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Surrender, p5

December 8, 2023 by Tim

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10 months ago

In a situation like this would the police rely on Analog or say “fuck it we can’t negotiate with a terrorist” and enact a plan that tries to save the hostages without respecting the Troll’s instructions?

Doing what the terrorist wants you to do is probably a bad idea. And I doubt law enforcement is keen on unregistered supers.

10 months ago
Reply to  Esc

My assumption is that it’s typical police chief, “I’d like to help but my guys are spread too thin as it is” sort of thing. Other wise yes, the troll announcing well in advance of where he would be they could just shut that building down.

10 months ago
Reply to  Tim

I guess what I mean is are the police going to try and include Analog or are they going to try and do their own thing? Despite the Troll explicitly saying, “only let analog come” How much are the police going to loop him in and depend on him to save hostages?

10 months ago
Reply to  Esc

In this world you are right.

In a narrative world they will do whatever is necessary. Also in any Spider-Man movie / game / comic that is not supposed to contain the avengers, they will be miraculously all out of town.

10 months ago

Earlier the Troll showed us a container with some glowing goop while declaring that he had something “special” planned for Analog. I’m beginning to wonder whether that goop is meant for the hero or for the Troll himself. Arguably, the biggest “trolling” of Ethan would be if the Troll gets hurt AGAIN in an encounter with Analog.

10 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I don’t think he’d do it to himself but one of his cultist followers, maybe he’d martyr himself to screw with Analog but I don’t think he’s that devoted. Now I could see he has some machine set up and gives Analog a choice for who gets sprayed
The Hostages or Himself (Analog)
With the machine rigged so it’s always the hostages to frame Analog. Unless this is the end of the Troll arc. That sadistic choice doesn’t work when the hero can’t stay dead.

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

It could be something designed to permanantly disfigure him. SOmething that does not kill him fast enough could result in Analog being stuck like that forever, conceivably

10 months ago

Nope, he just kills himself and forces a reset we’ve seen this done so he doesn’t have to deal with minor injuries like a broken arm.

Lord Foxxy Foxington
Lord Foxxy Foxington
10 months ago

Throw him off a higher roof.

10 months ago

Alrrady failed. The trick is to ignore trolls. Any response or attention is a win for the troll.

10 months ago
Reply to  Merida

Ethan tried that. The troll just escalated the severity of his pathetic and dangerous calls for attention, to the point that ignoring him is literally letting a murderer walk. It doesn’t matter if you give a troll the sick satisfaction of paying attention. Such people are already stuck in a delusion where everything is interpreted as proof of how awesome they are, anyway. Even nothing or failure, are interpreted so. What matters, is actions and results. Ethan has to use the troll’s fixation and other massive mental issues against him, to stop him. So he either goes to jail forever,… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Rolando
10 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

Except he doesn’t. The troll is a killer the police, and therefore others, know he’s a killer. The police have the power and authority to stop him if they sent squad cars to surround the building. Let them deal with the troll.

10 months ago
Reply to  Silo

I’m balancing both layers of realism, here. Real world logic, and story logic. The latter means, the main characters aren’t gonna become bystanders in their own story. So, I work with what I got, instead of with what I wish I had. It’s not very logical of you, to apply full realistic logic to a fiction story that makes a clear and obvious attempt to deviate from real world logic (even before considering the fact some people have super-powers). I know that in the real world, the authorities would try to stop a wildcard without proper supervision and training, like… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

That doesn’t make it Ethan’s fault that the Troll is killing people. The Troll doesn’t want to be shot by a police sniper bullet, he wants Analog to look stupid on TV, even if that means dying himself. There’s absolutely no reason for Ethan to go in. Other people/heroes can handle the Troll. Ethan is actually hurting the situation by trying to handle it himself.

Last edited 10 months ago by SkullsGrav
10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

“That doesn’t make it Ethan’s fault that the Troll is killing people.”

Please, quote where I say it’s Ethan’s fault…

I swear, can’t anyone ever try to make an argument without failing at basic text comprehension?

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

In the eyes of the world, it IS Analog’s fault for dropping him off the roof in the first place. Not just because he claimed it, it’s already been on the news that he did so. Whether he did it willingly or just lost his grip doesn’t matter, it’s still, legally, on Analog’s head for his vigilantism. So, any deaths that result from that incident ARE, in fact, on his head.

10 months ago
Reply to  Merida

He’s not just a troll anymore though. He’s someone who claims they’re “just trolling” when they’re in fact causing real world harm.

People don’t see the line between trolling and actual harm being caused.

This guy has blown way past that and needs to go down.

10 months ago
Reply to  Eodyne

Yeah just ignore the whole Analog character entirely.

A person announced they’re going to harm hostages in case they get what they want. Law enforcement (and supers) have a responsibility to do something there.

10 months ago
Reply to  Merida

Also ignore the school bully … no, this does never work.

