Is not so hard gymnastic…but now that he sees Ethan continuosly respawn…what is he going to do? Trying very hard to kill him or just leaving for imposible and going home…after all,the Devil Suns are dead
He can probably conclude that punishment was delivered. There is a law in many countries that if the criminal survives the execution somehow, the crime is paid for and the execution is never repeated.
there was an experiment that had a decent chance of working that would allow resurrection. the court refused to allow a death row inmate to be used for that exact reason, you cant hold someone once theyve paid the sentence even if its death.
I think they confuse it with the principle that you can not be punished for the same crime twice, which in one form or another does exist in many places, for obvious reasons.
That’s why most official executions are worded like “The condemned shall be X until dead”. X being Hung from the neck, Shot, Electrocuted, etc. If the State wants you dead, they will make sure of it.
2 years ago
So if Ethan respawns, will he be punished for the same ‘crime’ again?
I know of at least two instances. The first was a man who was put in the electric chair. This was in the 1950s. Something went wrong and the jolts he got weren’t enough to kill him. The horrible truth is, they took him back to his cell, where he received medical attention, had electricians work on the problem until it was diagnosed and repaired, then brought the prisoner back to the chair, strapped him in and ran the juice through him again. This time did the trick. He died. In the account I read, the prisoner was quite hysterical… Read more »
That is because we cannot take our own life. Only the state or God (supposedly the same thing for some thinkers) can decide when we die. How DARE those criminals take their own lives into their own hands??
2 years ago
Well, this ends our short “philosophical debate on the nature of crime and punishment” break, now back to your regularly scheduled “murder-death-kill”.
Long Johnson
2 years ago
I’m impressed that I can tell you used an Sig 551 for the rifle reference (and a pretty decent M249). You even got the rifle grenade gas bulge with the seal clip ring as a noticeable detail. Nice job, lots of artists would just lazily mash out some sort of generic tactigun.
Kinda seems like both the right thing to do and the easier option, compared to the effort of inventing visual weapon details and hopefully not introducing some immersion-breaking incoherency in actual weapon mechanics.
Last edited 2 years ago by HonoredMule
2 years ago
This guy’s brain works like a flowchart where it doesn’t matter where you start or which ever route you take, it always leads to a conclusion that reads “RIP & TEAR” (which may or may not be two separate outcomes to the same effect)…
Oh and it just hit me… Deathblood goes R&T on Ethan, Zeke sees this, goes R&T on Deathblood which results in him/her/it/they/them being a wanted criminal or “Hero killer” for defending Ethan. Amiclose?
Your last name as an example isn’t applicable here as I don’t know of anyone who would argue that it isn’t your last name. They’ll probably get it wrong and if they’re inconsiderate they won’t try to get it right-but people will readily argue with a Trans person that their gender and pronouns are incorrect and ignore what is asked.
I promise you, using they until you know better is a much kinder approach than misgendering someone who is too scared to correct you.
Funny enough, my 8th grade science teacher crossed out my last name on an assignment and wrote in what HE thought my name was. But that is because my last name is a doozy and that guy was an idiot.
ZK has stated pronouns of they/them. Dodgy has stated repeated homophobic and transphobic comments. You’re not going to make Dodgy suddenly become a decent human being.
Doesn’t sound like we’ll have to worry about Dodgy anymore. Aurican calling them out on their shit caused an absolute snowflake-level meltdown. I deleted the comment, because they were rambling on about sending trans people to the gas chamber, etc, but Dodgy is now off to find another comic where they don’t have to live in fear of pronouns.
You can tell by the number of pages yet to be painted.
2 years ago
This is going to be fun, can’t wait to see Ethan go toe to toe with another “Hero”. Is deathblood smart enough to know him out, or will he keep trying to kill him?
2 years ago
kiss your ammo (and probably all your grenades) goodbye deathblood. you just picked the one target you wont be killing as easily as you think. (somewhere a ammo shop owner just heard the sound “CHA-CHING!” the moment deathblood made this poor choice in judgement)
2 years ago
I like the look away in Panel 2. That touch of remorse that makes you wonder what’s going on in there.
I don’t think that was remorse. Just a moments worth of contemplation. Or one of those “why’d I have to find an uber goody two shoes here… ‘alright, your funeral!’ ” kinda thing.
