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Breakfast, p5

September 25, 2019 by Tim

Whenever I sell a poster, I always make sure I stop sales short of the max print run, or print a few extra, in the event that I need to replace any damaged in transit. So I’ve got a little pile of assorted prints and posters from the last couple of years sitting around that my wife has been nagging me to “do something with.”

Well, I need to replace some equipment now, so I figured I’ll try and kill two birds with one stone. I’ve got the following out-of-print posters up for sale, most with less than ten copies left. They are first-come, first-served, when they’re gone they’re gone.

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4 years ago

okay am I the only one who see Metroids as Meatball Jellyfish?

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

No, also that Gabensnatch poster is awesome.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

True, except that it kinda makes me sad. There’s a logo for Half Life 3 on the chalkboard.

So young… so hopeful… so naïve.

4 years ago

Ethan must now use all his powers to trace the corruption in the force and seek recompense, will the next plot line be as a convict?

4 years ago

Truly, the greatest crime of all time is the theft of the cronuffin. Let us all take a moment to bow our heads in silence to contemplate its loss.

*surreptitiously brushes crumbs off his beard*

4 years ago

i hope the one i want dont sell out within the next 6 months when i can afford to get it… but thats to likely to happen. one already has. but still im going to save for the digital set of all the old comics first

Psycho Guppy
Psycho Guppy
4 years ago

Sorry bud. Perishables are not allowed in the property lockers, lol.

4 years ago

Tim I have to ask, what were you on when you wrote the Chef Brian comics.

4 years ago

RIP Muffin, best character in this ARC.

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
4 years ago

To be fair, I think Ethan’s justification is more than reasonable. He’s being rather adult about all this.

Now it’s time for him to screw all that up. Tim, the floor is yours.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Admiral Casual

It may be just me, but shouting at the police, calling them criminals, and yelling, “This isn’t over!” doesn’t seem too ‘adult’, especially when they’re not pressing charges for assaulting an officer and aiding in theft.

4 years ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if the under cover cop that Ethan tripped was the one that ate his cronuffin as payback for tripping him. lol