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Call Of Honor, p6

April 5, 2023 by Tim


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1 year ago

Y’know, it was really easy to be in the “do the right thing” camp at the beginning of this story but hot diggity do these Megagame people make it hard.

1 year ago
Reply to  P2Mc28

You mean how Ethan comes in and tries to steal customers directly, throwing the first dirt? And incidentally, hasn’t done the right thing yet, despite having now two opportunities to do so? While seeing the right thing to have an immediate positive impact for the larger store? I mean it is hardly Megagame’s fault that it was misdelivered.

Think whatever you think about the store and their morals. Ethan is definitely in the wrong here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Now hold on. Thad is standing there trying to placate this large crowd and the literal first thing that he does when Ethan walks through the door is to start insulting him. This is a big box store that has been actively trying to drive them out of business for decades, to the point of near harassment and actively stealing customers. Just because the shoe happens to to be be on the other foot doesn’t automatically make Ethan’s choice immoral here. Could he be being kinder? Of course. But you can hardly blame him for serving out a little of… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Inferno390
1 year ago
Reply to  Inferno390

Actually no insult has been given. It might not have been a nice way to ask what Ethan wants, but it isn’t unexpected given their rivalry or the stress Thad is under at that moment. Ethan does not have to walk the package to the store, but when arriving he tries to capitalise on the situation instead of giving the package. I cannot blame Ethan for wanting to serve something back, but I can for him actively doing it. He can be the bigger man, but apparently he’s no better than the Megagame employees. It is not that I do… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

I can see where you’re coming from, but even looking at this in a vacuum, I don’t agree. Yes, Ethan had two opportunities to give it back and didn’t, but likely only less than two minutes has passed between Ethan stepping into the store and panel 5 of this comic. He’s still there to deliver it. Yes, there’s an angry crowd, but that angry crowd was there before he was there, and he didn’t do anything to get them more upset. Is he 100% in the right? No. But 90% in the right with 10% human fault shouldn’t be treated… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Inferno390

Serving out literally what Megagame is serving out right there.

I find the insult in panel 3 pretty on point, since they are the shop that’s currently in trouble for not carrying the game that the whole crowd has preordered from them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

I see a lot of negative votes come in. Let us reverse it. Thad comes to return the package and sees a lot of commotion about the missing game in the store. Ethan asks what Thad wants. Thad tells it can wait a minute. Then proceeds to insert an advertisement for Megagame in the commotion within the store. Ethan resonds negatively to Thad, asking why their store hasn’t been turned into a laundromat. Thad then still does not return the box. I guess Ethan would be in the wrong if the votes are believed. Or we just vote for the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

You’re missing the part where Ethan wouldn’t say that because the insult makes no sense, Thad most likely wouldn’t do that because he literally has it out for Gamehaven for no good reason (compared to Ethan, who’s irritation is actually justifiable because Megagame’s employees have made it their perogative to be rude and try and to drive the smaller store out of business), and the fact that Ethan is literally standing there waiting to return the box, so “still does not return the box” is literally not what’s happening in this scenario. There’s literally nothing to reverse. Thad going to… Read more »

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Inferno390

The consideration that everyone is forgetting is that it’s NOT Ethan’s responsibility for correcting the mailing error. If he really wanted to stick it to them, he could just simply call the mailing company, have them pick it up, and have them redeliver. It wouldn’t show up in time for the launch, and it would still stick it to Thad. In fact, considering how he’s being treated right now, considering how he was treated back here ( – thank you for the link ViggsPR!), and considering it’s not his actual problem, I would just walk out with the box right… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by The Legacy
no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

“Thad comes to return the package”

Thad would never do that.

“Ethan resonds negatively to Thad, asking why their store hasn’t been turned into a laundromat.”

Ethan wouldn’t say that because it makes absolutely no sense for the owner of the single store small business to ask a drone for the national chain mega-corporation why their store hasn’t been turned into a laundromat yet.

Last edited 1 year ago by no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

IF the box had come to Thad’s store he MIGHT of sent it back through the mail, in a week or so but in no way would he of taken it to Ethan’s place. “I’m too busy running a real store” would be his excuse. Thad has done things in the past there were barely legal if not outright a crime to remove the competition.While Ethan brought the box and was yelled at for walking in by Thad. “You reap what you sow” is my take on this.

Last edited 1 year ago by Scarsdale
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

The first thing that happens when Ethan walks in is Thad snaps at him. Sorry Thad threw the first dirt. He stops tending to his customers because yelling at Ethan is somehow more important. The next thing he says IS a direct insult. Thad has personally gone out of his way to make Ethan’s life miserable.
Ethan has every right to milk this for all its worth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Dang, quite a lot got said since I made my comment. My frame of reference was from the perspective that it’s been a while since I’ve seen the Megagame crew and I just remembered Ethan didn’t like them, and nothing much about any of the actual employees. So when the storyline started, I was pretty hard on the side of “C’mon Ethan, be the bigger man, I wanna see you be the hero of the story, stop dragging your feet.” But then when Thad addressed Ethan, I remembered that these two had a history, and I understood Ethan’s reluctance. It’s… Read more »

Kazuma Taichi
Kazuma Taichi
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

I mean, “positive impact for the larger store” in most contexts is considered a bad thing.

Not to mention that “the right thing” could honestly be as simple as coming into the store, setting the box down with nary a word, and heading out

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  P2Mc28

It’s still really easy to be in the “do the right thing by making the delivery company come pick up the box and take care of the mistake” camp.

1 year ago
The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  ViggsPR

Thank you!

Wow…. Thad’s a real piece of work.