Last edited 2 years ago by Logan
2 years ago
When you try to use DC Hero logic, against a Punisher style hero, you’re in the wrong and are gonna lose. My wife is a HUGE Frank Castle fan, old school not the new incarnation, and well she’s swayed me to that particular POV and Ethan is irritatingly in the wrong here.
ethan is 100% right. Death penalty by itself is allready stupid, but murder without trial is even stupidest. That vigilante bullshit should stay in fiction.
Yes, how many villains escape and kill again? Yeah in comics happens all the time. Batman is the greatest serial killer in Gotham with the amount of blood on his hands. We’ll agree to disagree on the DP, I’m from Texas and I think it’s underused.
Agree to disagree? No, the death penalty is barbaric. It’s not justifiable ESPECIALLY given that we know innocent people have been put to death by it.
You’re from Texas you say? You know what’s FAR more likely to kill you than an escaped criminal? Random civilian with a gun. If you’re worried about people dying that’s where your focus should be.
Meanwhile citing Batman, a completely fictional world where people with LITERAL super powers exist is a terrible way to make an argument about how the real world should work.
Science is better, justice is better playing off of 30 year old cases where justice was disserved doesn’t help today. Letting a murderer see another day while their victims are in the ground? Can’t support that. I do believe there needs to be the highest of standards but once found guilty…
That being said, let’s be real here, if Ethan didn’t have super powers he would be dead, ergo these are cold blooded killers. Proven guilt, let the man take them out.
Deathblood has no idea that they tried to kill Ethan. His justification is that they have warrants for arrest, and that he doesn’t trust the system to capture them… so the “only solution” is murder.
Tbh, I feel even if you apply DC comic logic your argument kinda falls apart there. Yes, bats could kill the criminals and prevent further crimes, as such, in a way there def is causality. But causality alone is not enough to make you an accomplice in a crime, else parents would be responsible for the crimes of their children merely by giving birth to them. You need something more than just basic causality. Batman doesn’t give the criminals the means to pull their heists, he doesn’t free them from prison, he doesn’t encourage them or give them ideas. You… Read more »
Yeah but still, everything I said above still applies.
He has no obligation to go out and hunt/stop any criminals in the first place.
He just does it because he is kinda crazy and damaged.
It’s like watching a guy run into a burning house saving 10 people, then being upset 10 more inside burned.
I can understand seeing ‘kill the criminals’ as a good solution (not necessarily agreeing, but I can see the logic at least), but calling anyone a (serial) killer merely for not killing criminals is more than a few steps off the deep end.
Even if the criminal(s) actually need(s) to die, such a thing should still be the responsibility of the state/judicial system. Seeing killing as a mandatory duty of citizens is ludicrous.
No, Ethan is not wrong.
Having a single individual able to legally murder people just because that one person decides it? That’s a bad idea and there is a reason no sane person or country allows it.
When this guy busted in like the Cool-Aid man and sentenced the lot to death for the crime of assault I laughed. Feels like their stated crimes were kept light in an effort make Death Blood’s actions even seem even rasher than that of Punisher.
I mean, I don’t think assault isn’t the crime Shooty McShootyFace is here to punish. He mentioned the gang’s drug running and other assorted crimes before Ethan stepped in.
Not that I trust Shooty to reasonably define capital crimes…
Does it occur to anyone how stupid Ethan is being here? The PURPOSE of a trial and justice system is to ensure someone isn’t wrongfully convicted of a crime they DIDN’T commit. Ethan has literally watched and listened to them discussing the drug operation here, and all 3 of them have literally murdered him NUMEROUS times. The only reason they haven’t succeeded in keeping him murdered is that he can’t STAY dead. Their guilt is not in question. The fact that they are willing to commit (in essence) mass murder, is clear. (They literally killed him over and over and… Read more »
If you stop and think about it, Mr. Overkill is a fricking TERRIFYING guy: the M249 SAW weighs about 10kg, has a 100RPM sustained fire rate and this guy not only wields it single-handedly, but apparently manages to keep his aim on-point despite the massive amount of recoil! And it’s not one weapon, but two weapons, and it’s not just his arms that have to be strong, but practically every major muscle has to be involved in keeping him steady on his feet — to do that, he must be able to lift entire cars in air without breaking a… Read more »
He’s got some crazy muscle, but honestly, the SAW isn’t that bad. It has basically zero recoil, and when adrenaline is pumping and you’re bounding, you can 100% just rip it off the shoulder. I’ve done it a few times.
