
September 29, 2003 by Tim

Got a long news post for you today, so settle in, It’s all important stuff.

First of all, let’s talk about November. There’s a convention down in Virginia called Nekocon that is interested in having me as a guest. That means doing panels, signings, selling shirts and posters, etc. The problem is, they’re not sure if they can pay for my travel expenses. And I know that I can’t afford to get there on my own.

I’d really like to attend, because I love meeting and talking to fans. I have a great time. So here’s the deal. We’re going to see if we can convince them to fly me down there. If you’re interested in seeing me at this convention, email the Nekocon staff to let them know. If they see that there are enough people that want me there, they may just help me get there.

Next up. Store orders. Everything, and I mean absolutely everything will be shipped out this week and the next. I’m putting extra work into getting everything packaged, so by this time next week, I won’t have any orders left. They’ll all be in the mail. So if you’re still waiting on your store order, it’s coming.

Then, once I’ve relaxed and reorganized a bit, the store will relaunch with some new T-Shirt designs and the console skins.

I’ve finally put up a section for Fan Art. It’s already underway with a bit of fan art from Matt Genier, the artist behind 64 Demons. If you want to send fanart, just email it to me. I’ll try to make periodic updates to that section.

I’ve been getting some great suggestions on what game to use for this weekend’s CAD GameDay. I think I’m leaning towards either Planetside or Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I’ll let you know by Wednesday so you have time to prepare.

There are only a couple of days left to get your donations in to qualify for September’s Donator’s Only content. Later this week I’ll be mailing an exclusive comic strip and two, count ’em, two exclusive wallpapers to the September donators. Can’t get your donation in before October? No worries. You can jump on the mailing list for October’s donators only content.

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