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Demolition, p4

May 31, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

name anything with man behind it and you’ve got one XD
“I’m so tired man” is probably my favorite

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I wonder whether that one was the answer Ethan actually wanted to hear.
At least it would have given him a good reason for sending the Gameboy back home into his bed… :p

5 years ago

Calling it now, Ethan’s gonna traumatize the kid by dying violently in front of him.

5 years ago
Reply to  DrCynic

Calls/dibs are long passed bub. That’s been getting ‘called’ since about 4 pages ago! xD

Steve Hauptmann
Steve Hauptmann
5 years ago
Reply to  Logan

More Iike since the introduction of the ninjas way back in the beginning of CAD.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago

Gameboy was there for the ninjas?

5 years ago

Which robot master would Demolition Duke equate to? I guess probably Guts Man, or Hard Man in a pinch?

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I’m going with Guts Man.
Mostly because he will be covered in Ethan’s guts before this is over.

*insert Brutal meme*

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hard Man…because he does like to punch things, which means Hard Knuckle?

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

gutsman , stoneman or chargeman

Just Marty
Just Marty
5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Definitely Guts Man.

5 years ago

Hm … okay, at least we know the downside of Gameboy’s Power. So trying to block a hit (or a buttet) to freeze the targe would basicly work, but could hurt him.
Is is more some sort of “Sneek” Power (so Its better if he can surprise this opponent, and not getting hit by him).

But when he can stop a rock in midair he can also stop Demolishon Duke or Zeke, if he is able top touch him.

5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

I think it’s like that thing they did in Red Vs Blue a few years ago. The object is still moving at the same speed in its own state of time, but outside of that altered state, it just looks like it’s moving super slow. If GB unpauses that rock, and it flies off into the distance, then that’s what is going on. If it drops to the ground, then I’m wrong and the internet can move on.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ven

I’m pretty sure its inertia that is relevant here, not time frames. If a bullet is being shot at you, and you freeze it in time, then it should cease to have an effect vis a vis being hurt (assuming one disregards the fact that it would probably tear through the actively moving Earth). I’m not 100% sure, but the object seems to be still exerting its presence on the world, but is no longer being allowed to move- it still has speed, it just isn’t going anywhere. As such, it still has kinetic energy and will exert all of… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

What GB needs is a weapon with reach or a large size, assuming his powers can work like that. If GB can either thwack something into stopping from afar or can do a stop-block with a Greatsword MH-style, then he’ll be remarkably durable.

If not, and he needs physical contact, then ask Scott if he can build kinetic diverters or what-have-you.

5 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

It seems that the way his power works is not so much as “stopping” an object, but sapping the sudden kinetic energy while preserving the potential. In terms of what just happened in this comic: when DD threw the rock at GB it flew at him with X kinetic energy, when it came into contact with GB he was able to stop it, however energy can’t be destroyed so it has to move somewhere and be changed. This doesn’t mean that he prevents the effects of said kinetic energy from exerting themselves on the world. Meaning the rock thrown at… Read more »

5 years ago

He has a useful super power… But this kid is in way over his head… Not just with Demo Man here, but in general. He’s way too young, there’s no way he has the experience or training for this. He’s good at sneaking up and freezing people but imagine this particular idiot was packing some guns. Even if boy wonder can freeze the bullets as they touch him, the kinetic energy from the bullets is going to cause severe injury, even death if it hits him in the right spot.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

I don’t get this “kinetic energy” thing… he pauses things, he does not steal their kinetic energy, or everybody would have that “power” when something is thrown at them! 😛 Throw a rock at my head and behold my mighty power of transferring its kinetic energy to my skull! This side effect should not exist, when he unpauses the rock it should start flying with the exact same trajectory it had before being paused, it would not make sense otherwise… Why would the rock keep floating there if it just was devoided of kinetic energy? It would simply fall to… Read more »

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
5 years ago
Reply to  des

I get what you’re saying and I’m not trying to be insulting or rude but I think you’re reading too much into this. There MAY be an explanation, sure, but if you’re going to go down this street then “Why can Ethan respawn?” or “What are Lucas’ light arrows made of? Are they actual matter or hard light?”. These are possibly answerable questions but they fall pretty firmly into the “because superpowers” category. To use an example I’ve heard from the big boy comics, Iceman can create cold. This should not be possible since cold cannot be “created” heat can… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

*puts on nerd glasses* acccctually Ice Man doesn’t just create cold, he can actually control all temperature, when possessed by a powerful psychic mutant, they stated he’s far more powerful then he realizes he is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

Regardless of anything else you said, +1 for “the big boy comics”

5 years ago
Reply to  des

Welcome to Tim’s universe, where he alone holds all the answers. Watch as he wields his illustrative stories with the omnipotence of a digital god!

5 years ago
Reply to  schnozzberries

That’s a valid point. It’s like in a roleplaying game where the DM makes the rules for his world, where the Characters are playing in, and Tim is the DM of the Analog & D-Pad and the other worlds he created (Starcaster Cronicles, The Campagn with players 1-4 etc.)

Only Tim can explain how any of the Superpowers in this universe work, because his worlds don’t follow every law our world has.

5 years ago
Reply to  des

This is a good question. I’m curious what would happen if he sidestepped a projectile like this and tapped the side of it while it went by, freezing it. Would he take damage as though it hit him directly? Strange.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

We actually haven’t seen if his power completely *stops* inertia and pauses it, or simply pauses inertia.

It sounds like the former since he gets hit with the kinetic energy of the moving object, but in this case he was directly in front of it and *had* to get hit to stop it. Even then he only took “part” of the energy because, well his wrists aren’t broken into a thousand little bits.

