Quality, straight into! Love the attempt at a paradox induced meltdown.
James Rye
7 years ago
Sounds like a future partner/own villain to me. Once the killswitch is gone, either this highly intelligent android will go rogue and kill all humans for the sake of enslaved robotkind or it will become a mellow individual who loves to sit on the couch playing videogames and kill Ethan just to have a laugh at his respawn ability.
Yeah, it should be named “1001 interesting ways to kill Ethan” and showcase Ethan and this Android and how said Android keeps finding new ways to kill Ethan. I think it could go on for around 1001 pages before it gets boring. XD
Z: “Hey! Ethan! I buttered the knives again. Would mind dealing with them?”
E: “Okay”
E: “I finished the knives. How does this keep happening anyways?”
Z: “Segfaults. Here, you missed one!”
7 years ago
That sounds like something guy with his finger on the kill switch may not have wanted said.
He took out Selfdestruct and Kill Switch. Not “killswitch”
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
So glad that Lucas is fighting, and not incapacitated or dead.
I just have such a hard time not cheering for Zeke. Especially hyper-awesome robot ninja Zeke.
James Greene
7 years ago
I wondered how we were going to how Zeke is a synmpathetic character. I like how it’s kinda the reverse of the last time we saw him. Before he was a lovable xbox themed robot that turned bad, now he’s a bad xbox themed robot that will turn loveable. (but probably have a brush with turning bad again after.) Also I like the detail that Lucas is wearing some kind of vest, kevlar or some analogue, under his suit, nice touch.
7 years ago
I prefer Luca’s line in the next-to-last panel on the Patreon post. But I understand how it may have been a bit strong for the public site hehe.
Yeah me too. It’s not necessarily about being too strong for the site (I have no boundaries in that regard), but the more I thought about the line, the more I worried it would be misconstrued as a negative attitude towards gays, etc. Maybe I was being a little too kneejerk re: the “everyone’s offended” climate of society today, but I had to consider how it might be received, and how that may effect perception of Lucas’ character.
People started a firestorm because people wore red hats with illegible white writing. This is at least founded.
Still bad, but honestly in comparison to what has happened…?
Eh…that could have passed. Somewhat worse, but not much. I don’t get why you feel that is insulting the LGBT community, nor do I wish for you to explain. However, I feel you made the right choice. Seriously, Lucas is about the level that non-patreon see, but Ethan is the one who would have the patreon line.
Heya, I loved this strip, and so far I love new zeke, but I got an ad that autoplayed with disproportionately loud volume. I mean, it wasn’t a big deal, and I closed it too quickly to notice what it was, but I think Tim said to tell him if this happened? It was a couple of people sitting at a table. I don’t know if that helps
Hrm, they aren’t supposed to play audio unless you mouse over them. I’ll keep an eye out for it, though.
7 years ago
Glad to see Zeke still has humor. And also that he has the potential to be perfectly helpful and mellow.
Plus, if it is a superhero laden town, after he lies low for a few months Zeke can just walk around and claim he is wearing a super suit or something.
7 years ago
since we are going with ninja’s shouldn’t zeke get some spiked gloves and call himself shredder?
Such a neat storyline.
Quality, straight into! Love the attempt at a paradox induced meltdown.
Sounds like a future partner/own villain to me. Once the killswitch is gone, either this highly intelligent android will go rogue and kill all humans for the sake of enslaved robotkind or it will become a mellow individual who loves to sit on the couch playing videogames and kill Ethan just to have a laugh at his respawn ability.
That last part is worth of a comic on it’s own!
precisely what Zeke would have done with Ethan had he been able to re-spawn
Yeah, it should be named “1001 interesting ways to kill Ethan” and showcase Ethan and this Android and how said Android keeps finding new ways to kill Ethan. I think it could go on for around 1001 pages before it gets boring. XD
It could be named “Gary’s Mod”
Only 9 interesting ways? I would have thought there would be much more than 9.
I wrote 1001, how do you read that as 9?
1001 in binary is 9.
Side Note! – Daily calendar? I’d buy that every year.
Z: “Hey! Ethan! I buttered the knives again. Would mind dealing with them?”
E: “Okay”
E: “I finished the knives. How does this keep happening anyways?”
Z: “Segfaults. Here, you missed one!”
That sounds like something guy with his finger on the kill switch may not have wanted said.
He took out Selfdestruct and Kill Switch. Not “killswitch”
So glad that Lucas is fighting, and not incapacitated or dead.
I just have such a hard time not cheering for Zeke. Especially hyper-awesome robot ninja Zeke.
I wondered how we were going to how Zeke is a synmpathetic character. I like how it’s kinda the reverse of the last time we saw him. Before he was a lovable xbox themed robot that turned bad, now he’s a bad xbox themed robot that will turn loveable. (but probably have a brush with turning bad again after.) Also I like the detail that Lucas is wearing some kind of vest, kevlar or some analogue, under his suit, nice touch.
I prefer Luca’s line in the next-to-last panel on the Patreon post. But I understand how it may have been a bit strong for the public site hehe.
Yeah me too. It’s not necessarily about being too strong for the site (I have no boundaries in that regard), but the more I thought about the line, the more I worried it would be misconstrued as a negative attitude towards gays, etc. Maybe I was being a little too kneejerk re: the “everyone’s offended” climate of society today, but I had to consider how it might be received, and how that may effect perception of Lucas’ character.
Did it have the word “retard” in it?
No wait, you said “gays”. Nevermind. I have no idea what it could have said.
Wow so you used a homophobic slur in your comic? Nice. I’m out.
Not even close. But congratulations on the most ridiculous kneejerk reaction I’ve ever seen; getting offended at something you never even saw.

Pretty sure he was joking. But who know these days.
Weird thing to joke about…
People started a firestorm because people wore red hats with illegible white writing. This is at least founded.
Still bad, but honestly in comparison to what has happened…?
So, what was it?
The draft dialogue read “I was hoping the paradox might cause your programming to fuck itself in the ass.”
Eh…that could have passed. Somewhat worse, but not much. I don’t get why you feel that is insulting the LGBT community, nor do I wish for you to explain. However, I feel you made the right choice. Seriously, Lucas is about the level that non-patreon see, but Ethan is the one who would have the patreon line.
Also, how do we put in pictures into comments?
Heya, I loved this strip, and so far I love new zeke, but I got an ad that autoplayed with disproportionately loud volume. I mean, it wasn’t a big deal, and I closed it too quickly to notice what it was, but I think Tim said to tell him if this happened? It was a couple of people sitting at a table. I don’t know if that helps
Hrm, they aren’t supposed to play audio unless you mouse over them. I’ll keep an eye out for it, though.
Glad to see Zeke still has humor. And also that he has the potential to be perfectly helpful and mellow.
Plus, if it is a superhero laden town, after he lies low for a few months Zeke can just walk around and claim he is wearing a super suit or something.
since we are going with ninja’s shouldn’t zeke get some spiked gloves and call himself shredder?
If we do that, then Micheal Bay will haunt Tim forever!