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Cliff Notes

May 15, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

everyone should experience FF7 at least once
I did multiple times and it ends up the same way, I get confused after a while about the storyline and just end up stopping playing it
I’ll definitely give the remake a chance though ^^

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

but have you experienced FF6?

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

Chrono Trigger
FFT (WotL if needed)

With that, you get the highest tier of greatness of what Square has done. Additional study involves FF9, FF4, FF5 and FFTA2. FF3 is…not highly recommended.

5 years ago

I’ve never played FF7 so I have no idea how right or wrong he is.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  Bob790

It is, without argument, the most vague and bland description of FFVII possible (plus it’s more accurate to say machine gun fisticuffs, aka Barrett, joins Cloud, not vice-versa). In short, Ethan read the crib notes of the crib notes of the game.

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

More like he read the crib notes of a couple of the FMV’s in the game.

his description of clouds sword however is spot on.

5 years ago

…I mean…yeah that pretty much sum’s it up.

He should still be writing his Will right about now th-….oh right.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

It’d be kinda funny if this is how his girl finds out he has superpowers.

Morbidly funny…

Justin J. Conidaris
Justin J. Conidaris
5 years ago
Reply to  wkz

Yeah, she gets angry, hits him a bit too hard, breaks his neck, and stares in shock as he just comes back. “Uh, I can explain?”

5 years ago

And thus she discovered his powers after murdering him.

5 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

..and it would be perfectly justified 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Fela

…And awsome!

5 years ago
Reply to  Mousio

… and then she does it again, and again…

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Hermandw


5 years ago

That seems to sum up FFVII very well.

I like JRPGs and most entries into the FF series, but FFVII was one of the hit-and-miss ones for me. I found the story predictable and didn’t really connect with the characters in any way that made me root for them, to the point I stopped playing soon after the start of the second disc. May need to attempt to play through the game again at some point, but will probably end up playing another one after a while.

5 years ago
Reply to  Glacoras

Final fantasy is the same story retold in every one of them, more or less. Doesn´t make it bad, but you will quickly figure out what will happen if you know the others. They basicly reuse enemies and certain names (archetypes). The rest is a coming of age story – a change of the norm – kids growing up etc. First one being about how the cycle being broken (the _final_ fantasy), and the next ones being more directly about kids being forcefully pulled out of childhood taking responsibility for their lives.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tue

Not….really? Or at all even?

As much flak as I give the series for the sudden devolution in the systems after FF10 they’ve managed to deliver relatively unique stories for each entry.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tue

Uhhh what are you on? No, I don’t want any. Final Fantasy has radically different stories each time. While there are plenty of similarities, these are similarities present in the genre more than the games themselves. FF1 has nothing to do with FF6. FF2 and FF3 both have the same idea of “lets take random orphans and make them heroes!” but virtually everything else is different. And I’m pretty sure you don’t have a proper child protagonist after those two until like FF10. There have been some series drops in quality since somewhere between FF9ish, but the plots are really… Read more »

5 years ago

I have to admit, I’m on Ethan’s side on this one.

5 years ago

If looked would kill, Ethan would have been respawned by now.

I actually never really played Final Fantasy VII (I have it on Steam, but mostly had played Final FF IV, VIII and X (+ X-2) )
I’m actually wondering if the graphics could actually a little too much. I would like to see a remake of VIII (because the Resolution of the overworld map was so ugly)

Mike Eggleston
Mike Eggleston
5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

I 100% agree about a FFVIII remake! I know people did not like that game (for whatever reason), but I thought the mechanics of it and the plot line were really well done!

5 years ago
Reply to  Mike Eggleston

I’m on your side – I loved FFVIII. I was meh on FFVII.

FFIV (or FFII as we know it) is still the best one in the series though.

But Chronotrigger is the best JRPG ever made…

5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Meh. FFVIII is…lukewarm. It wasn’t a bad game, but FF6 is more deserving of a fully blown remake than FF8. On the other hand a remake of a game that is already relatively iffy does have a lower chance of being received poorly.

Christopher MacLeod
Christopher MacLeod
5 years ago

Hey Ethan? You know that cake thing that you said could end the relationship?? Congrats dude. You’re single.

5 years ago

That is the look of a woman who is about to spend the next several hours correcting her significant other.

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian

I’d say about the next 47 hours….as she forces him to play through it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Correcting… or burying in a shallow grave…. they’re pretty much the same look you know…

5 years ago
Reply to  Xiane

But Ethan just respawns…

5 years ago
Reply to  Vedrit

Not if he’s buried alive.

5 years ago
Reply to  Casi

this is unknown since ethan has yet to die when buried alive, ie will ethan respawn outside of grave or suffocate again

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

When there’s no more room in hell…

The Ethans will walk the earth.