2 years ago
So anyone still believe that he’s not just another serial killer now?
Imagine if Ethan was a cop trying to tell him not to kill those three. Would Deathblood murder a police officer doing the same thing or are vigilantes afforded less protections so he feels he can murder them to? Either way it doesn’t seem to pan out when you look at it.
i think vigilantes would be considered as having less protections than official law enforcement officers. because it would be so easy for someone with powers to go from good, to bad. or bad to good. happens in the comics all the time! look at venom! from spidermans worst nightmare, to protector of the homeless and poor, to outright hero. look at deadpool. the merc with a mouth will do almost any job for the right amount of cash and the right reasons, and sometimes it ends up putting him against big name heroes. i dont think deathblood would murder a… Read more »
I think in Tim’s comic universe there are government-licensed heroes like Captain prime who are basically an organ of law enforcement. She probably takes orders from higher government agencies and can in turn give orders to police officers. Those heroes will likely enjoy the same protection as police. The other heroes (like Ethan and also Deathblood) are treated as “vigilantes” who only have some basic protection from the vigilante act. I suppose they have less protection than normal citizens because they willingly accept the risk. Deahblood would be reluctant to act against police officers (and official super-heroes); not because he… Read more »
2 years ago
“Hah! Caught all the bullets…” *respawn blip*
2 years ago
So, accesories of murder are also punished with death?
This seems like the kind of “hero” where jaywalking in front of him could potentially justify a summary execution, just because “the law says I can so I will”.
Accessories of *assault*, even – he doesn’t even know they’re murderers! Just that they have warrants for violent crime.
Bulk up
2 years ago
He was not wrong calling him monolog cause all he seems to do is talk but when s*it hits the fan Ethan is quite useless as a hero
2 years ago
what to expect from a cold blood mass murderer? it was obvious. Ethan was right since the beginning.
2 years ago
Pretty fun that Ethan’s powers allows him to be as “naive” as he wants on this (and other) subjects.
2 years ago
Yeah, that went pretty much the way I was expecting.
2 years ago
What would be interesting here is if this is how we found out that Ethan has a daily respawn limit. “Dead” for the rest of the day, only to have the respawn counter refresh the next morning, heh. Ethan, of course, has no idea of the passage of time as the respawn seems “instant” from his perspective.
2 years ago
And that’s one of the chief mistakes liberals make so often. I’m guilty of it too. While we’re still bothering with argumenting and reason, as if the other side hadn’t proven they’re beyond that long ago… They’re already acting on their words, leaving us behind. Ethan’s just too busy arguing, to realise it’s an “act first, maybe talk it out later” situation. I mean, perhaps he’ll react before Deathblood starts shooting. But even if he does, he’s losing precious instants monologuing (it’s not a dialog anymore, clearly). I doubt Ethan could do much, in any case. He cannot possibly cover… Read more »
By reading your words I should conclude that if a republican threatens me just slightly, I should temporarily kill them and then think about what to do later?
You are a danger to society. You create a climate where criminals feel justified by looking at you.
There’s no reason here to kill the criminals. They won’t kill DB. They don’t try to escape till the bullets come at them.
Rolando wasn’t defending Deathblood but saying Ethan wasted time talking to him. Deathblood was never going to listen. Similarly, when armed people claim that I’m subhuman (every day), I should take them seriously rather than rely on talking it out.
Thanks. At least someone got it. I just replied to this person, you can see me explaining my position further there.
I swear, I wish all education systems demanded that their students fully master text comprehension before giving them ANY diplomas. From elementary school, it should be taught and you should be required to get an A in it.
It’s clear way too many people, didn’t learn to read correctly. And to top it off, they’re usually absurdly confident on their misinterpretations *facepalm*
Wow. MASSIVELY faulty assumption. Where do I say that Ethan should kill Deathblood? Nope, you read me quite wrong. A big fail at text comprehension there. Let’s see what I mention, regarding what Ethan could/should do: “Act.” “React.” “Cover for them.” Where does any of that mean KILLING? Do you need a dictionary? I know Deathblood brought “vigilante killing” to the table, but that’s him. Ethan is very different. I know that. You know that. I shouldn’t have to explain something so painfully obvious. “You are a danger to society. You create a climate where criminals feel justified by looking… Read more »
jonathan corbett
2 years ago
Thing is, there are likely other “immortal” heroes. But what happens if you just trap him in cement up to his neck, for instance? Then just leave him there. What happens when it takes days for death to set in? That’s something that would be interesting to see. I mean, how his resurrection would handle that?? Since apparently if wounded but not dead, Ethan has to kill himself to get a respawn.
