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Drive, p2

May 30, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

Looks like he’s still looking down at his phone, and that is the real question he is answering in his head.

2 years ago

Last panel: is this a flashback face? I hope it’s a flashback face. We barely know anything about Scott’s past and his decision to stick with our dynamic duo.

2 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Nope. It’s his “birth of a villain” face…

21st Century Peon
21st Century Peon
2 years ago
Reply to  Teocali

Lucas is also giving him the seed of his future “We’re not so different, you and I” monologue

2 years ago
Reply to  Teocali

I really hope not, I’m loving him as an ally to Scott and Ethan. it know he ended up being a “Villain” on the original CAD story (or some kind of antagonist, i can’t fully remember), but that doesn’t mean he needs to do the same thing here. You can absolutely tell a story with the same characters but in different roles. Like how cool would it be to have a Zelda title where that time period’s incarnation of Ganondorf is an ally of Link and Zelda’s against some other evil? He doesn’t even turn evil at the end of… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  TamTroll

the real vilain was his pet but yeah he wasnt a good guy

Jorak Falconstar
Jorak Falconstar
2 years ago
Reply to  leduk

ah yes, the pet penguin that had psychically controlled Scott.

2 years ago
Reply to  TamTroll

Honestly, villain Scott was kinda boring. I was more fond of the Scott who was super paranoid and obviously up to some sort of shady shit but still had some actual fun with Ethan’s amateurish attempts to get in, and took the time to come out and coach Ethan through some trying times. Granted, villain Scott wasn’t completely a villain – he was very much against killing Ethan – but it still seemed like it was just “okay, time for his personality to shift so he can become a bit of a generic bad guy” when the idea of the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

that is not a flashback face. that’s a face of angry contemplation.

2 years ago

Oooooh, is Scott going to run off and team up with the master?

2 years ago
Reply to  Spartacus

More like “Is Scott going to wheel off and team up with the master”

2 years ago
Reply to  Psykokopath

Because that’s just how he rolls.

2 years ago

I feel like this is continuing an anti-hero arc for Scott. It started with him misleading the guys, and that last panel just really hints at some bad things to come.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

You are probably right considering Scott played a villain in the original cad comic. I’m expecting them to go their separate ways, and Scott seems immovable in his stance towards Zeke.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

He wasn’t a villain, the penguin was. Scott was just his unwilling puppet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spartacus

Scott was his VERY willing puppet. The penguin was the mastermind, but Scott was entirely complicit, aside from drawing a line when it came to murdering Ethan.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spartacus

I’m not sure if it was entirely unwilling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

Every Scott in every run of this comic has been a tool. This is just this Scott being every alternate Scott.

2 years ago

That look in the last panel… I suspect Scott is going full villain (perspectivewise ofcourse) on this one. Can’t -won’t- accept Zeke and ends up blaming them for losing his friends because of that. What I have yet to deduce is how Carlie plays a roll in all this as what happened to her seems to be the trigger.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Aren’t we seeing doubt and introspection in play? The outcome might be what you describe, but might also be finally a change in his stance on approach to Zeke, enough open doors in the conversation for him to enter.
Cliffhanger-face just doesn’t tells us whether he’s going to, or is going to slam them shut 😉

That Other Guy
That Other Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

I suspect given the name of the chapter and that very pointed statement there, that what we’re about to learn is that they don’t, in fact, want the same thing. Ethan wants to protect, but I’m gonna say I think Scott wants to punish, and that’ll be what truly divides them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

I very well might be forgetting something, but do we actually know exactly what happened with Carlie? I remember we know she was shot at, and Scott tried to take the bullet for her. Do we know who did it? Did we learn these details through narration or Scott himself? If the latter, we could have experienced an “unreliable narrator” situation. My line of questioning leads me to: do we know what shot Carlie? If not, might there be more to the story than Scott has let anyone in on? Maybe it was a synthetic lifeform that shot at her,… Read more »

2 years ago

One thing Ethan also needs to look at: He can take injury but will heal when he respawns. He personally can take loads of risks with zero concequences to him. Ethan has no real way of controlling what Zeke does other than trying to talk. In many wys he is the opposite of Scott, who is daily reminded about what he has lost and what more he and others can’t lose. He is very vulnerable, and compared to Ethan he actually has a way to control Zeke, it is what keeps him safe in his mind. But he should have… Read more »

2 years ago

I see some reactions about the super villain origin of Scott. I feel this is too black and white. The comic as a whole is delving in the many shades of grey in between (more than 50). For me his face on the last panel shows conflict inside scott. His face is pensive and frustrated. A conflict inside him needing a result. In much media this is resolved into a result near instantly, but I hope Tim continues the line of more prolonged conflict internal. Scott WAS black and white. Now he’s at a turning point that will colour him… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Onetimeonly

1) HA! 50 shades…
2) he for sure won’t be as black and white as that penguin, amirite?

2 years ago
Reply to  Onetimeonly

Yeah, I just can’t really see this as Scott becoming a supervillain unless a lot more is piled on top of this. Going from a hero support role to a supervillain role is a pretty radical and time-consuming change, and in all honesty the motivation just isn’t there for this. His past means he’s got a lot of motivation to have no mercy for villains, but without him actually having shown more bloodlust, more frustration towards Ethan and Lucas for being so soft on criminals, he wouldn’t even really be in the position of becoming a merciless antihero, if he… Read more »

2 years ago

Sigh. That is the “I will prove it did not change, and I was right all along” look.

2 years ago

See, Scott’s face in the last panel looked like a reminder of why he’s an ally to Analog and D-Pad in the first place. He wants to SAVE others, not CONTROL them. He was just scared and took his protection to far; kinda like how Tony Stark did in the movies. Scott is a hero and he’s not gonna go villain. I don’t believe that anymore. He just needed a reminder and Lucas is the perfect guy to get his head outta the clouds.

2 years ago

I foresee an origin story in our future.

2 years ago

Ooff, right in the feels man.

2 years ago

Is this the first time their eyes are missing pupils, or just the first time I’m noticing? It feels like a shift in art style, like Tim is trying for something more comic book-like.

Or maybe this is somebody’s dream sequence. You can tell it isn’t real life because the pupils are missing.

Just thinking out loud here.

2 years ago
Reply to  chargersfan

Nope, they were pupiless in the previous comics, too.

It’s just more noticable here due to all the closeups of their faces.

2 years ago
Reply to  chargersfan

I looked back at a few, looks like they started out as only pupils—no irides—and recently changed to all iris with no pupils.

2 years ago
Reply to  ReyMonoArdilla

In few years, when we’re reading the Iridicator arc about the new eyeball-themed supervillain taking over the world, we will look back at this comment and realize the clues had been there all along.

william scott
william scott
2 years ago

we always knew scott would turn evil and join *shudder* the apple side of gaming. good to see his back story grow

2 years ago

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that Scott is going to take a drastically different approach to that “protecting others” thing than Lucas and Ethan from this point on?

2 years ago

I see a lot of discussion on this last panel that this is the “birth of a villain” face, but to me this isn’t a look of sheer determination, this is inner conflict of someone who “just knows” they are right being presented with facts contrary their core beliefs. I’ve seen this face in dozens of interactions across a variety of topics on the whole political spectrum. This is a turning point. Either Scott can learn to accept these new facts and adjust his core beliefs, or he’ll succumb to the “backfire effect” and double down on his core beliefs,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Only Tim(e) will tell

2 years ago

The face of a stubborn piece of shit who will never admit they were at fault.