Adios, suckers!

July 13, 2003 by Tim

Well, today officially marks the first day of my “vacation”. And boy do I need it. As of today, I am gone, for all intensive purposes, right through the end of ConnectiCon. I’ll be around somewhat, to post the guest comics, and make the news posts, but I most likely will not be answering emails or messages, unless it is important.

This also means that we kick off the guest week today. For the next seven or eight days, you will be treated to different versions of Ctrl+Alt+Del as seen by various comic artists around the web.

We’re going to start with a small web comic called Squaresville. Read the guest comic, and if you like it, head over to their site for more.

And then come back and do the same thing tomorrow. See how that works? Simple.

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