2 years ago
Sorry if this has already been brought up and i didn’t find it, but stories I’ve seen with characters who are replaced in some form after death employ disabling them in some fashion so that they also can’t suicide.
2 years ago
“Not from justice, from death. I want to give them every chance possible to change. Maybe this interaction between us will be the moment that finally makes it click for one of them, and they finally commit to serving their time and turning their life around. What if one of them goes to college and becomes a doctor or an engineer that invents the next great life-saving technology?”
playing it safe
2 years ago
I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about Ethan respawning over and over until Deathblood is out of ammo, but I have a feeling that there is going to be more to it than that.
I feel like whatever Deathblood’s super power is might cancel out Analog’s.
50/50 chance he either has a super power, like deadpools healing factor, or superman level invulnerability, or even generating ammunition for his weapons, or he is a total powerless vigilante, much like punisher or batman, who relies on firepower and hand to hand combat skills and sharp weapons (his intro i saw a katana handle over his left shoulder) to make up for a lack of power. if he had an combat power like laser eyes or blood boiling his enemies, he wouldnt be relying on 2 high power guns, a third unknown gun on his back, a katana or… Read more »
I noticed that Deathblood has LoS on all his targets without hitting Analog.
Analog is going to regret engaging his mouth instead of his feet with this one.
2 years ago
To be fair Ethan could have clarified that he isn’t shielding them from Justice, he’s shielding them from being murdered which isn’t justice.
2 years ago
I’m surprised he even hesitated.
2 years ago
Considering these guys tried to kill Ethan multiple times I not super against what Deathblood is doing. While I do think taking them in is the better option I’m not gonna shed tears for these guys either.
2 years ago
There’s obviously debate about whether the evils the criminals have done allow them to be subjected to death. But I think the fact they stood there and watched Ethan talk for a few minutes and didn’t take that chance to run makes them too stupid to survive as well.
I see that thought around quite a bit, about them being too stupid, and it forgets one simple fact: Deathblood is aiming at them. They know that, if they move an inch, he’s very likely to start shooting right then and there. Sure, counting on the situation to resolve itself by Ethan talking Deathblood out of it… That’s a long shot (pun intended). But a lot of people have stayed put, even when odds were low, just in case… Now that Deathblood has made it 100% clear he’s gonna start shooting in about half a second… They’re gonna run for… Read more »
2 years ago
at the least hes gonna be a decent sponge for at least three bullets
2 years ago
He looks so disappointed
2 years ago
Huh, figured a guy like this runs into innocents on occasion and would have a taser handy.
The Legacy
2 years ago
To be fair, Dreadblood has a point. Granted, so does Ethan. Would be curious to see the legalities of this situation in this universe’s court of law.
2 years ago
this does actually demonstrate the flaw with Deathbloods position, “the system has failed, I will take it into my own hands.” and why its the less bad choice only when things are deeply deeply fucked. What happens when the person taking it into their own hands is wrong?
Every criminal is an example of someone deciding to take it into their own hands, mostly because the system failed to make them rich, but also many other reasons.
The Legacy
2 years ago
Hey Tim, would you be able to upload the 3rd frame as a desktop background and/or poster? ? Just remove the motion lines and that’s freaking epic!
And sh.t hit the fan
No, I think that’s mostly Ethan’s and the thug’s blood.
And organs And bone fragments. And brain matter. And…
This really is the “Ethan can’t even finish a single sentence before someone shoots him” arc, isn’t it?
And I love it. ?
Is not so hard gymnastic…but now that he sees Ethan continuosly respawn…what is he going to do? Trying very hard to kill him or just leaving for imposible and going home…after all,the Devil Suns are dead
I don’t think he really has a problem with Ethan. So if he is able to kill the bad guys, I don’t think he would bother Ethan.
He can probably conclude that punishment was delivered. There is a law in many countries that if the criminal survives the execution somehow, the crime is paid for and the execution is never repeated.
