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Call Of Honor, p7

April 7, 2023 by Tim

Preorder cutoff for the new shirts is April 17th, I’m told.


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1 year ago

Yup. Definitely a dumbass.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Groober

Indeed. Should have just called the shipping company had them pick it up. Would have never showed up in time, it would have screwed Megagames over – legally.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

That and you wouldn’t have to deal with an asshole as well.

The rAt
The rAt
1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Legally, true. But morally, not so much – which I read as the point. That’s the thing isn’t it? We all tend to think of legality first, because legality means consequence, but morality is about how we act in the absence consequence. I’m not saying Ethan did the right thing or the wrong thing – just observing that because you can legally do a thing doesn’t mean you morally should do it. That’s an important distinction, because there’s an alarming number of people these days (maybe there have always been – what do I know?) who seem to think they’re… Read more »

1 year ago

Firstly, called it Thad would accuse Ethan of stealing it. Second what a -:) hole.

1 year ago

Charming…this kind of behaviour is what makes you wonder if it is worthy to do the right thing everytime…it is what badly translated we say “so nice to be dumb”

1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

if this makes you wonder, it means you’re not a good person, you’re only doing good things to get a reward. That’s pretty sad.

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

How about doing good things to get under a rivals skin? Surely just being an annoyance to someone you find annoying isn’t technicaly “evil” right?

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

Not quite. There’s a difference between doing good things only for a reward, and doing good things and at least not be insulted/treated badly/made fun of/having bad things happen to you.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

You’re exactly the kind of person who doesn’t deserve someone going out of their way to hand deliver a package to. You’re the kind of person where I’d give it back to the shipping company/post office and let you sweat for a few days while they fix their own mistake. You’d be an ass like Thad, not even say thank you, and you’re not worthy of other people spending the time on.

The rAt
The rAt
1 year ago

“Worthy” of people spending time on? Is your time Mjolnir? Is anyone’s? As humans we are small things in a big world. We make ripples, and some of those ripples will turn into waves, but for the vast majority of us, they start out small and never spread beyond our own community. Our time and energy are valuable commodities to ourselves, but only because they are ours. There’s nothing wrong with spending yours on the people and things you value, in fact it’s often wise. But to use the term “worthy” is to elevate yourself to a status that is… Read more »

1 year ago

well, it says a lot more about you than about me, then.

1 year ago

if the roles had been reversed, ethan would’ve never seen nor heard of these “misplaced” games

1 year ago
Reply to  foducool

Not with Lucas and Matt around. Lucas is the diplomat and would have taken the high road (whereas Thad here clearly took the low road). Matt would have had it all on camera to enjoy for later.

1 year ago

“will you at least be lying awake tonight with the nagging realization that I’m a better person than you?”… Obviously not… dumbass.

1 year ago

They talk about virtue being its own reward. It just seems to not have the satisfaction coefficient that getting payback does. Or even just seeing a jerk go down in flames, maybe not for something they did then, but for their many other craptacular actions. Virtue is *hard* because it doesn’t give you anything in return necessarily. It can give you the ‘I do the right thing’ and ‘I get kicked in the teeth’. That’s your thanks. That’s what makes it a hard achievement for people to reach for at all times when their are other options. I really got… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  TomB

too much “No good deed goes unpunished” vibes gere

1 year ago
Reply to  TomB

All true, and yet I would feel a little smile on my face every time I imagined my good deed making someone I disliked squirm. In reality they might never think of it again, but just that TINY bit of “schadenfreude” of their immagined discomfort would make me content with my actions.

Thorongil BlackHeart
Thorongil BlackHeart
1 year ago

” And you’re just… GIVING IT BACK?
That line hints that he would most definitely not have done the same in a similar case.

