CAD Mobile bug on iPod touch devices

November 12, 2010 by Tim

If you’re using CAD Mobile on an iPod touch (any generation), please do not update to version 1.0.2. A very odd bug, affecting only iPods, slipped thru our internal testing and Apple’s 10 day review process. Updating to 1.0.2 will render the app unusable as the only thing you’ll see if a beautiful black screen.

We’ve already summited a fix to the app store (1.0.3) and we’re requested an expedited review from Apple. I have no idea how serious these requests are taken but since it’s an option on their “contact us” form, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt.

I will make a newspost as soon as 1.0.3 is available for download.

This bug does not affect iPhone and iPad users so if you use CAD Mobile on either of those, update away!

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