Seems to be the same kind of law this man takes issue with, though
there was an experiment that had a decent chance of working that would allow resurrection. the court refused to allow a death row inmate to be used for that exact reason, you cant hold someone once theyve paid the sentence even if its death.
I think they confuse it with the principle that you can not be punished for the same crime twice, which in one form or another does exist in many places, for obvious reasons.
That’s why most official executions are worded like “The condemned shall be X until dead”. X being Hung from the neck, Shot, Electrocuted, etc. If the State wants you dead, they will make sure of it.
So if Ethan respawns, will he be punished for the same ‘crime’ again?
The mental gymnastics to get to this being a whole new crime of continuing to aid them might take him a few moments longer.
Huh. If you receive a death sentence and you die, must you remain dead? Kinda fun to think about.
I know of at least two instances. The first was a man who was put in the electric chair. This was in the 1950s. Something went wrong and the jolts he got weren’t enough to kill him. The horrible truth is, they took him back to his cell, where he received medical attention, had electricians work on the problem until it was diagnosed and repaired, then brought the prisoner back to the chair, strapped him in and ran the juice through him again. This time did the trick. He died. In the account I read, the prisoner was quite hysterical… Read more »
That is because we cannot take our own life. Only the state or God (supposedly the same thing for some thinkers) can decide when we die. How DARE those criminals take their own lives into their own hands??
Well, this ends our short “philosophical debate on the nature of crime and punishment” break, now back to your regularly scheduled “murder-death-kill”.
I’m impressed that I can tell you used an Sig 551 for the rifle reference (and a pretty decent M249). You even got the rifle grenade gas bulge with the seal clip ring as a noticeable detail. Nice job, lots of artists would just lazily mash out some sort of generic tactigun.
I have no idea what any of that means, but I did use reference pictures of real guns,yeah XD
Translation: You draw gud. 😀
Kinda seems like both the right thing to do and the easier option, compared to the effort of inventing visual weapon details and hopefully not introducing some immersion-breaking incoherency in actual weapon mechanics.
This guy’s brain works like a flowchart where it doesn’t matter where you start or which ever route you take, it always leads to a conclusion that reads “RIP & TEAR” (which may or may not be two separate outcomes to the same effect)…
Oh and it just hit me… Deathblood goes R&T on Ethan, Zeke sees this, goes R&T on Deathblood which results in him/her/it/they/them being a wanted criminal or “Hero killer” for defending Ethan. Amiclose?
ZK has stated pronouns of they/them. There’s really no need for the whole parade of pronouns here
Also as a general rule, if you don’t know someone’s pronouns just stick to they/them until you do know
This is the way.
Your last name as an example isn’t applicable here as I don’t know of anyone who would argue that it isn’t your last name. They’ll probably get it wrong and if they’re inconsiderate they won’t try to get it right-but people will readily argue with a Trans person that their gender and pronouns are incorrect and ignore what is asked.
I promise you, using they until you know better is a much kinder approach than misgendering someone who is too scared to correct you.
Funny enough, my 8th grade science teacher crossed out my last name on an assignment and wrote in what HE thought my name was. But that is because my last name is a doozy and that guy was an idiot.
But your point still stands.
ZK has stated pronouns of they/them. Dodgy has stated repeated homophobic and transphobic comments. You’re not going to make Dodgy suddenly become a decent human being.
Somebody else notices! I always have felt like I was alone.
Doesn’t sound like we’ll have to worry about Dodgy anymore. Aurican calling them out on their shit caused an absolute snowflake-level meltdown. I deleted the comment, because they were rambling on about sending trans people to the gas chamber, etc, but Dodgy is now off to find another comic where they don’t have to live in fear of pronouns.
I’m sure we’re all very upset about it.
I’ve not interacted much before I wasn’t aware they were a phobe, just figured they were uneducated
Please don’t tell me that people don’t care. I’m trans. Someone gets my pronouns wrong, even a rando, it hurts. And I mean HURTS. Like physical hurt.
Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean it’s not harmful
You can tell by the number of pages yet to be painted.
This is going to be fun, can’t wait to see Ethan go toe to toe with another “Hero”. Is deathblood smart enough to know him out, or will he keep trying to kill him?
kiss your ammo (and probably all your grenades) goodbye deathblood. you just picked the one target you wont be killing as easily as you think. (somewhere a ammo shop owner just heard the sound “CHA-CHING!” the moment deathblood made this poor choice in judgement)
I like the look away in Panel 2. That touch of remorse that makes you wonder what’s going on in there.
