
Blog posts organized in chronological order


May 18, 2004 by Tim

Van Helsing, however, can suck my ass. That movie was laughable.


May 17, 2004 by Tim

So it’s about one-thirty in the morning. I just got back from seeing Troy. I posted the new comic, and there was no way in hell I could not come here and post a little something about this movie. It was awesome. I loved it. It was, however, not very accurate to the book, but […]

And screams like a girl

May 14, 2004 by Tim

So as I’m sure many of you are aware, E3 is well underway. The reports have been flooding in all over the place, and we’ve seen some pretty damned cool looking games. Allow me a moment to point you in the direction of some of the cooler ones. First of all, the huge Half Life […]


May 13, 2004 by Tim

My friends over at Applegeeks are approaching their hallowed 100th strip, so I went ahead and drew them a guest comic. You can check it out here. And then you can go back through their archives. Because I told you to. Go ahead. Give ’em some love. It’s finals week. They could use it.

Tastes like fire

May 12, 2004 by Tim

You are currently viewing the new server So in case you’re wondering what what Ethan is talking about, there’s a free trial for Guild Wars going on during E3. The game is still in alpha stages, but it’s pretty entertaining. I reccomend checking it out cause, hey, it’s free. Now, I haven’t played The Sims […]

The last muffin

May 10, 2004 by Tim

You are currently viewing the new server Ahh, as you might have guessed from the message above, the domain transfer is underway. The site is up and running on the new server, and I’ve initated the domain swap. For those of you unfamiliar with how it works, essentially there are a bunch of servers all […]

So, just in case…

May 7, 2004 by Tim

This storm sort of just appeared out of nowhere. One minute it was sunny, next minute nothing but rain and wind and lightning. There’s apparently a tornado like right next to me. The whole area is on tornado warning and all that jazz. So, just in case I die or something… don’t touch my computer.

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought all day, and I believe I’m leaning towards going all out. When I do something, I prefer not to do it half-assed, and if I’m going to organize a CAD event, then by the gods, I’m going to organize one hell of a CAD event. We now […]

Edit: The server move is under way. You are currently viewing the new server Alright, so here is my dilemma. I want to do this CAD get together, right? But I’m stuck down the middle. On the one hand, the easiest thing for me to do would be to host it at a venue that […]

CADLAN 2004?

May 5, 2004 by Tim

I’ve had a decent amount of interest in this idea. A few people have mentioned a LAN center in Virginia here. I think the problem with that is that we’d be capped at forty-eight people playing at one time. Which means that if more than that attended, there wouldn’t be much to do. However we’d […]


by Tim

What about a CAD get together? Well, there are some people organizing one for down south, in the Florida area. You can check out the info in this thread in the forum. Unfortunately I can’t attend, so I can’t make it official, and I accept no responsibility, blah blah blah. But I have been thinking […]

Hulk… smash!

May 3, 2004 by Tim

The weekend is over, time to play catch-up with work. I jumped onto the bandwagon and picked up FireFly. Everyone was telling me “oh, you should it see it! It’s cool!” or talking about how good it was. So far I’ve only watched the first episode, but I was in fact entertained. That’s a good […]


May 1, 2004 by Tim

Comic is up. Sorry it’s late. My brain was too fried last night from lack of sleep.

…will be up late. Sometime early afternoon/evening I should suspect.

Movin’ on up

April 30, 2004 by Tim

I’ve been getting a lot of pretty good feedback about this latest storyline, which is great. Some people in the forum have even taken to trying to decide the most appropriate fashion for Christian to die a horrible, horrible death. Also very entertaining. First big announcement of the day is that Ctrl+Alt+Del is finally moving […]

CoH Super Group. Again.

April 29, 2004 by Tim

The second CAD super group for CoH on the Justice server is finally up and running. Send a message to myself as Steel Ghost or Nuclear Ghost, or to my managing captain of the second group, Voice of Reason, and we’ll get you invited a.s.a.p.