 5 event open to all.

Pre-registered attendees will soon be able to sign up for these tournaments online, prior to the event. And if you pre-register before January, your badge is only $45 for the weekend, and includes a free t-shirt!

Hit up the forum to talk with other gamers planning to attend the event, and organize room and ride shares to cut down on travel costs.

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