Just a reminder, today is the last day to pre-order the first wave of Console War posters and have them signed. If they’re available again later down the road, they will not be signed.

Just a reminder, today is the last day to pre-order the first wave of Console War posters and have them signed. If they’re available again later down the road, they will not be signed.
Oh. Cool, but yuck. Respawn I guess?
he later got an earful
He may be a super hero, but as an engineer he is still wet behind the ears
Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to hand in your Internet licence.
Worth it.
He just needs to destroy your old one before processing your Level 2 license, it comes with a monthly allotment of 10 consequence free troll posts and cookie bouquet.
With a water cooled brain it might help him troubleshoot them? Sorta like frozen trolls in the Discworld.
illl one up water coolled mister slush cooled brain 😀
Well…maybe too cold
On the bright side, at least he won’t hear any criticism about it.
Actually, he should still hear it. Only the auricle is burned away, the acustic meatus is still there. (The part, where the sound waves gets in). The auricle only concentrate the sound waves. If they are gone, you hear worse, but you are not deaf
What…. daphuq…. is that? Swelling from cold/constriction (white strands look like maybe plastic or something?)? Infection? O_o
He ripped his ears off 🙂
no. he was using the freezer system. he kind of…well im guessing he had it on too long or it was too cold. lets just say…frostbite happened and then when he pulled the headset off…his ears came off with them, still inside the headphones.
That’s the guess I didn’t want to guess. O_o
Maybe, going through the freezer, not the best idea. I do like the idea of cooled headphones, though.
Living with a… Shall we say eccentric? experimenter. Who can come back to life.
I’m surprised he has hasn’t been de sensitised to the point where that would be, oh look you froze your ears off… You want anything from the store?
i would think it would be hard to be de sensitized to ethan and the body horror from his experiments cause usually his experiments that result in body horror, the body trauma is unplanned. he doesent do it on purpose, or all the time. this comic is a case in point. it was a experiment, a good idea, a fairly decent setup, he just didnt factor frostbite so when he took off the headphones lucas got a nasty surprise he wasnt expecting. he probably thought at worst ethans ears would be discolored a little. for it to reach this level… Read more »
Yech. I know how Lucas feels, I feel like hurling myself.
Chill out, like Ethan
Duhu, I just ‘Mr Freeze’d you
So no water return and he was pumping the water across the foam padding turning it into sponges that are now stuck to his ears. . .
Ethan: Good ideas, bad planning.
It’s pretty clear there was water return in the other tube. The two earpieces were connected behind his head.
Actually Nealithi might be right. Each tube goes to 1 ear, there would need to be 4 tube, 2 for each ear an intake and an outake. Right now the coolant is just spraying on his ears.
Also it can’t just be looped in there because there would still be 4 tubes. And if it just two smaller tubes in the bigger tubes then he is being extremely inefficent on his heat exchange.
So yeah Ethan: Good ideas, Bad execution sounds pretty apt.
One tube into one earpad. Out the same earpad and around the back of the head or through the headband, into the second ear. Out of the second ear back to the pump. A single, closed loop. You’re making it way overcomplicated.
I assumed it was just pumping into one earpad, through the brain, out the other ear pad.
Also valid.
Wait do Ethan’s powers also make him insensitive to pain?
no its been shown he reacts to pain. i think his ears first went numb, something he was unaware of. then major frostbite. and then when he pulled the headphones off, he basically pulled off his ears and that part of his head is still frozen and numb (i say frozen cause theres no BLOOD GUSHING OUT!) so he is literally unaware of what just happened
They don’t, judging by his reactions when he did get injured.
This is (presumably) just the ice making him numb, but once he regains feeling he’s probably going to need a respawn.
If you make it past the pain of the ears themselves freezing there isn’t much pain at that point because the ears are dead. That said, it seems to be the case that Ethan doesn’t feel pain like others do.
Colder than Lost Planet
That might work for someone who can respawn with multiple lives, but for everyone else? We’re gonna need a more perfected set.
I know they’ve touched on Ethan’s probable PTSD because of his experience with his powers, but honestly they should all have it by now. You can’t just watch a guy do such grisly shit to himself and nonchalantly commit suicide to fix it without needing a very good mental health professional in your court.
Its an interesting question, isn’t it? How do you feel about the “self-harm” if arguably, there is no lasting harm? Does it cause mental trauma, or do you think of it like you do seeing violence on TV or in a game? Gory maybe, but not “real.” On the other hand it is real, temporarily. It could go both ways.
If he reverts back to his most recent “healthy state” when he respawns, would that apply to his mental health too? Putting aside whether that’s a relevant question in Ethan’s case; would this mean if he underwent severe mental trauma, would a respawn cure it?
I really like this way of thinking, but he did go through some pretty heavy trauma with the troll.
Not throwing Tim under the bus, but most people don’t think of mental health as part of a “healthy state” because that is what our “wonderful” health care system does in the US. We are kinda all conditioned to forget mental health is a thing…
Honestly… What made Tim think of this??