I don’t think that was remorse. Just a moments worth of contemplation. Or one of those “why’d I have to find an uber goody two shoes here… ‘alright, your funeral!’ ” kinda thing.
When you try to use DC Hero logic, against a Punisher style hero, you’re in the wrong and are gonna lose. My wife is a HUGE Frank Castle fan, old school not the new incarnation, and well she’s swayed me to that particular POV and Ethan is irritatingly in the wrong here.
ethan is 100% right. Death penalty by itself is allready stupid, but murder without trial is even stupidest. That vigilante bullshit should stay in fiction.
But it’s fiction, isn’t it?
some ppl sadly think it may work in real life.
With how many cops kill civilians, it isn’t fiction anymore.
Yes, how many villains escape and kill again? Yeah in comics happens all the time. Batman is the greatest serial killer in Gotham with the amount of blood on his hands. We’ll agree to disagree on the DP, I’m from Texas and I think it’s underused.
Agree to disagree? No, the death penalty is barbaric. It’s not justifiable ESPECIALLY given that we know innocent people have been put to death by it.
You’re from Texas you say? You know what’s FAR more likely to kill you than an escaped criminal? Random civilian with a gun. If you’re worried about people dying that’s where your focus should be.
Meanwhile citing Batman, a completely fictional world where people with LITERAL super powers exist is a terrible way to make an argument about how the real world should work.
Science is better, justice is better playing off of 30 year old cases where justice was disserved doesn’t help today. Letting a murderer see another day while their victims are in the ground? Can’t support that. I do believe there needs to be the highest of standards but once found guilty…
That being said, let’s be real here, if Ethan didn’t have super powers he would be dead, ergo these are cold blooded killers. Proven guilt, let the man take them out.
Maybe the victim was a murderer? We don’t know so killing them would be the right thing to do, would ‘nt it?
Deathblood has no idea that they tried to kill Ethan. His justification is that they have warrants for arrest, and that he doesn’t trust the system to capture them… so the “only solution” is murder.
Tbh, I feel even if you apply DC comic logic your argument kinda falls apart there. Yes, bats could kill the criminals and prevent further crimes, as such, in a way there def is causality. But causality alone is not enough to make you an accomplice in a crime, else parents would be responsible for the crimes of their children merely by giving birth to them. You need something more than just basic causality. Batman doesn’t give the criminals the means to pull their heists, he doesn’t free them from prison, he doesn’t encourage them or give them ideas. You… Read more »
Here’s the thing, I can excuse once, but how many times has the Joker for example escaped Arkham and how many dead?
How many times has Batman refused to stop the Joker? It isn’t like he’d be taking out an innocent man here.
Yeah but still, everything I said above still applies.
He has no obligation to go out and hunt/stop any criminals in the first place.
He just does it because he is kinda crazy and damaged.
It’s like watching a guy run into a burning house saving 10 people, then being upset 10 more inside burned.
I can understand seeing ‘kill the criminals’ as a good solution (not necessarily agreeing, but I can see the logic at least), but calling anyone a (serial) killer merely for not killing criminals is more than a few steps off the deep end.
Even if the criminal(s) actually need(s) to die, such a thing should still be the responsibility of the state/judicial system. Seeing killing as a mandatory duty of citizens is ludicrous.
No, Ethan is not wrong.
Having a single individual able to legally murder people just because that one person decides it? That’s a bad idea and there is a reason no sane person or country allows it.
When this guy busted in like the Cool-Aid man and sentenced the lot to death for the crime of assault I laughed. Feels like their stated crimes were kept light in an effort make Death Blood’s actions even seem even rasher than that of Punisher.
I mean, I don’t think assault isn’t the crime Shooty McShootyFace is here to punish. He mentioned the gang’s drug running and other assorted crimes before Ethan stepped in.