1 year ago
Reply to  ViggsPR

Wow. And Ethan even decides NOT to sue Megagame when their Laxness leaves him battered and bruised

1 year ago
Reply to  zox

tbf now, he does that because atm, playing the game at hand was far more important to him than literally anything else, not out of a sense of do the nice thing. i have no doubt that had that happened at any other time of year, Thadlikes would be long gone by now.

1 year ago

You can do it, I believe in you!

Apple Norris
Apple Norris
1 year ago

Hey, it’s Rob!

1 year ago

Panel 3: No, Thad, that’s what your customers are trying to do at the moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Klaster_1

Thanks for posting that. I needed a reminder of how much of an overwhelming douchebag Thad was. That was over-the-top doucheness from him.

If I were Ethan, I would’ve just dropped the box back at the post office with “return to sender” on that instead.

John Swift
John Swift
1 year ago

Was it really back in 2017 when he went to their store for a game and broke his arm? It was that long ago… Hmm i remember aprox when I started looking at CAD comics, it was quite awhile ago.
Keep em comming!

Kazuma Taichi
Kazuma Taichi
1 year ago
Reply to  John Swift

I’m just as surprised, I’ve been reading since the late ’00s, but even then I was shocked to realize that it’s been more than 6 years since the reboot

1 year ago


1 year ago

Hope this doesn’t turn into a punish-Ethan-for-doing-the-right-thing kind of situation. Either they sue Gamehaven, or arrest Ethan for opening someone else’s mail. ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chibi-Acer

UPS packages aren’t covered under the same laws as USPS. There aren’t any federal laws about not opening packages not addressed to you if they didn’t use USPS.

There may be local laws that cover that, I don’t know.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  Chibi-Acer

Remember that Thad’s just a drone for a giant corporation. He doesn’t get sue Gamehaven, corporate would laugh in his face if he suggested it (if he even managed to talk to corporate in the first place). And it’s not a crime to open a box that was delivered to you before you realize that it wasn’t addressed to you and the delivery company made a mistake. It’s only a crime if you then don’t give it back to the delivery company and say “hey this wasn’t for me” (or if you want to be really nice you go deliver… Read more »

1 year ago

We all knew they would make it even harder. Ethan too. Too busy being a-holes, to actually realise he’s obviously not there to gloat or goof around. I bet that’s one reason Ethan was reluctant to go. I’m all for such idiots to face the consequences for being pricks. But I don’t wish pissy annoying customers on anyone. Specially when it’s not their fault. I’m all for taking the higher road, with people like those two. If it makes things better, great. If they keep making my life harder, I can take the kid gloves off with a calm conscience.… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago

Calling it now: Thad’s gonna accuse Ethan of stealing their supplies to try to make them look good and not even TRY to thank them (or do so in an asshole way). At least Ethan HAS honor and integrity. Let’s see if Thad and Rob do…(holds back the giggles)

1 year ago

There are times where doing the right thing is highly overrated.

Donate the box to charity, Ethan. It’s both petty and karmically sound.

1 year ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

I like the idea, but now that Ethan knows it was meant for Megagame, he’d be breaking the law and would get in trouble for doing so (there’s a trail of paperwork leading to Gamehaven).

1 year ago

I see a lot of arguments about who’s in the right and wrong and how Ethan _should_ be acting. I see this a LOT in fandoms, but virtually no one ever takes into account that these are supposed to be people. People aren’t perfectly virtuous all the time, even when they’re trying to do the right thing. People hold grudges. Some people hold up well under stress while others get aggressive. People also assume the intentions of others based on how they already feel about them. No one is behaving particularly well here, but it’s all very human. Too often… Read more »

1 year ago

Very loudly! ‘As a Card Carrying memeber of your store I came across This package And decided out of good will for my fellow competitor to Return it to them.’ And Let them Stew in their juices realizeing he Is the better person and they are Themselves.

1 year ago

Whelp, time to do the malicious compliance right thing, contact the shipper, tell them about a misdelivered package, schedule the pickup as far out as they can, then let them deal with it.

1 year ago

My worry for Zeke grows exponentially with every page they don’t appear in, and I’m at a point where I’m like making internalized conspiracy theories about how they COULD MAYBE appear next page ?

Black Mammoth
Black Mammoth
1 year ago

Hey Tim, it’s been about a year since the second batch of Console War prints was available for purchase, and I was wondering when you’re planning on selling the third and final batch? I’d love to get all nine generations framed and put on my wall!

1 year ago

Maybe, just maybe Ethan will slam the box down, leave it, and storm out in agony. And Thad will open it, realize the good, undeserved gesture Ethan did going out of his way to bring Thad’s store their shipment, and feel bad about how much of a douche he was to Ethan and his store in the past. And then their bitter rivalry will end, making way for a more friendly rivalry between their stores, all the while each now tacitly supports each other to a limited extent to ensure that both mutually prosper with business.

Hey, one can dream.

1 year ago

Remember that Thad refused to even sell Ethan the game until Ethan signed up for a Megagames account and then had a photo taken of him holding the card and THEN decided he was going to REFUSE to sell Ethan the game?

Ethan, at the barest least, needs to have Thad provide a lovely photo showing him being grateful at Ethan’s benevolence.

Then claim he didn’t have the games in stock after all…

1 year ago

“Basically, Thad, these games are Black 3.0, and you’re Anish Kapoor.”

1 year ago

Thad is just a corporate stooge, but he has a personal desire to attack Ethan and his store. He’s just a bully and Ethan is his current target, nothing more. Ethan being the bigger man and taking the box back in person much less at all clearly shows who is the bigger man here, and Thad is going to take yet another hit to the ego when it comes out, more so since there’s shoppers to witness it. Plus the fact that Ethan did this will show the type of man he really is to the customers, they may still… Read more »

1 year ago

Ethan, be strong and do the right thing! You’re better than them!

1 year ago

So who thinks Thad will accuse him of stealing it?