10 months ago

Ethan needs to focus on what’s important. The troll makes all this about ego and pride, because that’s his big issue. Ethan doesn’t have to play that part of the game. It doesn’t matter if the troll gets the satisfaction of him paying attention. What matters, is stopping him. And that means getting involved. Ethan can grow a thicker skin, while remaining ethical. And he can use the troll’s massive mental issues against him. That, along with his friends supporting him, will give him the edge. He already has logic, reality and decency on his side. He’ll never get the… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

That was a lot of words for what Jesse said on an episode of Burn Notice once (the bad guy wasn’t a troll, but he was SO incredibly dangerous that the usual “trick them into getting caught by law enforcement” op they ran wasn’t going to work for whatever reason).

Anyway, after just straight-up blowing the bad guy up, with Michael acting indignant and put out by this, Jesse tells him:

“Sometimes, you just gotta put the rabid dog down.”

10 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Haven’t watched that show. Only harming the dangerous criminal in a potentially fatal way when it’s a necessary form of defense (self-defense, or protecting others in current danger), remains the best option. It’s what applies in most civilised countries (in theory at least), for gooa reason. And it also has the benefit of helping those pulling the tigger, to feel less guilty. We need to take care of the mental welfare of those among us that work the front lines against criminals. Specially those who go out there because they believe in helping others. They’re an extremely valuable part of… Read more »

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  Rolando

Justified self-defense only works when the killer came to you. IN this case, he still has the genuine choice of just not showing up, and abandoning the hostages. So that cannot be called self-defense. Going there with the intent to kill is murder first class, regardless of your intention, and should result in the death penalty. Hero, villain, or civilian.

10 months ago

true, but there are too many vigilante wanabee in the comments.

10 months ago
Reply to  Steve

I think the difference here matters. Ethan trying other options first and exploring them with the authorities is a world of difference than vigilante justice.

They are reacting to a possibly lethal situation. I have been staunchly against the idea of “just kill the troll now pls” that has been rallied in every single comic for the past months.

But today? After he’s taken hostages and is imminently threatening to harm them? Now you can take the kill shot. There’s a huge difference there.

10 months ago

The police are already there. Great, go home. There’s absolutely no reason for analog to get involved. Let the police negotiate with them. Yeah hostages might die or get hurt but Ethan has no way of knowing if the troll is even there or has hostages. I get it he wants to be a hero but feeding the troll gets him nothing just another chance for the troll to escape and him to feel guilty about the troll getting away. Let thebpolice feel guilty I mean what would the police do blame a civilian for not engaging a terrorist woth… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Silo

You have a point. In that same light, it’s always been quite irresponsible for him (and Lucas, and Scott) to involve themselves in crime-fighting without actual training. Just knowing how to fight, is FAR from the only important thing a law enforcement officer has to learn. I could also talk about proper supervision, but we know the authorities are usually unreliable on that. But the whole “superhero story” premise would fall apart, if we focused on these aspects. It’s fine to do a few stories like Marvel’s “Civil War” and DC’s “The Dark Knight Returns,” where we deal with the… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Silo

From a story-writing perspective, that’s a terrible idea. Having the main characters not get involved in the plot means there’s no story.

From an in-universe idea, that’s putting innocent civilians in needless risk.

10 months ago
Reply to  Tim

I know its your story Tim, but absolutely yes. Ethan, Lucas, and Scott are all way too experienced with internet forums to not know better. Ethan might be too impulsive and reactive to resist, but Lucas and Scott aren’t even trying to rein him in. Sure he wouldn’t be comfortable letting someone else handle it, but he’s not comfortable fighting him either. Ethan is absolutely the worst person to handle this, and they should know it.

Last edited 10 months ago by SkullsGrav
10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

No he’s the best person to handle it, anyone else swoops in, the troll will immediately trigger whatever he has planned for the hostages.
Ethan’s life is never in danger, so showing up and keeping the Trolls focus on him is the right thing to do. Lucas will be nearby to help when things get dicey.
People are acting like the Troll somehow WON the last time he tangled with Analog and D-Pad. He didn’t the hostages were saved and he fell off the roof into a chemical truck.

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

He’s probably going to activate it anyway, just to see Ethan’s face. “Ohh, you thought you were going to save them?? HILARIOUS!!”

10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

You seem to be mixing up two different questions there. A: ‘Is Ethan capable of dealing with this’ and B: ‘Can Ethan just walk away from this’. (Mentally, not physically) You’re not wrong that Ethan likely isn’t capable of dealing with this. Even Ethan himself seems to think so, given the previous page. However, that still doesn’t mean he can just walk away and ignore it. One way or another, he is involved in this, no matter what he does. The situation doesn’t disappear just because he refuses to actively participate. The Troll will still respond to whatever action Analog… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Silo

I mean, on the whole I agree with you but that just sorta defeats the whole point of having superheros in the first place, right? In a more realistic setting this would be the right thing to do and why we don’t have vigilantism. It’s the difficult knot of superheroes because if you don’t make an allowance to suspend disbelief for this concept the genre falls apart. ( or is deconstructed )

10 months ago
Reply to  Silo

Not showing is also feeding the troll, with the addition of dead hostages. The troll might not be there but the hostages clearly are otherwise the police would have stormed the place already.
Your argument if not going amounts to “Ethan will feel bad if the Troll gets away.” Well he’ll certainly feel worse if he does nothing.