Not that I trust Shooty to reasonably define capital crimes…
Does it occur to anyone how stupid Ethan is being here? The PURPOSE of a trial and justice system is to ensure someone isn’t wrongfully convicted of a crime they DIDN’T commit. Ethan has literally watched and listened to them discussing the drug operation here, and all 3 of them have literally murdered him NUMEROUS times. The only reason they haven’t succeeded in keeping him murdered is that he can’t STAY dead. Their guilt is not in question. The fact that they are willing to commit (in essence) mass murder, is clear. (They literally killed him over and over and… Read more »
Punisher once killed for littering
If you stop and think about it, Mr. Overkill is a fricking TERRIFYING guy: the M249 SAW weighs about 10kg, has a 100RPM sustained fire rate and this guy not only wields it single-handedly, but apparently manages to keep his aim on-point despite the massive amount of recoil! And it’s not one weapon, but two weapons, and it’s not just his arms that have to be strong, but practically every major muscle has to be involved in keeping him steady on his feet — to do that, he must be able to lift entire cars in air without breaking a… Read more »
Weight helps with the recoil but yeah. This dude is jacked like Jesse Ventura in predator carrying a mini gun.
The problems going to come from trying to do a one handed SAW reload. No thanks.
It’s faster to draw your pistol than to reload
He’s got some crazy muscle, but honestly, the SAW isn’t that bad. It has basically zero recoil, and when adrenaline is pumping and you’re bounding, you can 100% just rip it off the shoulder. I’ve done it a few times.
So anyone still believe that he’s not just another serial killer now?
Soon he’ll be a serial Ethan killer.
Imagine if Ethan was a cop trying to tell him not to kill those three. Would Deathblood murder a police officer doing the same thing or are vigilantes afforded less protections so he feels he can murder them to? Either way it doesn’t seem to pan out when you look at it.
i think vigilantes would be considered as having less protections than official law enforcement officers. because it would be so easy for someone with powers to go from good, to bad. or bad to good. happens in the comics all the time! look at venom! from spidermans worst nightmare, to protector of the homeless and poor, to outright hero. look at deadpool. the merc with a mouth will do almost any job for the right amount of cash and the right reasons, and sometimes it ends up putting him against big name heroes. i dont think deathblood would murder a… Read more »
I think in Tim’s comic universe there are government-licensed heroes like Captain prime who are basically an organ of law enforcement. She probably takes orders from higher government agencies and can in turn give orders to police officers. Those heroes will likely enjoy the same protection as police. The other heroes (like Ethan and also Deathblood) are treated as “vigilantes” who only have some basic protection from the vigilante act. I suppose they have less protection than normal citizens because they willingly accept the risk. Deahblood would be reluctant to act against police officers (and official super-heroes); not because he… Read more »
“Hah! Caught all the bullets…” *respawn blip*
So, accesories of murder are also punished with death?
everything is punished by death in the head of some crazy ass authoritarian vigilantes tbh
This seems like the kind of “hero” where jaywalking in front of him could potentially justify a summary execution, just because “the law says I can so I will”.
Yes, I agree. I only highlighted it because I thought it was interesting.
Accessories of *assault*, even – he doesn’t even know they’re murderers! Just that they have warrants for violent crime.
He was not wrong calling him monolog cause all he seems to do is talk but when s*it hits the fan Ethan is quite useless as a hero
what to expect from a cold blood mass murderer? it was obvious. Ethan was right since the beginning.
Pretty fun that Ethan’s powers allows him to be as “naive” as he wants on this (and other) subjects.
Yeah, that went pretty much the way I was expecting.
What would be interesting here is if this is how we found out that Ethan has a daily respawn limit. “Dead” for the rest of the day, only to have the respawn counter refresh the next morning, heh. Ethan, of course, has no idea of the passage of time as the respawn seems “instant” from his perspective.
And that’s one of the chief mistakes liberals make so often. I’m guilty of it too. While we’re still bothering with argumenting and reason, as if the other side hadn’t proven they’re beyond that long ago… They’re already acting on their words, leaving us behind. Ethan’s just too busy arguing, to realise it’s an “act first, maybe talk it out later” situation. I mean, perhaps he’ll react before Deathblood starts shooting. But even if he does, he’s losing precious instants monologuing (it’s not a dialog anymore, clearly). I doubt Ethan could do much, in any case. He cannot possibly cover… Read more »
By reading your words I should conclude that if a republican threatens me just slightly, I should temporarily kill them and then think about what to do later?
You are a danger to society. You create a climate where criminals feel justified by looking at you.
There’s no reason here to kill the criminals. They won’t kill DB. They don’t try to escape till the bullets come at them.
Rolando wasn’t defending Deathblood but saying Ethan wasted time talking to him. Deathblood was never going to listen. Similarly, when armed people claim that I’m subhuman (every day), I should take them seriously rather than rely on talking it out.