(that is to say, when the coffin is too full of respawns, he’ll have to respawn someplace else… that or the location is slightly randomized so he’ll have a 50/50 chance with infinite coin-tosses to land on heads)

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

It seems that Ethan warps to a “safe zone” within a short distance, so the only way to properly kill him would be to put him in a coffin, move him underground but not bury him, wait a week, bury him. Maybe put on a metal box around the thing so Ethan respawns into it instead of to the top of the ground.

5 years ago

To this day I have only ever finished the first disc.

5 years ago
Reply to  Prime_pm

“Then Shinra spontaneously went out of business, Sephiropth dies from the common cold, Hojo Jojo trips and whacks his dead, and everyone lives happily ever after and AERIS DOESN’T DIE.”

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago

Honestly, that sums up disc 1 pretty nicely.

5 years ago

You just described _EVERY_ gaming conversation I have had with my wife for the past 30 years. And it’s been both ways. So, no it doesn’t get better.

And she’s played FFXI since it came out in 2002. I know absolutely ZERO about it.

I say this about our relationship: “I am honored and humbled that she chooses to wake up next to me every morning. I am astonished and amazed that I get to wake up next to her every morning, because that means she hasn’t murdered me in my sleep.”

5 years ago

I don’t think EVERYONE should play FFVII. IX has aged way better, and it still needs speedups everywhere.

5 years ago
Reply to  crymblade

If we were being honest with ourselves, we’d all agree the only reason any of us really kept playing 9 was because of Vivi. Not that FF9 is terrible, but Vivi made that game.

5 years ago
Reply to  Croi

and only reasons why ff7 was ever hailed so well is due: 1) its first game outside nintendo platforms, 2) its first ff in 3d, 3) its first jrpg to playstation

5 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

errrrr…. what? The first jrpg to playstation? are you mad? The reason FF7 was heralded as much as it was, is that for the time it was revolutionary in scope, depth, character development and graphical levels. I think youre forgetting just how old the original is and how astounding it was for its time. However first jrpg on the playstation…. youre so so wrong. FF7 came out in 1997, Suikoden was released for the playstation in 1995 as was Vandal Hearts, both released internationally on the playstation and both excellent JRPG’s. (and they werent even the first JRPG’s on the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Croi

FF9 was really good. I will say that Vivi is a beautiful child and I am going to protect his little hat until the end of time. Still, got the Mobile version (gift card for my birthday from wary relative) and I found that I used speed up a lot to skip through some stuff. And stealing was still exhausting.
FF6 has aged wonderfully in my opinion, as long as you get that it is not the latest game.

5 years ago

How to trigger final fantasy 7 fans…
I really want to slap ethan right now ^_^ and I am not even that much of a FF7 fan (I don’t like any of the characters but the story is good)

5 years ago

I too have never played FF7, and I too do not need to because the greater gaming community has more or less explained the plot to me.

5 years ago

I admittedly have never finished it either.

But I want to…some day….

5 years ago

Am I the only one who rolls their eyes a little at people who insist on calling her “Aerith” instead of “Aeris?”

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I did not know that. I always wondered why in Kingdom Hearts they suddenly started calling her Aerith. Then again, they also called Squall “Leon”, so I guess I just assumed it was an alternate continuity thing.

Still, it’ll always be Aeris’ Theme for me. Which, now that you’ve reminded me of it, I will now go listen to in a corner, whilst weeping quietly.

5 years ago
Reply to  Diasdiem

I just see it as same name, different ways of writing it. Like all the different ways “Michael” is written.

5 years ago
Reply to  Diasdiem

I have to say I like Aerith better than Aeris. Remember, the American releases had some pretty interesting name changes in all Squaresoft games. For instance: Jason became Janus and Sarah became Schala in Chrono Trigger, and Tina became Terra in FF6 just to give two game examples.

5 years ago
Reply to  Croi

Tina>Terra if only because of the 50 times I have to explain which Terra I’m referring to.
Didn’t know that about Janus and Schala. I will say that Janus and Schala are much better names.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Croi

Fair enough, Croi. I’m just glad the mistranslation for Aeris wasn’t Aerys. I would forever see her as the Mad Flower Girl.

“Heal them all.”

David K.
David K.
5 years ago
Reply to  Diasdiem

Japanese doesn’t have a separate character for the “th” sound so they use the same characters for the S sounds when approximating it. Transliteration from English to Japanese can be tricky since they don’t have as many phonemes. No V sound, no words that end with consonants except for N, something part way between R and L, etc.

Nathan Reitz
Nathan Reitz
5 years ago


5 years ago

Spoilers! Now I can’t play the game!

5 years ago

I think I got bored about a third if the way through. I liked the characters and story, but the turn-based combat was just….so….boring. (at least for my fifteen year old self; maybe I’ll download it again and give it another try sometime)

5 years ago

Pretty much EXACTLY how the game’s story sounds in my head. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was how Nojima and Kitase pitched that game either…

5 years ago

that description Ethan gives made me laugh more than what might have been appropriate lol
i have not played the game myself but i know how some people feel about it so i can see that driving a fan crazy.

