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Trust, p23

August 24, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

lmao baited like a boss

4 years ago

What would be the best stabbing implement Ethan could choose?

My current guess is a marshmallow. It would be pretty difficult (though not impossible) to injure by stabbing using one of those.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

Remember that whatever the stabbing will be done with, it will still be done BY Zeke. No matter what kind of fluffy pillow you have, if it is being delivered by a hand made of steel and mechanohydraulic systems, it *will* get through the skin, flesh, bones or any organic matter simply due to the fact that it still essentialy is a rather large steel pyston, just covered in pillow.

Del Cox
Del Cox
4 years ago
Reply to  Illsteward

Zeke is plastic, not the Terminator.

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
4 years ago
Reply to  Del Cox

That was in the original series, when Zeke was made out of an x-box by Ethan, This is a different series and I don’t think the Master would be dumb enough to make a killer robot out of plastic.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

I think it’s the other way around. Ethan can just respawn. Dying isn’t an issue. Pain is. The best stabbing implement from Ethan’s perspective would therefore be something which would instantly and painlessly kill him, no matter where or how he was stabbed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

Zeke made a mistake in not specifying any more requirements as to what the stabbing-implement would be, ergo Ethan could name it as e.g. air or light. It would be up to Zeke to figure out how to stab someone with air or light — both are ephemeral concepts, not objects, so “stabbing” would be a pretty difficult thing to do.

4 years ago
Reply to  WereCatf

Add enough pressure or intensity and air, water or light become very destructive. Destructive enough to cut stone or metal. Just needs a little bit of creativity to label a burst as “stabbing”. Hmm… or he would invent the laser sword. That works too.

4 years ago
Reply to  WereCatf

Air: some kind of compressed wind. Like a very powerful hairdryer. The flow can still hurt you if powerful enough.
Light: just go with lasers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

Neither would count as stabbing.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

aka. spectacularly exploding victim, especially the air.

4 years ago
Reply to  WereCatf

Gasses and fluids behave very similarly with the main difference being density. Go look up the water jet channel to see what you can do with a high pressure fluid and realize you only need to apply more energy to do something similar with compressed air.

As for light considering super powers in this setting I would not be at all surprised if someone had come up with a functional lightsaber equivalent.

Erik Marques Schroeder
Erik Marques Schroeder
4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

Still, selecting something that is technically correct but not fulfilling to the other party’s true desire isn’t different than any trick therefore cheating. Soooo… This could lead to two ways, one zeke gets amused to have been tricked by a human, or offended and we lose some progress if not all.

Remember kids “technically correct” isn’t correct. That’s how you get enemies.

4 years ago

I disagree! Technically correct IS correct. Some would say is the best kind of correct 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

A rather thorough, and decenty long debate on the subject of stabbing. Well done.

I bet some people right here are pretty enthusiastic roleplayers (as in D&D and the like, not as in fetishes 😛 ).

4 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Why not both?

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

Ghostbusters thought marshmallow safe as well

John Swift
John Swift
4 years ago

Im honestly suprised Ethan didnt take that trade. Its rough but its a good deal.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

Probably related to the “Hey let’s maybe not reward the amoral hyperviolent robot by killing humans” initiative.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

Why do people always forget that being stabbed hurts? Aren’t there any stabbed-to-death people around to tell them?

James Kite
James Kite
4 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

Ethan didn’t get the choice.

Peter Piers
Peter Piers
4 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

He was about to. 🙂 It was Lucas who overrode that.

4 years ago

Ethan playing the long con: give Zeke a video game addiction.

4 years ago
Reply to  Yaz

And they say video games turn people violent…. but Zeke was already violent and now less so with video games.

4 years ago

I think there was more meat if you added all 3 “dlc” for Baldurs Gate than just the sequel, assuming he means BG2.
Dark Tales of the Sword Coast and..umm the other one (cant remember the title) may have been unofficial but they were great work for their time. Makes me wonder if this an access issue or a knowledge issue for Ethan, given he seems to be more of a console than PC person.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Perhaps they have a standing policy of including all DLC. Remember, they *don’t* want to make Zeke a murderbot with pricing tricks…
(Not that there’s anything unreasonable about selling DLC, but that doesn’t stop the practice from driving some people absolutely insane)

4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

I completely misread that as ‘DUCK Tales of the Sword Coast’ and was very confused. But now I have that cursed song in my head!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  ShonaSoF

Have you ever noticed that the Duck Tales theme and the Footloose theme are oddly similar?

Dylan Field
Dylan Field
4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

The easiest way to get the games right now is the Enhanced Edition anyway, which means it includes all the DLCs plus a few minor balance changes and some added class choices.

4 years ago

Hahaha. This entire arc turns all the more hillarious and joyful. I really hope theyll work out as a team one way or another^^

4 years ago

It hurts that you can foresee the plot so clearly…
Zeke will be a happy friend, everything okay, but he will find out about the bomb, that he never had real freedom, that his human friends betrayed him, renouncing to darkness…

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Clearly Tim has gotten bored with this prediction lol. I figure he will or he won’t, but I kinda doubt Tim will introduce zeke only to have him destroyed or permanently estranged from the main cast. Make some popcorn and watch the soap opera.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim


Taylan Ertan
Taylan Ertan
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

One may call it, CHECKOV’S BOMB!