1 year ago

Along with the initial assumption that Ethan stole it in the first place – most people would put 1 and 1 together pretty quickly that the person returning a package probably didn’t steal it in the first place. Cause if they stole it, why the heck would they return it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Pajuka

Why, so they could “return” it and have everyone see them as a great person! Same reason there have been firefighters who commit arson so they can look like a hero fighting the fire or saving people from it.

1 year ago

Dicks shall be Dicks …

1 year ago
Reply to  Jedi

Yeah, trying to flex moral superiority over an asshole is a losing proposition; they don’t care to begin with.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago

And this is why you just give it back to the shipping company instead of being overly kind to a jackass who doesn’t deserve it.

1 year ago

Ethan, dear… If assholes had enough self-awareness, courage and conscience to feel that sort of guilt or even realise… They wouldn’t be assholes to begin with. That’s Humanity 101. Sure, some can break away from it. But that’s just a handful of fringe cases, and they need something far stronger to shove them in the right direction. In any case, we must do what’s right because it’s right. Not because of how it might make someone (you or others) feel. It’s not about the immediate results. It’s about the long run, and remaining true to yourself. Being an asshole is… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago

I wish Ethan had peed in the box first….

1 year ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

Or at least made him believe it had been peed in.

1 year ago

No, he won’t. ?

1 year ago

I’m cheering Ethan for doing the right thing, and I’m glad there wasn’t an attempt to turn it into some unrealistic soul-searching of the recipient. This is often what “doing the right thing” is like, but we have to keep doing it lest we become an asshole ourselves.

But, y’know, karma doesn’t happen often enough to those ungrateful snots. This is going to come up again as a vigilante. Do we only protect the people we like? I mean, we want a world with only people we like, right? Right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

Oh no. Is he going to have to rescue Thad?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

>”Do we only protect the people we like? I mean, we want a world with only people we like, right? Right?”

And that’s just one little hop away from “should I harm people that I don’t like? I mean the world would be better off without [insert negative character traits here], and its not like im being gentle and caring when fighting The Troll or The Master…” which is so often the start down the path to the dark side and villainy.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago

“It’s not worth selling my soul for.”

You simple fool; you’re talking to someone who clearly sold his long ago.

You did the right thing, but don’t expect he will understand, or care. The reward is, you’re not at his level.

1 year ago

A good deed is its own reward, even if that good deed is done in a way that benefits a d-bag like Thad. Dude didn’t even say “thanks.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Saixak

true… the comments are a little scary. Wondering if I’m too old to read cad comic sometimes.

1 year ago

It’s just like Lucas said, The guy is a complete ass. The question was, is Ethan a complete ass too?

Ethan won’t get any satisfaction out of this except for being a decent guy overall.

1 year ago

Yep he didn’t even Look at the games themselves. He would have noticed the sticker on the back of each one if he had. (If Ethan went that route.)

1 year ago

While Thad is an utter asshat this was still the right thing to do especially because if Ethan had kept the games, or worse sold them at his store, you just know Thad would have sued the pants off of him if he had ever found out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr_Meng

It wouldn’t even be Thad suing, it would be his corporate overlords and completely end Ethan’s entire career. Thad would attend the trial with popcorn.

1 year ago

And then one day it’s found out that Thad is secretly the biggest fanboy of Analog and D-Pad!

1 year ago

I was expecting him to not believe Ethan and continue to call him a thief. Dickbreath couldn’t even bother to say thanks, even as sarcasm? Not only is he a corporate shill and KNOWS it, he has no sense of basic common courtesy. Guys like him don’t usually stay employed long. Corporate has a way of finding out about these things.

1 year ago

In the US under federal law you are actually legally allowed to keep for free anything that was delivered incorrectly to you. You’re under no obligation to return items, nor inform anyone that it occurred. Of course there’s still the moral/ethical aspect to it (and laws may be different in the CAD universe).

1 year ago

Not even a thanks? He really is a jerk.
Still proud of Ethan.

1 year ago

If you think about it, he is really only helping out the customers, who are delayed in having their game right away. I am sure they are happy he came.