
Blog posts organized in chronological order

[POLL] CAD game servers?

December 17, 2003 by Tim

Trying to gauge reactions to this idea. Head on over here and voice your opinion. In the Polls section of the forum, everyone can vote, regardless of whether or not you are a registered user.

I’ve posted some pictures from the Sexiest Gamer Competition that I was a part of last weekend, as well as a short write-up. It’s in the Funbox, but you can check it out directly here.

I am aware that I have missed a couple of options. Thank you for bringing them to my attention. This is the first survey I’ve done, so I was bound to miss a thing or two. Your suggestions will help me correct it for future surveys.

Yeah, like I even need to tell you what I’m going to be doing today. And I’m sure at least half of you will be joining me at movie theaters nationwide. I’ll be sure to post my thoughts after I return. You guys can do me a favor though. I’ve created a quick survey that […]

Web comic artist needs housing!

December 15, 2003 by Tim

Ok, before I mention anything, I have to direct you here. I could not, in good conscience, let you start your Monday off without seeing that. Rejoice. Now that that is out of the way, we’ve got a few things to talk about. First up, let me tell you a bit about the store, and […]

Raw fish

December 13, 2003 by Tim

So I went to LA for the Sexiest Gamer finals. It was loads of fun. I met some really cool people, and got to hang out in California for a couple of days. The finals were pretty cool. There were three rounds. The first round consisted of game trivia. Each contestant (five guys, five girls) […]

Back from LA

by Tim

Well, I’m home from Los Angeles. I didn’t win, but I had loads of fun. Thanks for all of your support. Check in here later this evening for a quick recounting of the events.

LAN Address

December 11, 2003 by Tim

Some people have been asking me for an address to the LAN in Texas to see if they can make it. Here it is, along with a phone number. 15355 Blackhawk Friendswood, Texas 77546 Local:-(281)819-9000 There has been a lot of displayed interest by CAD fans by attending, so this could turn out to be […]

-=[CAD]=- Announcement

December 10, 2003 by Tim

The -=[CAD]=- gaming clan is looking to get their own server to host the clan website as well as Counter-Strike games. If you know of any quality, affordable hosting companies that you would like to reccomend, contact Da Thugs via AIM at DaThugs2002 or email via [email protected].

Need a website designed? A friend of mine is in a tight spot and wants to take on some design work to help pay the bills. Head on over to this place. He did some work for me just recently. Perhaps some of you remember the non-profit organization that I’m starting to give gamers a […]


by Tim

Well, on Friday I’ll be in Los Angeles, California for the Sexiest Gamer Grand Finals. Apparently it’s going to be a public event at the Universal Studios CityWalk, so you’re welcome to come out and watch. I was under the impression that there would be a webcast of the event, but so far I haven’t […]

This season needs to end

December 8, 2003 by Tim

I’m seriously not kidding. They really do look like that. So guess what? Some of you may have heard of the Sexiest Gamer competition that Gamer.TV has been running. Well, I ended up as a grand finalist. This means that I’ll be in Los Angeles this coming weekend to appear in the grans finals, which […]


December 7, 2003 by Tim

Well, I’m going to be in Texas on December 22nd. Yeah, you heard me correctly. I’ve been invited to a big LAN down in Houston, Texas. Now, I’ve never been to Texas before, and I have no clue when I’ll have occasion to return, so if you were looking for a chance to meet me, […]

Saturday’s comic is up. Sorry it took so long. Life happened and I was poorly prepared for it, comic-wise. Long time readers will know that that rarely, if ever, happens. Nonetheless, my apologies for the delay of your funny. Forgive me?

To clarify…

December 6, 2003 by Tim

And by “later than usual” I mean Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Saturday’s comic will probably be up a little bit later than usual.