Does the rock keep flying after he deactivates his power, or does it drop to the ground?

5 years ago
Reply to  des

In a way it kinda makes sense though. They haven’t shown us what happens to items after he unfreezes it. So it could be robbed of all its foreward momentum and drop. the thing is, your head is not a 100% kinetic stop. It hits your head, it pushes on your head, your head pushes back. It bounces off, ricochets down the street, flys up and comes back down to hit you a second time bugs bunny style.. but it does something. It doesn’t just hit you and go ‘i’m done’ and stop. What GB is doing is complete kinetic… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hmm, I guess I just read it as ‘instantly converts kinetic energy to potential’. But a large amount of energy is still a large amount of energy, so that’s going to hurt.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ah, that means he can still get shot rather easilly. Bullets, depending on what fires them, go upwards of mach 1 speeds. It is going to take one heck of a reaction time to stop those, especially from a shorter distance.

In such a case both Ethan and Lucas have superior powers, since Ethan simply cannot die permanently and Lucas can shield with the arrow.

The team is becoming very interesting!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Interesting thought tim.

which raises the question/idea. If he has to ‘touch’ and since (scrolls up) SHOOT. Darn you tim.

I was gonna say since he’s wearing gloves, if his touch is just via ‘something he’s wearing’ aka gloves, then what could his power do if, say, channeled through, a whip, a yoyo, a piece of string, something that he could flick it at someone and stop them.

BUT, you got him wearing fingerless gloves. OH curses of curses, now we dont know if its skin based or just ‘outfit’ based.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Also … it would make sense for his powers to be purposely activated, meaning that if he gets shot … he gets shot and die … he can’t react to that as he didn’t see it coming and didn’t have time to react/activate.
that’s a vulnerability for you right there.

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Still, Scott could invent him some sort of “kinetic energy absorbing” gloves which transfer the energy to some storage unit on his back. And then he can use said Kinetic energy to punch the air and get range attacks that way! <3

5 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hey Tim, I love your explanation, that’s actually what I was kind of thinking you were going for already. not sure if you’ve thought of this already, (guessing you probably have) but if not, it could make for some fun shenanigans to write: what about things interacting with what’s already paused? for example: if he punches the boulder the opposite direction enough times, will it go flying backwards? is the boulder now an invincible stationary shield he can hide behind because it cannot be affected at all until unpaused? can it still move, and will just resume what it was… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  des

My thoughts: His power requires touching the object, so it can’t pause a flying rock without making physical contact with it. In that split second when he made contact with the rock, he effectively absorbed a very small part of the rock’s kinetic energy, and not all of it (otherwise based on the size of the rock his hand would be broken). I think he felt like he slapped his hand hard on the ground.

5 years ago
Reply to  Giuliano

I… errr… Wow, didn’t realize what my comments on boy wonder’s life expectancy would spawn an in-depth study on the nature of his powers in relation to real world science and how it wouldn’t make sense but who cares because it’s just a comic etc etc….

5 years ago
Reply to  des

It would not simply fall to the ground, every object has more than just kinetic energy acting on it. You have to also take into account potential energy (which is mostly governed by altitude). If he absorbs the kinetic energy from the moving object, that doesn’t mean he saps the potential too. He specifically states “the kinetic energy still has to go somewhere” which implies that his ability is to control kinetic energy, or something ability to move. Now you are half right that everyone has the power to steal kinetic energy from an object. However you are missing the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  des

I think it’s tim’s way of making sure he is clearly not invincible (a bullet might cause major damage before being paused), or maybe the kid isn’t explaining it properly or doesn’t understand it.

I’m guessing before he pauses it, some of the force still gets through.

5 years ago

And now for your hormwork, here’s megaman 1, 2,3, castlevania 1,3, super castlevania, metroid, super metroid…. 😀 Heck. have most of the nes/snes library (except zelda 2 and castlevania 2 (its a horrible night to have a curse))… maybe save those 2 for ‘punishment’.

WHAT? you didn’t finish super metroid? Thats it, you must complete 1 dungeon in castlevania 2.

5 years ago
Reply to  kaelin

Healthy doses of GBA as well. Kid needs to know that there’s multiple endings to HoD, and how to properly farm in CotM!

James Rye
James Rye
5 years ago

What our Game Boy needs are some tough gloves and some arm strengthener like some exoskeleton for example. Then he could take such kinetic hits better. Though ofc best would be to avoid them all so maybe he should rather get some sort of speedster shoes to move around quickly to avoid getting hit. I can see many ways how Scott can make our up-coming superhero more powerful.^^

5 years ago

I mean, I guess to be fair to him they haven’t released any *new* Megaman games recently

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

There were 5 Megaman games on the original Gameboy…that’s his NAME. No excuses accepted.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

I mean….have you *played them* though?

Some things don’t age well, I don’t wag my finger at people who can’t pick up Neverwinter Nights for example. *I* can’t pick up Neverwinter Nights again.

5 years ago

Awww that’s adorable! That’s fucking adorable! 😀 Ethan’s gonna be his video game and hero mentor! The Batman to Gameboy’s Robin! ^_^ Nice to see them getting along.

5 years ago

Hey, careful Ethan. Don’t Rush him.

5 years ago

No, it goes on the other side.
It’s [thing]-Master
You know, Noise, Glitch, Quake…

Phil Boelsche
Phil Boelsche
5 years ago

I actually really love the slow but grudging bonding happening between Ethan and this kid, this is a good story arc.

5 years ago

Well maybe if Capcom would have made Megaman Legends 3, the kid could have experienced a more modern take on Megaman. But nooooo~.