10 months ago

While I know it isn’t going to happen, there is a meme I would love to see play out in this.

Troll: You can’t kill me, you’re a hero! Trollololo

Analog: I can’t, but HE can!

Deathblood *Roars from nowhere jumping in with dual MGs*

10 months ago

Side note: I’d love to meet their Edna Mode. She certainly doesn’t have a “no capes!” policy.

10 months ago
Reply to  Drew

Analog is the one hero who can have a cape.

The Legacy
The Legacy
10 months ago

What would I do? Let the troll throw me off the roof. Or let myself fall off the roof. Once that happens, get the heck away, change identities, and start fresh. ?

10 months ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Does the Troll and the city at large know about Ethan’s super power? As faking his death and laying low for awhile before coming back in a totally new costume/hero name might be a viable option.

10 months ago

Ugh. Really feels like they are carrying the idiot ball here. Unless the police/ other heroes specifically asked Analog to go in this is moronic. I understand that its the Analog and DPad comic, but come on Lucas and Scott would surely know better.

10 months ago

I could definitely see The Troll planning something to make it look like Analog attempts to kill him or framing him in some way. Also expecting a twist where Lilah’s hidden somewhere (without anyone’s knowledge) and she records the whole thing. Then that footage will be needed to prove Analog’s innocence in some way.

10 months ago

Pretty sure the troll isn’t there, just another TV and a set of cameras, and he’s going to blackmail Analog into removing his mask or otherwise revealing his identity by threatening to kill the hostages.

I wonder if one of the hostages is Lilah.

10 months ago

Apologizes for those who this would be too graphic for.
This one does not Deserve the release of death.

Douse the troll with fluroantimonic acid with attention to detail. No eyelids, no mouth, no limbs, just a chest and an unblinking Nothing in a vat of saline with some tubes for the rest of their natural life. Then advertise that the supporters will meet the same fate unless they turn themselves in Now.

10 months ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

What is wrong with you.

10 months ago
Reply to  Crestlinger

O_o. So your so your solution is to…. Pour one of the strongest acid compounds (stronger than even 100% sulfuric acid) known to mankind on him….

That’s well beyond cruel and unusual.

10 months ago

I do wonder. I’ve heard of not feeding the troll as acting defensively by being “triggered” is what drives them. but… what happens if their target has been defeated? Like what if Ethan actually apologized??

Isn’t that the complete opposite of what the troll wants? Isn’t the act of messing and trying to break someone else like some Joker wannabee their whole modus operandi and what keeps them going?

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  Foxhood

He doesn’t CARE about the apology, that was just to trigger Analog. He WANTS to sew chaos and discord, and that’s what he’s doing.

Reminds me of Danny Phantom trying to apologize to Plasmius.

“Ahh, the gentleman’s bargain. But you forget: When it comes to me and you… I AM NO GENTLEMAN!!!!”

10 months ago

The complication i get is that the Troll only wants to break Analog. He only appeared after Analog gained some attention and has been single-minded in causing discord that solely serves to trigger Analog. Hell, he is so focused on Ethan that he doesn’t even bother to acknowledge the existence of Lucas/D-Pad. Hence why i ponder… what does he do if he actually did end up having broken Analog? Like does he try to goad analog further? Do a victory crime spree? Or does he get disappointed and start looking for a different target? i also get reminded. Technically that… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Foxhood

You’re mistaken that the Troll only appeared after Analog gained attention, he’d already been operating in the city for years before that. Analog wasn’t his first, merely his latest target. (And last, given how he got caught). He’s apparently pretty good at evading justice, Analog was the first one to actually catch him. What The Troll would do next if he wins really depends on what such a win would look like. How would you define ‘having broken’ Analog? Making him apologize? Make him give up the cape forever? Drive him to suicide? At what point do you think the… Read more »

10 months ago

I have no idea what the Troll is up to (something twisted and terrible, I guess), but judging by the title, Ethan plan might be complete surrender and so happily agreeing to humiliate himself, that the Troll will be driving to madness for the lack of satisfaction.
Then again, Ethan has probably lost it

10 months ago

Does the troll know ethan can respawn as his power? If not what is to stop ethan from “apologizing” to the troll as the troll said he wanted on television, then as a means to show his sincerity throwing himself off said rooftop to his “death” for everyone to see. If the troll doesn’t know he respawns at the very least it will be surprising until he respawns on the rooftop with the troll off guard.

Last edited 10 months ago by wilddeath