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Drive, p1

May 27, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

Sweet! Been waiting to get back to this storyline!

2 years ago

Nice! Been looking forward to this!

The other stuff is fun and fine, but Analog+DPAD is the real reason I’m here 😉

Wouldn’t mind if you do more of this. And the pen and paper story. That one is also really good. And the space story line.

All in all, I guess, I am here more for the story than for the gags 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Agreed! I kept checking back waiting for this to continue.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Something about the space story doesn’t agree with me and I can’t put my finger on what it is, exactly. On the other hand, I think I like the gags just as much as the other stories — I’m happy with either.

Completely on a side note: I like Timmytam’s art style. He knows e.g. how to cram in quite a bit of detail in some panels, without cramming so much as to make it seem cluttered or getting into the uncanny valley.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Artists need to take breaks in order to work on other projects to not stifle creativity and also not burn out. You can see how quality is sacrificed in things that get rushed to completion. It’s also why the often have “filler” episodes in anime.

2 years ago
Reply to  Techbender

I know, and you are right. I’ve seen that happen in LFG, which went from fun and almost genious to barely readable…

Tim does a great job with his comics, I really like them. And they keep getting better.

I’m just happy that CAD continues, that’s allˆˆ

You hear, Tim? No criticism, just love for the comics! You are doing amazing work!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack0r
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack0r

I enjoy it all, this and Starcaster are my favorites.

I have no expectations of it, and deep down I know it shouldn’t happen, but I’d die to go back to the CAD 1.0 universe for a few brief moments sometimes. When I have some extra cash, I’m going to find a hard copy and relive it.

2 years ago

Back to the meat and potatoes!

2 years ago

Oh here we go! I do love the other comic pieces, but I’ve been eagerly waiting to see where this goes.

2 years ago

So Scott just let it be instead of actively trying to remedy his fuckup… twat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

To be fair, it’s only been a day or two and Scott is showing some remorse here. Perhaps he’s hoping Ethan comes in so they CAN fix things.

David K.
David K.
2 years ago
Reply to  ShonaSoF

Scott seems to acknowledge things are less pleasant and fun, but I see no signs of remorse for what he did, and I don’t expect to, he’s too self righteous.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

What do you imagine he should be doing to ‘actively remedy’ things at this point? There’s basically nothing good he can do here. Him trying to actively remedy (what he considered) the homicidal robot problem by himself is what caused the situation in the first place. Even if he could somehow locate and (offer to) fix Zeke, nobody would trust him to do it. They’d just assume he’d install another bomb or similar failsafe. Talking things out isn’t an available option either. Zeke is gone, and Ethan is avoiding him. Even if Scott wanted to try to make amends somehow,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

I agree with you GeorgeV, but I also agree with Dodgy… “twat.”

David K.
David K.
2 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Scott could leave Ethan a message apologizing. The issue is that he probably still sees no reason to.

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
2 years ago

Sweet Georgia Brown, the plot’s here!

2 years ago

You know I can’t recall exactly when I started reading Ctrl Alt Del. It was probably somewhere between 2005-07. And I’ve read it consistently since then. Over the years I’ve read around 30-40 webcomics consistently, some ended, some are still going. But I don’t know if I was ever ‘excited’ for comics. But, man, I look forward specifically to new Analog and D-Pad pages and that maeks me so happy.

2 years ago

You know I can’t recall exactly when I started reading Ctrl Alt Del. It was probably somewhere between 2005-07. And I’ve read it consistently since then. Over the years I’ve read around 30-40 webcomics consistently, some ended, some are still going. But I don’t know if I was ever ‘excited’ for comics. But, man, I look forward specifically to new Analog and D-Pad pages and that makes me so happy.

2 years ago

damnit… i was really hoping for some ghost hunting action.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
2 years ago

What’s amazing is how they haven’t been bought out yet by GameStop, which as we know is run by supervillains.

2 years ago

Not gonna lie.Seeing this makes me angry all over again. I hate Scott so much.His close minded bigotry. Kill anything you don’t understand. Zeke was following his stupid rules. There was obvious and great evidence that Zeke was growing and learning. That they weren’t a mindless killing machine. They were young and literally learning right from wrong. And then Scott screwed that all up with his blind ignorance. I hope Zeke is out there making an army plotting against Scott. I have so many negative words I’d like to use about him.

Someone Else
Someone Else
2 years ago
Reply to  Milkman

To be fair, the most recent issue covered his position better. That he was afraid of the singularity kicking off, or the government or supervillain finding him and making an army of him.
I believe that any sufficiently advanced ai should be considered alive and be treated as such. But the fear of singularity or militarized drones is a valid fear.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
2 years ago
Reply to  Milkman

I hope Zeke is out there making an army plotting against Scott.”

I hope not, because if he is, that just gives Scott a big fat “I told you so” and that’s the last thing I want to see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Milkman

ZK wanted to kill all mankind for similar reasons (and not because of rules; they did prevent them from doing that), but his advantage compared to Scott is us looking for him to be like Zeke. Scott never was in a position to learn yet, now is his chance.

2 years ago

Yay! I’ve missed these boys so much and I am so looking forward to see what happened with Zeke and Ethan. My sweet Ethan.

2 years ago

I love this. It’s a simple but effective reminder that Ethan is genuinely their friend. He’s childish and silly a lot of times, but damn it, they love him and want him to be around.

Marty Hartwick
Marty Hartwick
2 years ago

Hoping this will be the swansong for Scott and we can just be rid of him as a character. We have enough bigots/racists in the real world, it would be nice to not have them here too.

Also, is no one really gonna mention he’s an attempted murderer, but it’s cool he still works at the shop like normal?

Last edited 2 years ago by Marty Hartwick
2 years ago
Reply to  Marty Hartwick

Well, I suspect there are no laws forbidding to kill a robot. Zeke is not officially a life form. That could go on his favor too, as he cannot be guilty of murdering himself (he killed Ethan). Of course, we need a Star Trek “measure of man” trial to change things.
I do think the master could make a legal case of the boys stealing his property, but I do not think that is his style.

omg omg
omg omg
2 years ago

Love the shadows