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Drop In, p10

November 9, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

Just dropping in to say hi! (See what I did there?)

4 years ago

Lucas is dropping out. Not a game anymore, I guess.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rockie

Not just that: his partner is mentally scarred and scared!
No point in fighting that opponent head on.

4 years ago
Reply to  Uniqum

They’re talking about The Master’s hideouts and stuff, not the Troll’s.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

Regardless, no sense heading out if you aren’t 100%. It can only serve to make matters worse.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Also considering that their identities will be revealed by the Master, it might be a better idea to let someone else take the lead

4 years ago

good call here, this shit is getting way outta hands

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Possibly. But we are reading a superhero story. I think Lucas has been treating this, not necessarily as a game, but as something that isn’t “life and Death” serious. That’s clearly not true here anymore, and it’s bothering him. He needs to grow toward that sense of personal and civic responsibility a true hero has. There’s nothing wrong with a team up but he has special abilities and we know what Uncle Ben would say about that. Besides which, Analog and D-Pad are pretty powerful. Their major problem right now is that they are inexperienced and haven’t planned things out… Read more »

4 years ago

Nah, He’s been injuered many times, he knows it’s a life and death business, i think he just found something that scares him more than dying on the job. We don’t know everythign about this version of him, there might be some important backstory reason why having his identity made public hits deeper than being stabbed.

4 years ago

Obvious what Lucas’ plan is. Give the info to Captain Prime and then she can deal with Eugene. He can’t blackmail her with her secret identity as she is already registered, and protected in her pursuit of criminals legally.

Only issue could be that she might also need to bring them in for being unregistered, depending on the rules of this world. They can get around this by providing the information anonymously.

4 years ago
Reply to  HelloWorld

At first it was like he was checking to see if Ethan was listening, but then I was like… Yeah, this makes sense. Let a “Real Hero” deal with the troll head on.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  HelloWorld

If she needed to bring them in for being unregistered, she would have done that when dealing with the Power Glove guy, or when she saved them from their first meeting with X01.

4 years ago

I doubt even Lucas has what it takes to persuade Ethan to drop their case on someone else’s lap. Besides, if that threat is enough to dissuade them, what do we call them? Supers? Yes. Heroes? Not so sure.
Lucas ones had to remind Ethan why they started doing what they do (see issue #4, May-June 2016), perhaps it’s time to switch places.

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
4 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I don’t see how it is non-heroic to admit when you are out of your league and need assistance. They aren’t “dropping it on someone else’s lap”.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

True enough, admitting that you are out of your league is perfectly reasonable. But then reasonable people don’t wear capes. What I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t take a lot to imagine what stepping down HERE would do to their resolve LATER down the line. If they back off now, what’s going to prevent them from doing so again? When Ethan was hesitating about fighting Elijah, Lucas insisted on going after him even though his crimes were minor. Why? Because it was a matter of principle. Look the other way now – and you create a precedent, your… Read more »

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

Finally some smart thinking here!

4 years ago

So is the Troll gonna become Ethans Joker or something?

4 years ago
Reply to  Timothy

I thought it was obvious he was this story’s joker already

4 years ago

The first two panels seem just too real in the light of this election… Damn, that was either really good planning or complete coincidence!

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
4 years ago
Reply to  Max

Can we just not do the politics thing like…at all?

4 years ago

Okay, now also let Scott know that Eugene knows their real names.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

I thought that was obvious from Lucas being attacked in his own residence, which Scott already knows about.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  chargersfan

Eugene found out about Ethan; he would easily be able to piece together Lucas’ involvement. Scott, though, is more subtle. He now knows the existence of a Scott-like person, but might not know it’s him for sure.

Reiss Myskiw
Reiss Myskiw
4 years ago

“Some men, just want to watch the world burn.”

4 years ago

That is the vigilante equivalent of calling the cops.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

Didn’t see this coming, actually. Don’t know why. It’s measured, cautious, which is total Lucas… but also, I don’t see Eugene just being like “Oh, it’s a DIFFERENT super, I might as well ignore those A&D people.”

Though, if you start from the basis of (1) you can’t reveal your identity, period, and (2) you can’t go killing this person, and (3) you don’t have enough to do the job with 100% certainty, there’s not a lot of choices left. You cross your fingers and hope you become yesterday’s news.

4 years ago

Eugene on realization of how they flipped this on him: ‘Well that’s just Prime.’

4 years ago

Just wanted to say that I seriously appreciate the use of the word “trigger” here in its correct context, and that the representation of CPTSD is surprising, but very fitting with this story. Thank you for helping to show that mental illness is not a joke.

4 years ago

“How are we supposed to fight that?”
Simple and easy: a short drop and a sudden stop(or something to that extent) and The Troll never ever wins again. They don’t need to understand him, just stop him once and for all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mr_Meng
4 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Now that was a long drop. Needed to be much shorter with a rope tied around The Troll’s neck.

4 years ago

The story is definitely heating up ?

4 years ago

Even if they go this path, given how stuck up Prime can be, she may not take the case seriously. Her attitude towards the ninja robots being made by amateurs makes me think she’d believe it beneath her and would only be reactive and not proactive.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
4 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Plus she deals with what Ethan and Lucas call “real” supervillains. Obliteron and the Crimson Crescent are much higher priorities for her.

4 years ago

Involving Captain Prime can only lead to her learning about a certain robot.

That cannot end well. Unless Tim decides to hold back on the full onslaught of consequences, deriving from “AI is real” becoming public knowledge.

Usually I find the whole “let’s not ask for help from the pros” too juvenile. But in this case, it’d be pretty sensible.

4 years ago

Could someone link the comics The Troll were in? I’ve forgotten about him entirely