Update: You guys constantly amaze me. I had over two hundred emails of support trying to help me solve my Xbox problem when I got home today, and they are still trickling in. I want to thank all of you. You gave me some ideas I never would have thought up on my own, and […]
There is a very good chance that I’ll be able to afford to attend Otakon! I’m currently talking to people about sharing rooms, sharing rides, etc, so that I would have to spend as little money as possible to get down there. If you’re in the Baltimore, Maryland area, and were planning on going to […]
For all those of you that pre-ordered posters, I have ordered the shipping supplies and they should be here any day now. I’m hoping to have all orders shipped by next week. I’m hard at work finishing up the T-Shirt designs, and I’m hoping that they’ll debut late summer, early fall. We’ll see what happens.
Alright, I’m back from the convention, so you and I have a lot of catching up to do. First of all, the guest week is over, and we have a new strip up today. I also want to thank all of our guest week contributers one more time. A lot of you enjoyed the change […]
If any of you want to vote, feel free to do so here.
Well, I’m back from the convention. I had a blast. I’ll tell you all about it in tomorrow’s new post. In the meantime, head over to White Ninja Comics. They did today’s guest strip. It’s a tad unorthodox, but I think a lot of you will find it funny. Also head on over to Coffee […]
Well… We are back up and running. In case you didn’t notice, we have had some server problems over the last day. Hopefully they are all fixed now. The reason we were having problems was that the log files were so large(2GB) they were causing apache to break. This was caused by the tremendous amount […]
I have been redeemed. Two of my reviewers, Athena and QuadBoy have stepped forward during this time, and provided us with not one or two, but NINE new reviews. So while Absath is away at ConnectiCon, we have these reviews for you to enjoy. I wasn’t able to write any myself, I’m fairly busy with […]
Hey everyone. I’m making this news post from the business office of the hotel I’m staying in while I’m here in Connecticut. I just want to make a couple of announcements regarding this weekend’s guest strips. First of all, today’s comic was done by Same Logan of Sam and Fuzzy. I feel bad for getting […]
Go check out Monkey Business, because they created today’s guest strip. I’m leaving for ConnectiCon shortly after I finish writing this news post, and I won’t be back until late Sunday night. All email will remain unanswered until Monday morning at the earliest. So if you’re in Connecticut, head on over to the University of […]
Guest strip today by Tom Brazelton of Theater Hopper. Theater Hopper has been around for quite a while, and was actually one of Ctrl+Alt+Del’s first affiliates. Tom runs a great movie-based strip over there, so if you’ve never seen it, now’s your chance. Working my tail off to be ready for ConnectiCon. I’m really excited.. […]
We have a new domain name in effect. From now on www.cad-comic.com will forward you to www.ctrlaltdel-online.com. The main domain name is a real bitch to try and give out in conversation (trust me), and having a simpler domain name should help you all spread the word. Don’t worry, you don’t have to change your […]
Guest strip today by Tom Brazelton of Theater Hopper. Theater Hopper has been around for quite a while, and was actually one of Ctrl+Alt+Del’s first affiliates. Tom runs a great movie-based strip over there, so if you’ve never seen it, now’s your chance. Working my tail off to be ready for ConnectiCon. I’m really excited.. […]
If you’re going to be attending ConnectiCon, and there’s something particular you’d be interested in buying from me (a sketch of something, a certain comic strip you’d like to buy signed) now will be the time to let me know. I have to leave on Thursday afternoon to head down to Connecticut, because setup starts […]
Today’s guest strip comes to us from Phancy-Pants, a comic strip with a very unique and cool style. Head on over and check out the rest of their strips. Also, I took a break from work last night and went to see Pirates of the Carribean. The bottom line is that I thought it was […]
Today’s guest comic comes to you courtesy of Brian Carroll, the talented writer/artist behind Instant Classic. Instant Classic is Brian’s second comic, you may have come across his first one, BriWorld. Anyway, go check out his comic, and make sure to swing by tomorrow for more guest comic goodness.