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Analog and D-Pad 05.18

January 10, 2018 by Tim

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Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago

Mad props to Monroe to be out there, presumably with no weapons, no armor, on a Super battle.

If she’s good with research and trusts in their motives and intentions, she could be a real asset.

Pieter Le Roux
Pieter Le Roux
7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

You do realize she isn’t just some reporter? right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Pieter Le Roux

Wait, why not?

7 years ago
Reply to  Pieter Le Roux

And then what would she be?
She isn’t Captain Prime.
She’s Lilah. She presumably has plot armor, but *she* doesn’t know that.

7 years ago

and they destroy whole shipment of phones with EMP blast, and everyone blame them, and journalist who know the truth will try to rehabilitate them? i hope i am wrong.

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago
Reply to  Mordubin

Maybe, but that might be not so easy. Just look at all her unanswered questions at Ethan. If her boss says it is easier and makes more money(clicks) to have Ethan as the villain and there is not enough evidence against that case then that’s it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mordubin

If the phones aren’t powered up, it would take a pretty sizable EMP to force them to overload. Anything unpowered during an EMP is pretty much safe. Depending on how those containers are constructed, they probably act as weak Faraday cages as well.

Besides, I’m pretty sure the cripple who handles their tech would have thought of that first.

7 years ago

It really depends on the power of that EMP though. Being off does not = safe, just a higher safety margin. An EMP damages electronics by inducing current along any circuit pathways sufficiently long enough for the field to do so. This is more dangerous to a device with power already running through it because they probably are already operating in a narrow band of tolerances to voltage/current, aka it may not take much extra juice to fry the circuit. However having no active current does not make it safe as it could still have enough induced to fry it… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Microwave oven or freezer would protect against a fair amount of the emp’s strength.

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin

But then again never forget one thing: this EMP will be powered by the plot 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Mordubin

though the plot is setup so that the phones being collateral and the heros being hated on, in reality, the phones are located inside the same faraday cage the protected the robot….

7 years ago

bet the RRoD’s mastermind is an ex cyphex employee and that cyphex is also an evil corporation

7 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Plot Twist: Cyphex is the parent company of the company that did the experiments on Ted in this timeline

7 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that Scott is the mastermind behind the Red Ring of Death?

7 years ago
Reply to  ArthurRex12

Naa it will the a shadow from his past, a shadow in the form of a penguin.

which is actually surprisingly a plausible connection these days what with MS puting a bash shell into win10. Few years ago it would have just been amusingly ironic.

7 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Hey! There ARE other potential supervillains…
Okay, just Christian really.
Scott is not a villain anymore. However, I think he may faintly recognize Ted…
(This assumes that Scott lost access to his legs in the event where he would have saved Ted in 1.0)

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I’m guessing Ted was his pinguin buddy from 1.0 couldnt remember the name of that thing. I was arguing that he’d be the shadow from the past that is the true mastermind and pointing out there actualy are links between linux and Microsoft these days to make the connection even more appropriate. An evil genius penguin would not be the weirdest supervillain to show up in comics.

7 years ago

Ethan’s triumphant “I told you so,” the lack of ninjas in the scene, and the three workers made me think it could have just been a workplace accident where Lilah would end up doubting him after he thought he was right, but then the ninjas come after she doubts him/starts to leave.

But after looking closer I don’t see a crane or anything that could have knocked it over, so probably ninjas.

7 years ago

Can’t. See. Comments… only Circles circling.

7 years ago
Reply to  bob

damn that red ring of death!

7 years ago
Reply to  pyrodice

No, it’s the Turquoise Circle of Slow Internet.
They’re a sub section of the RRoD.

7 years ago
Reply to  bob

I just refresh a couple of times when it happens. or this time I refreshed twice, they still didn’t load, so on the third time I clicked the comment button (which afaik just moves your screen to the comments section) and it worked.

7 years ago

That is either a really small shipping barge, or a ridiculously huge shipping container, because it should not be hitting the dock that high up.

7 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

Or it could be a very tall dock, you never don’t know.

We’ve seen plenty of examples of Tim distorting the dimensions of objects to get the shot he wants (see Campaign dice rolls), this is probably an unintentional example of that.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

It does appear to be hitting the ground at a point which is level with the bottom right dock worker’s waist though… and if it was a matter of the dock worker being closer to the viewer then the container would have to fall further, not less.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

It might have landed on a random pillar.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Fair enough Tim. I only criticize out of love ^.^. At least you can draw feet and anatomically possible people unlike the creator of my fave cape

7 years ago

I’m thinking that they are going to accidentally wreck the entire shipment, and that the RRoD was NEVER going to actually attack the shipment.

Villain rule number 27: NEVER TELL the heroes where you are going to strike next, not even a hint.

So, Analog and D-Pad become the most hated heroes in the city, and the RRoD doesn’t have to lift a finger.