5 years ago

Fuck you Ethan…

5 years ago

im with ethan on this one.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

I’m with Emily here. Dude.

There’s not liking a game, and there’s passive-aggressively trashing on someone else’s fun.

That’s ONLY ever acceptable when it’s a game that EA makes, and that’s mostly because by trashing someone else’s fun, you’re also trying to break them free from a cycle of abuse.

5 years ago

Damn, I loved FFVII, but Ethan is basically correct in his summary. 😀


5 years ago

I just couldn’t get into VII, the one I loved most was VI. I bought it on steam as soon as it was available just to be able to play it again.

5 years ago

FF6 was the best. 7 is okay. 8 was alright. 9 and 4 were good. Honestly, the only reason I feel FF7 stands so high up is because it’s the first FF game most peopled played since it was a PS1 semi-launch title, and because of all the spinoff material (Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children for example) fleshes out what they miserably attempted in FF7. I know it’s not their fault completely, as the game was rushed to market in Japan and then rushed even harder for the holiday season in the USA. Rabid fanboys will probably disagree, though.… Read more »

5 years ago

I started playing 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 without finishing any of them. I can’t now remember why I liked the series so much when none of the games was capable of holding my interest long enough to grind levels enough to actually finish them. I got my first job mainly to save up enough money to buy a PS3 to play FF vs 13 (now 15), it doesn’t make sense. I still get super strong nostalgia whenever I hear the FF IX opening theme, but never got the hype around VII

5 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

you should try ff6, and previous ones … you might find ff 7,8,9,10,12,13 all pale in comparison

5 years ago

I usually give Ethan a pass but I’d stab him in the eye with a mechanical pencil as well.

5 years ago

Somebody please kill ethan…oh wait….nevermind.

5 years ago

XD XD XD The look on Emily’s face at the end!

5 years ago

Them be fighting words there!


Stephen Nagy
Stephen Nagy
5 years ago

I played it, but yeah… it was goofy as heck in parts so he’s not too far off. Definitely getting the remake though, its looking pretty kickass. 😀

5 years ago

Oooh, it’s a good thing he can’t stay dead…

5 years ago

Without turn based combat…. i just dont want to touch the remake. oh how i miss turn based fights. I detest the spammy button mess of current FF games. Literally just mash buttons to win.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

I don’t care that people don’t like FFVII. But usually I hear some understandable reasons, even if I disagree with them. Normally it’s a clash of tastes in the game or they get bored somewhere midway. See that? Totally get it! I’ve been a huge FF fan and VII was my first love, so the Remake is like being selected to go to Heaven for the Rapture to me. Emily is right, though. It’s worth playing at least once if you never tried (VI too, but that’s another story for another day…and one that needs the Remake treatment too). Like… Read more »

5 years ago

ff7 is my first rpg that got me hooked into rpg games. i borrowed it from my cousin and he states that he is too confused to play it (he likes fighting games). its such a magical journey, even though i could not understand english at that time (english is my second language). its the game that made me picked up dictionary book and learn from each word to make out what they are saying throughout the game. when i finally finished the whole 3 cds, i have somewhat good english proficiency without taking english lesson. afterwards i continued my… Read more »

5 years ago

Can we just get a remake of The Legend of Dragoon instead?

Twist Rolarian
Twist Rolarian
5 years ago
Reply to  Tales

Legend of Dragoon is one of my all-time favorites.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  Tales

And Xenogears. I want a proper Disc 2.

Cecil Harvey
Cecil Harvey
5 years ago

FF peaked at IV, dipped at V, back up at VI, then down the drain…

5 years ago

Meh. FFVI was the pinnacle for me.

5 years ago

Dump his ass, you can do better.

David K.
David K.
5 years ago

I was super excited for the Final Fantasy VII remake, until they decided to completely change the games core mechanics and making it a single character action fighting game instead of a party based RPG. Next they’ll remake Final Fantasy IX but they’ll use the combat system from the Street Fighter games. *sigh*

5 years ago

I tried to get into FF7… I really did, but… I never made it through the first disc. The game just didn’t do it for me, despite the solid soundtrack.

5 years ago

FF7 (which I never finished) was the last game I played in the Final Fantasy series. Just didn’t like it. It seemed universally loved, so I just assumed “ok, this is no longer for me” and moved on. I had previously loved all of the FF I had played, and played through most multiple times.

5 years ago

I would suggest a potentially lesser know rpg that was not hand holdy and kicked you in the groin until you learned to dodge or give up. Saga Frontier was a beautifull piece, maybe not always visually but the freedom and music score were amazing in that game. For PlayStation one for anyone interested.

5 years ago

I tried but OMG if you didn’t played it while growing up the graphic is terrible. I know, I know graphic is not everything but gosh did this game aged badly. The character models look terrible it was the time they decided to do 3D but couldn’t do it right yet. So few polygons and like no textures. They should have stayed 2D a little longer.

4 years ago

Honestly this is exactly how I feel about it. I can’t stand jrpgs either, least of all final freaking fantasy vii….