Thanks. At least someone got it. I just replied to this person, you can see me explaining my position further there.
I swear, I wish all education systems demanded that their students fully master text comprehension before giving them ANY diplomas. From elementary school, it should be taught and you should be required to get an A in it.
It’s clear way too many people, didn’t learn to read correctly. And to top it off, they’re usually absurdly confident on their misinterpretations *facepalm*
Wow. MASSIVELY faulty assumption. Where do I say that Ethan should kill Deathblood? Nope, you read me quite wrong. A big fail at text comprehension there. Let’s see what I mention, regarding what Ethan could/should do: “Act.” “React.” “Cover for them.” Where does any of that mean KILLING? Do you need a dictionary? I know Deathblood brought “vigilante killing” to the table, but that’s him. Ethan is very different. I know that. You know that. I shouldn’t have to explain something so painfully obvious. “You are a danger to society. You create a climate where criminals feel justified by looking… Read more »
Thing is, there are likely other “immortal” heroes. But what happens if you just trap him in cement up to his neck, for instance? Then just leave him there. What happens when it takes days for death to set in? That’s something that would be interesting to see. I mean, how his resurrection would handle that?? Since apparently if wounded but not dead, Ethan has to kill himself to get a respawn.
Sorry if this has already been brought up and i didn’t find it, but stories I’ve seen with characters who are replaced in some form after death employ disabling them in some fashion so that they also can’t suicide.
“Not from justice, from death. I want to give them every chance possible to change. Maybe this interaction between us will be the moment that finally makes it click for one of them, and they finally commit to serving their time and turning their life around. What if one of them goes to college and becomes a doctor or an engineer that invents the next great life-saving technology?”
I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about Ethan respawning over and over until Deathblood is out of ammo, but I have a feeling that there is going to be more to it than that.
I feel like whatever Deathblood’s super power is might cancel out Analog’s.
50/50 chance he either has a super power, like deadpools healing factor, or superman level invulnerability, or even generating ammunition for his weapons, or he is a total powerless vigilante, much like punisher or batman, who relies on firepower and hand to hand combat skills and sharp weapons (his intro i saw a katana handle over his left shoulder) to make up for a lack of power. if he had an combat power like laser eyes or blood boiling his enemies, he wouldnt be relying on 2 high power guns, a third unknown gun on his back, a katana or… Read more »
What, he kills people extra dead? ?
Called it
Enter Zeke in 3…2…1…
I noticed that Deathblood has LoS on all his targets without hitting Analog.
Analog is going to regret engaging his mouth instead of his feet with this one.
To be fair Ethan could have clarified that he isn’t shielding them from Justice, he’s shielding them from being murdered which isn’t justice.
I’m surprised he even hesitated.
Considering these guys tried to kill Ethan multiple times I not super against what Deathblood is doing. While I do think taking them in is the better option I’m not gonna shed tears for these guys either.
There’s obviously debate about whether the evils the criminals have done allow them to be subjected to death. But I think the fact they stood there and watched Ethan talk for a few minutes and didn’t take that chance to run makes them too stupid to survive as well.
I see that thought around quite a bit, about them being too stupid, and it forgets one simple fact: Deathblood is aiming at them. They know that, if they move an inch, he’s very likely to start shooting right then and there. Sure, counting on the situation to resolve itself by Ethan talking Deathblood out of it… That’s a long shot (pun intended). But a lot of people have stayed put, even when odds were low, just in case… Now that Deathblood has made it 100% clear he’s gonna start shooting in about half a second… They’re gonna run for… Read more »
at the least hes gonna be a decent sponge for at least three bullets
He looks so disappointed
Huh, figured a guy like this runs into innocents on occasion and would have a taser handy.
To be fair, Dreadblood has a point. Granted, so does Ethan. Would be curious to see the legalities of this situation in this universe’s court of law.
this does actually demonstrate the flaw with Deathbloods position, “the system has failed, I will take it into my own hands.” and why its the less bad choice only when things are deeply deeply fucked. What happens when the person taking it into their own hands is wrong?
Every criminal is an example of someone deciding to take it into their own hands, mostly because the system failed to make them rich, but also many other reasons.
Hey Tim, would you be able to upload the 3rd frame as a desktop background and/or poster? ? Just remove the motion lines and that’s freaking epic!