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
4 years ago

Think it would’ve been funny for them to react seeing Z1’s throne. Can see Lucas and Scott looking to each other and thinking “great. Another one.”

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

Love how Ethan was considering the stab deal seriously. XD

4 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

I would as well! I’m glad his friend veto’d it for him, quite a relief.

4 years ago

The sequel *and* the Throne of Bhaal expansion *and* the WeiDU BG2 Fixpack, latest version.

4 years ago

Oooohh, Baldur’s Gate AND the sequel. That’s a great offer there. They unfortunately don’t make games like that anymore…

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

They’re working on a new baldurs gate right now actually.

4 years ago
Reply to  ravenofpoe

We’ll be lucky if it resembles Dragon Age Origins, but it could just as easily be another Anthem or Raid Shadow Legends.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Divinity: Original Sin II is, in many ways, a Game Like That.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The creators of Divinity are literally making Baldur’s Gate 3.

4 years ago

Changed my Patreon pledge from monthly to yearly since I understand that would be less fees for you, but didn’t want the discount so I upped the amount to 12x the monthly fee. Hope that helps!

4 years ago

Why’s he still hiding Fat Boy?

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Is there any reason for him to give up that information easily? Zeke might hate the Fat Boy, but these humans haven’t given him any reason to keep him around once Fat Boy is out of the picture. They think this freedom they have given him is a sign that he can trust them, but Zeke probably doesn’t view it in that same manner; they granted this illusion of freedom to get information and that is all they want, is what I believe Zeke would think of this situation.

4 years ago
Reply to  HelloWorld

Actually, I wonder if Fatipuss will detonate Zeke’s bomb if he talks

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Does Zeke know yet that Scott disabled Fatirilla’s bomb?

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Yes, he’s alive. He doesn’t yet know about Scott’s trigger.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

If it’s your only bargaining chip, you can only spend it once.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

He’s the king of Storage-Romania. That information is his bargain in international trade affairs.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Still, exposing him could be the payback Zeke wants

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
4 years ago

I quite like Zeke’s new DARK sense of humor.

4 years ago

I wonder if Zeke will also spend an hour re-rolling his stats until he gets the right combination.

John Cleverdon
John Cleverdon
4 years ago

My wife and I were playing Baldur’s Gate back in 1998/1999 time frame. She was not able to finish the game because an essential NPC died, and there was no work around. She even called the 1-900 helpline, and there was no way around it.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Cleverdon

Hopefully you both learned a valuable lesson about managing save files.

Mike the Limey
Mike the Limey
4 years ago

I’ve been following this since way back around the first 40 or 50 of Tim’s offerings.

I have never in my life played any kind of computer game bar a couple of sad attempts at Space Invaders more than 40 years ago.

One of these days, I’ll work out why I enjoy following a game oriented comic…

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike the Limey

Not like you need my validation, but you are welcome here. I found myself playing a lot less video games than I used to, over the years… until the plague struck.

Lucas M Smith
Lucas M Smith
4 years ago

Oh man, This is some of the Best CAD we’ve seen in years! (Not that we’ve been lacking in by any means!) This takes me back and I am HERE for it! Loving the current arc Tim!!!

Sean Rotter
Sean Rotter
4 years ago

Hey Tim, I have been really impressed with your content lately. So much so that I decided to become a patron. Keep up the great work.

4 years ago

The fact that Ethan has to look to see if it’s okay to get stabbed just shows how fucking stupid he is. Like, I know he respawns, but am I supposed to believe that he’s fine with excruciating pain?

4 years ago
Reply to  Black

Maybe he’s looking back silently asking “did Z1 really just suggest that?” or “are you as much disliking this as I do?”

Del Cox
Del Cox
4 years ago

I have to admit, if I had infinite respawns, I’d find the stabbing offer gamefully intriguing.

Chicken Timer 82
Chicken Timer 82
4 years ago

I am kind of curious how Zeke would react if he played some of the more notorious old rpgs, or just notorious old games in general, not games that were “Bad” mind you, just very difficult and cruel, though obviously with his skills, Zeke would find such games generally less troublesome. Oh, here’s an insane thought: Zeke plays doom modded with the “Aeons of Death” mod, set to nightmare difficulty. Obviously this is a bad idea and should never come to pass as it would drive him a little insane, but it’s fun to imagine how crazy he might get.… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

Personally, I’m really liking this build-up with Zeke, for a completely selfish reason: by focusing on non-online PC and offline gaming, they’re basically giving him an appreciation for non-modern gaming. None of the “classics” of the 8-and-16-bit eras just yet, but with a baseline of Fallout 2 and intrigue in Baldur’s Gate, it’s clear that he’s not tied to graphics as being indicative of quality. Makes me wonder if he’d enjoy ALL things the same way as a human – say, appreciating the hand-drawn art and soundtrack of a Hollow Knight or Ori for what they are, or if his… Read more »

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
4 years ago

At first I thought Z1 was not sharing the location of weeb master to protect his own existence. He might think it’s the one thing keeping Scott from permanently hitting the “off” button. That might still be the case, but he seems really interested in getting the Wi-fi. Between this and an earlier comic…can he upload his consciousness to the internet? Become all technology that way? Or is he just looking for a new way to play and wants to own some human players in a battle royale or something? I’d also thought that maybe he CAN’T tell them where… Read more »