
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Ctrl+Alt+Del on Patreon

September 7, 2016 by Tim

Check out what we released last month for our Patreon supporters! Patreon is a great way to support this site in an ongoing fashion. Especially if you use an adblocker which, while I won’t begrudge anyone’s right to use, does cut into the revenue we need to keep the lights on.

Labor Day Sale

September 5, 2016 by Tim

It’s Labor Day here in the states, and as such I thought this might be a good excuse to run a bit of a sale in our store. For today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday for those keeping track), a number of items will be marked down, including the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set in both […]

Hype vs Lies

August 29, 2016 by Tim

It seems a number of people would rather see me classify No Man’s Sky’s hype as outright lies instead, but I don’t necessarily agree with that. Someone went and collected a list of features that were apparently shown but did not arrive in the retail release. The problem is, most of this stuff was shown […]

Looooooot Craaaaaates.  

Since No Man’s Sky came out, I’ve been thinking about how much damage hype does to the video games we play, and our perception of them. No Man’s Sky is hardly an isolated case, but it’s definitely a good example to use, because by the time it was actually released, nobody was judging the game […]

Looooooot Craaaaaates.

Applied Education Poster

August 22, 2016 by Tim

The remaining copies of the Applied Education poster have been signed and are now available for purchase in our store. 

No Man’s Sky has fizzled out for me now (and by now I mean last week sometime). While I spent some eight hours just exploring documenting my home planet, each successive planet captured my attention and imagination less and less as the seams of the engine running the game became more and more apparent. It […]

Applied Education Poster

August 20, 2016 by Tim

The remaining copies of the Applied Education poster have been signed and are now available for purchase in our store. 

Just shove it in there

August 19, 2016 by Tim

Uh… huh. Doesn’t Konami already have a survival horror franchise? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to take a shit there instead?


August 18, 2016 by Tim

I am aware of the large handful of third party websites people can use to try and hook up with other Destiny players for in-game activities. I have no doubt they are an effective method of circumventing the game’s lack of tools for raidmatching in-game. My primary point, however, is in a game like Destiny […]

Expansion shmexpansion

August 17, 2016 by Tim

I really enjoyed Destiny when it came out. It was repetitive, a bit shallow and light on content, but damn if it didn’t feel good shooting stuff. Bungie did a great job making the weapons feel weighty and powerful, and it was fun to shoot, reload, and shoot. I stopped playing because eventually, even the […]

No Man’s Sky

August 12, 2016 by Tim

No Man’s Sky is not a very good video game. It is, however, a brilliant and enjoyable experience. I say it’s not a good game because once you dig down into it, there really isn’t much to it. You have a little bit of resource collection, a little bit of mostly-useless stuff to craft, and […]


August 5, 2016 by Tim

I love Marvel and the Marvel cinematic universe. Getting to see all of the comic book characters I grew up with come to the big screen in such a way is a dream I never thought I’d see realized when I was a kid. My wife enjoys the films as well, and we’ve dressed up […]

Stickers and Dystopia!

July 27, 2016 by Tim

These and more now available and shipping from our store! Also, unboxing the Dystopian Loot Crate!


by Tim

The game is Rimworld. And I’m hooked. It started simply enough; a group of three random fools crash-landed on a planet, trying to survive with only their basic skills and wits. Chop down some trees, build a little hut. Nothing fancy, four walls and a roof. Then a couple of beds, for sleeping and treating […]

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