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May 31, 2021 by Tim

Good gravy they pump out a lot of games…

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Vincent Price
Vincent Price
3 years ago

Spoiled for choice, as they say.

3 years ago

Games Workshop to every Dev Studios: “You get a License, and you get a License, and you get a License …”

3 years ago

They’re pretty free with selling the license to all and sundry who want to put something out.

The other issue is the varying levels of quality between them, with most being forgettable, some being actively terrible and very occasionally one or two are actually half decent.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ste

Well it’s still a better way of handling things than how Disney handled Star Wars games.
It practically took an entire decade for one good Star Wars game to come out.

3 years ago
Reply to  DanVzare

Cant help but think there might be a golden middle ground between the two. I mean they could at least deny the license to the dev team consisting of 2 monkies banging rocks together to cut down on the dross a bit.

3 years ago

Hey, if you do target practice with buckshot, one of the pellets is bound to hit the center.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gyron

More like monkeys and Shakespeare…

3 years ago
Reply to  JK JK

Monkeys writing Shakespeare with shotgun spread patterns.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Monkeys writing Shakespeare by shooting typewriters with buckshot

3 years ago
Reply to  Vedrit

Monkeys writing Shakespeare by shooting typewriters AT buckshot

3 years ago

That’s a nice thought that you would be able to look at a new game and be all “Hey, look at that!” Then we remember the comic about the backlog guilt…

Running Man
Running Man
3 years ago

What comic?

3 years ago

I think this truck dump in the last piture are more likely plastic models instead of Games (this remindes me of the Tabletop Schedule when you couldn’t buy stuff for months because of Lockdown). I don’t have the feeling that their are this many good Games coming out for PC or Console (or at least not really much for Age of Sigmar, where the good stuff is most likely Age of Sigmar: Underworlds and Storm Ground.

3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Stormground has a TON of potential, but as it has been released it kinda falls short, though. DLCs and expansions could really turn it into a really memorable game

A different Tim
A different Tim
3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Who said anything about them being *good* games?

3 years ago

The dump truck is fitting, since the vast majority of those games will be utter garbage, and even the best of them will be terrible “adaptations” of the source material. “Space marine” from a few years back is a good example, it’s not a bad game, pretty solid gameplay, even the multiplayer mode… but… The “Iron Halo” is a captain’s badge of rank, he should of had it from the start. The ultramarines are LITERALLY RELIGIOUS about the codex, it is NOT a guideline. A Lascannon is an anti-tank weapon, NOT a sniper rifle. A Meltagun is also an anti-armour… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Seiglegar

The “Iron Halo” is a captain’s badge of rank No, it isn’t. It’s an honour badge that’s issued to only the most worthy. The ultramarines are LITERALLY RELIGIOUS about the codex, it is NOT a guideline. And one of the other main characters *is*, and that’s a deliberate point of friction in the game. A Lascannon is an anti-tank weapon, NOT a sniper rifle. It is exceptionally common for people to use a Lascannon to take out high value infantry in the tabletop game. (It’s one of the best character killing weapons because of its high damage). A Meltagun is… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  MarcoSkoll

Monster Hunter movie shudder

3 years ago

I want that one, that one, that one, that one………….

3 years ago

Warhammer video games are GW’s gateway drug to tabletop.

It worked with Dawn of War, it will work with others.

3 years ago
Reply to  Donnie

Assuming it’s a good game, and game that still has it’s setting available *cough*fuckageofsigmar*cough*. Me I’m hoping the Darktide turns out at least on par with vermintide. Sorely lacking proper guardsman action.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jaeger

From a video I watched waaaaaaaaay back, GW’s shotgun approach is twofold: they give out properties based on the reputation of the developer. Larger developers get a large slice of the pie licensed to them (Creative assembly and a large slice of the Warhammer fantasy franchise, Focus home Interactive with Battlefield Gothic, etc) while lesser developers get to play only with piecemeal items from the Games Workshop franchise. (Regicide, Space hulk, Imperial Knights, Space Marines, Vermintide, etc) BUT, if you’re successful with the stuff you’re given, the license is then relaxed to give you even more stuff to play with… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  wkz

… and I think I replied to the wrong guy here. Ah well

Eric Carr
Eric Carr
3 years ago

Meanwhile, in Tamriel…

3 years ago

Think the video games are bad you should see the table top games

Ronald McDonald
Ronald McDonald
3 years ago

Warhammer games are pretty frequent but miss the bar a lot. This month is gonna be insane though, especially since three big name games for Warhammer are making the rounds in the media (Total War Warhammer 3, Necromunda: Hired Gun, and Battle Sector).

Not to mention the yearly Warhammer game sale is about to start, and they promised to do a big live stream on Thursday with new reveals, exclusive first looks, and a ton of other stuff. This is pretty much the Warhammer Christmas for people that can’t afford the models.

Mark N
Mark N
3 years ago

I can pick out about 5 of the titles in that pile. Vermintide 2, Necromunda: Hired Gun, Total War Warhammer 2, Space Marine, and Dawn of War. Can’t tell what the rest of them are though

3 years ago

Well, I mean… it’s a Workshop FOR Games. It’s right there in the name.