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Drive, p8

June 13, 2022 by Tim

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2 years ago

The thing is, I STILL can’t figure out which way the flashback will go. Will Scott be more determined that Ethan and in part Lucas have no idea what they are doing and he needs to prevent mistakes (i.e. “Zeke is bad, I did nothing wrong”) or will he remember that they are in this together and he should have trusted them in the first place?

It’s really great writing that it could go either way without feeling forced.

Vincent Price
Vincent Price
2 years ago
Reply to  jere

The kind of suspense you could build a solid bridge with. A suspense-ion bridge, if you will.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

I think that qualifies as a pun

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincent Price

I upvoted you, but screw you nonetheless.

2 years ago
Reply to  jere

And that’s one of the reasons I keep coming back to Buckley’s comics, even after 18 years. Much of the fiction I watch/read, is mostly predictable to me by now. And, while I don’t see that as bad necessarily, I like works like his. Where things are less so to me. Yet, at the same time, he keeps things coherent. Nothing seems forced or too far-fetched. Whatever direction he takes, it always makes sense within the story’s logic. And a lot of directions he takes, open up the way for several interesting possibilities for us to consider. Sometimes I’m like… Read more »

omg omg
omg omg
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Apart from the plot and the likeable characters, I enjoy the art style. It is beautiful. My comment at the end here was because I was amazed at how much depth those shadows on Lucas give to the panels. I repeat: it looks beautiful.

2 years ago
Reply to  jere

This perfectly articulates why what we’re seeing right now qualifies as very good storytelling.

Bently Brisbane Fitzgerald
Bently Brisbane Fitzgerald
2 years ago

Gee Whiz, This Comic Made Me Morb All Over The Place <3
Oh God! It’s Even In My Damn Eyes!

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
2 years ago

The thing I’m wondering here is… do modern-day Ethan and Lucas know just how low Scott was at this point?

I’m almost assuming no, considering the casual way Lucas asked Scott if he was bringing someone to that Thanksgiving meal how long ago.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

From what I can tell, no, they don’t. I don’t think they even realize(d) Scott just had a traumatic episode here.

From the way they react it seems they think Scott is only shocked from seeing Ethan die, and at the revelation of them having powers. Neither of them seems to have noticed the deeper levels of pain he’s also feeling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

K, so this is coming from someone in a family with 3 of my siblings and me have had depression since I can remember. so, my thoughts 1) it seems that ethan and lucas knew scott was going through stuff and are trying to tell him he is needed and give him direction. 2) they still could not fathom how hard it was or to what extent it was really happening. So, like not a yes or no, but more on a scale, like they were closer to being oblivious here, BUT they were still kinda cognizant of what Scott… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  tgrizz

I think you’re spot on about your read on the situation, but there may be an added layer here as well that’s blinding them to Scott’s perspective. Carlie was a huge part of their lives too, so they’re no doubt pretty deep in their own traumas related to her death. And part of that would be a deep and overriding sense of vulnerability. But right now, that sense of vulnerability is being offset by the discovery that they have superpowers. To them it probably feels like everything has magically gotten better. Their desire to include Scott in their activities isn’t… Read more »

2 years ago

Oooooo you bastard. Right in the feels.

2 years ago

Man they really don’t get how badly traumatized he is, and how this just exacerbates the problem.

2 years ago

Ah, maybe becoming an untrained vigilante in response to the death of a loved one isn’t necessarily the best immediate reaction to gaining unexplored power.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

But if one is going to do it, not being able to get killed is probably a good power to have.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Lucas needs some training to not cut off heads, then they are ready to go. Right?

2 years ago

Oh, my, there´s a leak in my roof right now…

Well done Tim, well done

Smol Bear
Smol Bear
2 years ago

Jesus this is….it has so many levels. One of which is DON’T DROP HUGE STUFF ON YOUR FRIENDS WITHOUT WARNING! Many many people need to learn this lesson because they just assume a person is in a place to hear it. This could actually have made Scott more determined to end things. Seeing someone who can’t die after he lost someone? That’s a mindfuck and a half. Also they just…have no idea. They *know* what happened but have they been checking on Scott? Like *really* checking on him? I expect this level of sheer ignorance from Ethan, but Lucas should… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Smol Bear

Different people take a loss differently, he wanted to end it, they wanted to improve the situation so it never happens again.To expect party B to really empathize with party A when their on seperate wavelengths like that. What they did was a textbook example of something people would do normally, it didn’t occur to them he might be going through some stuff, cause they were just given amazing powers and were riding a high they’ve never felt before. They clearly wanted to show him first and bring him into the group cause that’s how they would of empathized it… Read more »

2 years ago

Did they clean the table?

2 years ago
Reply to  Stef

Lucas’s arrow destroyed the table after piercing through Ethan, and the table respawned in its last clean state.

2 years ago

Gonna guess that Scott is gonna initially refuse because of his current (past?) mental state, but then agrees, leading to current events.

I agree with everyone here, though: Tim’s writing is top quality and something I keep coming back to. I wish it was daily (but totally understand why it’s not) because he’s not just a master of storywriting and artwork, but page-by-page suspense on major and minor levels.

I also enjoy his fillers with his game comedy especially, even the blogs under ’em. Like commercial breaks that are actually interesting to watch.