Understandable. I don’t think Ben’s the type, but if you’re really concerned about this sort of thing, it’s another person who could potentially blackmail you, or get revenge if the relationship doesn’t work out.
Gotta trust he’s not that kinda person, Lucas. Don’t damage the relationship by worrying he’ll do something bad if it doesn’t work out.
not only – imagine he’s the perfect person. and he knows and he seems like he’s really into you, and everything’s perfect – that can put some “this has to work” type of pressure.
Slightly different take, it could also be that before it wasn’t “real”. You can’t be hurt by a relationship ending if you always knew it had to end eventually because of your secret.
But now it’s real, they’re actually giving it a shot, which means he’ll actually care about Ben. If it doesn’t work, it’s going to hurt bad and that can be terrifying especially if you’re used to keeping people at arm’s length.
Really there’s a lot of ways this could feel scarier, which is cool.
24 days ago
More people in the know, more people who can get hurt. Not to mention if a random cop can find out by just meeting his regular persona in the street with that little information, who else can?
Ethan is likely the opposite right now. Talking about losing his powers and still going out there will have given him confidence. Maybe he hasn’t done anything that night (unsure, we didn’t see the full night), but he’ll feel more confident having gone at all.
More people in the know, more people who can get hurt. This has always seemed like a dodgy claim to me, at least in the direct people-who-know-are-in-danger sense usually presented in comics. Whether or not a hero’s loved ones will be targeted isn’t a function of what the loved ones know. It’s a function of what the villains know. A villain willing to target a hero’s family and friends will do so regardless of what said family and friends know. The real reason is that the more people who know the secret, the more likely one of them will let… Read more »
You are right. I gave a hyperbole of what you said. More people in the know, the more likely they get hurt from letting information slip. Even in this case Ben could get in trouble in some cases for not reporting on Lucas his activities.
I’ll amend it to your “the more people know, the more likely people get hurt.”
I can’t find the source of the quote “the difficulty of keeping a secret is proportional to the square of the number of people who know it”, but it’s as true as it ever was.
I may be mangling it, which makes it harder to search for, of course.
24 days ago
Tim you sly dog! Weaving in two plot narratives to prove the point that vulnerability is scary but the only alternative is loneliness and isolation. That the bravest thing a person can do is step out into the unknown and trust another.
24 days ago
Scarier, because if the identity leaks, it could put a target on Ben’s back?
Scarier, because each person in the know increases the risk of the secret getting out?
Or, what I personally think, scarier, because with Ben in the know, there’s really no more reason Lucas can tell himself to avoid a serious relationship.
24 days ago
Went from ‘OMG he Knows!’ to ‘OMG we’re in a relationship!’.
The Riddler
24 days ago
Ultimately, I think simply knowing has put Ben on a clock. Somehow, in some way, this knowledge is going to cost him his life. That’s just how things go in superhero land.
He could still Lois Lane it, and make the move from “keeping my identity secret from them is a constant hinderance to my job” to “integral part of the superteam”.
23 days ago
I hate to say it, but with how the latest craze in writing is defying expectations, I see Ben as a plant. And maybe even not official. Maybe a Troll follower, or even some new organization. I would like to believe this is not the case, but that is the feeling I get.
Understandable. I don’t think Ben’s the type, but if you’re really concerned about this sort of thing, it’s another person who could potentially blackmail you, or get revenge if the relationship doesn’t work out.
Gotta trust he’s not that kinda person, Lucas. Don’t damage the relationship by worrying he’ll do something bad if it doesn’t work out.
not only – imagine he’s the perfect person. and he knows and he seems like he’s really into you, and everything’s perfect – that can put some “this has to work” type of pressure.
Slightly different take, it could also be that before it wasn’t “real”. You can’t be hurt by a relationship ending if you always knew it had to end eventually because of your secret.
But now it’s real, they’re actually giving it a shot, which means he’ll actually care about Ben. If it doesn’t work, it’s going to hurt bad and that can be terrifying especially if you’re used to keeping people at arm’s length.
Really there’s a lot of ways this could feel scarier, which is cool.
More people in the know, more people who can get hurt. Not to mention if a random cop can find out by just meeting his regular persona in the street with that little information, who else can?
Ethan is likely the opposite right now. Talking about losing his powers and still going out there will have given him confidence. Maybe he hasn’t done anything that night (unsure, we didn’t see the full night), but he’ll feel more confident having gone at all.
Lilah already told Ethan-as-Analog, “That mask might throw off facial recognition cameras, but it isn’t going to fool anyone with eyeballs.”
The helmet might, as now all you see is a chin.
I can leave the house in full motorcycle suit, winter cycling gear, Spider-Man outfit – people do recognize me immediately.
More people in the know, more people who can get hurt. This has always seemed like a dodgy claim to me, at least in the direct people-who-know-are-in-danger sense usually presented in comics. Whether or not a hero’s loved ones will be targeted isn’t a function of what the loved ones know. It’s a function of what the villains know. A villain willing to target a hero’s family and friends will do so regardless of what said family and friends know. The real reason is that the more people who know the secret, the more likely one of them will let… Read more »
You are right. I gave a hyperbole of what you said. More people in the know, the more likely they get hurt from letting information slip. Even in this case Ben could get in trouble in some cases for not reporting on Lucas his activities.
I’ll amend it to your “the more people know, the more likely people get hurt.”
I can’t find the source of the quote “the difficulty of keeping a secret is proportional to the square of the number of people who know it”, but it’s as true as it ever was.
I may be mangling it, which makes it harder to search for, of course.
Tim you sly dog! Weaving in two plot narratives to prove the point that vulnerability is scary but the only alternative is loneliness and isolation. That the bravest thing a person can do is step out into the unknown and trust another.
Scarier, because if the identity leaks, it could put a target on Ben’s back?
Scarier, because each person in the know increases the risk of the secret getting out?
Or, what I personally think, scarier, because with Ben in the know, there’s really no more reason Lucas can tell himself to avoid a serious relationship.
Went from ‘OMG he Knows!’ to ‘OMG we’re in a relationship!’.
Ultimately, I think simply knowing has put Ben on a clock. Somehow, in some way, this knowledge is going to cost him his life. That’s just how things go in superhero land.
He could still Lois Lane it, and make the move from “keeping my identity secret from them is a constant hinderance to my job” to “integral part of the superteam”.
I hate to say it, but with how the latest craze in writing is defying expectations, I see Ben as a plant. And maybe even not official. Maybe a Troll follower, or even some new organization. I would like to believe this is not the case, but that is the feeling I get.