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November 17, 2017 by Tim

It’s time for another DCEU movie! Or as we say in this house, “Is there anything else playing? Nothing? Well… alright then.”

I did recently read an article somewhere though that changed my perspective on the DCEU just a bit, despite being sort of obvious and something-I-knew-but-never-really-thought-too-much-about-before. The gist of the article pointed out that DC has to contend with a lot of pre-conceived notions that Marvel doesn’t deal with on their side, on account of there already having been so many interpretations of these characters.

For example, who’s Iron Man? Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man. Period.

Who’s Batman? Adam West, Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, Kevin Conroy, etc.

And it makes sense that all of those preconceived notions create a bit of an uphill battle for DC in a way, because we all have our favorites among those performances and it can make it harder when things are done differently (or poorly).

It’s not totally an excuse for the movies DC has been making with their cinematic universe, mind you. Even if Heath Ledger had never given us his amazing joker, Jared Leto’s… thing was still a bad fucking idea.

Like I said, though, it did give me a little perspective on the entire “Why can’t DC get this right despite having some of the most popular characters on the planet?” question.

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7 years ago

What about spiderman, then?

7 years ago
Reply to  Shadowfury

While I personally enjoyed the most recent spiderman movie, I know far more people that VEHEMENTLY hate it. The reasons went the whole gammot from miscasting important side characters to errors in the lore to poor writing in general. I personally feel that in the cases that they sited (at least for the MOST part, there were a few parts I was forced to grudgingly agree with) DC did make good use of artistic freedom to make spiderman come to life.

7 years ago
Reply to  DemonCooler

I’m 99% sure that Spiderman is Marvel. I think Shadowfury was asking “What about Spiderman, which has had a ton of movies with different actors (a-la-batman, which Tim gave as an example), and still able to put out decent/good movies?”

You’re points still stand for the same argument. But it supports the idea that Marvel is doing better even with the characters that have numerous actors portraying them.

7 years ago
Reply to  TravWest66

That’s right, Spidey IS Marvel. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s one of the very first Marvel heroes….at least it’s one of the most important ones (according to Wikipedia ^^)

7 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

Yeah. He’s pretty early. Like sometime in the sixties. About the only important marvel things out before the 60s is fantastic four stuff.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cody

By the by, I also really digged the new Spiderman movie, regardless of what anyone else thinks but a quick check on rotten tomatoes suggests that it was actually pretty well received.

7 years ago
Reply to  Shadowfury

[some Homecoming spoilers] I do wonder that, did marvel get that one right? I’m honestly surprised it got such good reviews. There was a real lack of Spiderman universe there. MJ only hinted, Flash completely different and then nothing, even the spidersence did get replaced by Starttech. The Tech Spiderman might have been kinda appropriate as it had an incarnation in Civil War when Spidey was close to Stark, but that was only a brief time so it’s an odd choice to make and not my favorite. The Lack of the Bougle and JJJ leads to everone loving spiderman, witch… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

There’s already been at least one fairly close reinactment of each of those characters, with the exception of early Peter Parker himself (who I think this story probably got closest), so I think Marvel is trying to pull more of a “Dark Knight” thing now and reinvent some of the elements (a DC movie that reinvented characters well and shows that if you do a good job of it, it doesn’t bother people as much). Film vulture much better than comics vulture. As a rule though, Marvel film villains tend to be better than their comic book counterparts (Doctor Octopus… Read more »

7 years ago

Preconceived notions may be part of the issue, but probably not a huge part. DC has a few much bigger and more basic issues. First off, they got into the cinematic universe business WAY later than Marvel. Marvel already had six movies, including The Avengers before Man of Steel even came out. DC is very obviously rushing everything in an attempt to cash in before the whole superhero move market crashes. The other major issue is a design philosophy between DC and Marvel. DC is focused on superheros while Marvel is focused on comic books. That’s why Marvel movie tend… Read more »

Justin MacIver
Justin MacIver
7 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

Wait, they got started way late? Batman ’66 1966 Superman 1978 Superman 2 1980 Batman 1989 Batman Return 92 Batman Forever 95 Batman & Robin 97 Steel 97… Marvel started with Howard the Duck. 1986 Punisher in 89 FF 94 Blade 98 Then add in all the AWESOME animated DC movies. No, Marvel did not start way before DC. They just didnt fuck it up nearly as bad. They stopped selling to other studios and did it in house. DC has gone the dark and brooding route on damn near every movie recently and it doesnt work on heroes that… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin MacIver

Or Don’t Come :/

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin MacIver

He’s not saying they got started making movies late, but that having one whole, (nostly) cohesive universe that all of them share… they were late on. Before, the only shared ‘verses across movies, where when they had the same actor/s playing them. Keatan-verse, Reeves-verse, etc.(and, iirc, even the reeves movies didn’t share any continuity). That is what the ‘cinematic universes’ of MCU and DCEU are doing. Creating a setting in which (hopefully) the same actors play the same characters across an entire lineup of movies, solo and joined, that share an overall story. To *that*, DC is very late at… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Amethyst

I think the whole idea that the comic book movie popularity will suddenly just crash, for no real reason, is part of Hollywood’s flawed take on their audience in general. As much as I enjoy the Marvel movies on their own, the MAIN reason that I go watch every single one of them is because of the overarching plotline they’ve developed. It’s like watching a good tv show, you want to see how it ends. So really, the only mistake that can crash the industry is making bad movies, which has been DC’s problem from the outset. The original Superman… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Swiftbow

Well DC had 4 Movies and 3 of them are actually driving the same story, MoS started it, BvS is a direct sequel and the whole story is about what happend in MoS and WW did explain the sidestory photo in a prequel.

Even SS is as connected as most Marvel movie in bringing in Waller who desperately wants a government control superhero group to counter beeings like superman.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Even in the end credits when Waller meets with Wayne, he tells her that he and his friends would take care of any major threats, which Waller doesn’t like because of the lack of governmental control. IIRC, she even tried using Checkmate to oppose the Justice League as the White Queen, despite the fact that the JLA and Checkmate have the same goals.

7 years ago

Spiderman (Marvel version) has the advantage of how badly Sony screwed the pooch with Spiderman 3 and the “Amazing” series; just as Nolan (in Batman Begins – which is good but not great) had the advantage of Batman and Robin being the preceeding movie. Just imagine how good a Marvel made Fantastic 4 would be, but if Marvel did a Deadpool it would probably be a massive disappointment due to the rather rigid treatment they have of the Marvel-verse.

7 years ago

Eh. I don’t actually need my testicles that much, right? Pass me the rusty fruit press.

On second thought, let’s use it on Ben Affleck. I like my Batman better when he’s not a woman groping piece of shit.

7 years ago

Who is Spiderman? Andrew Garfield, Toby Maguire, or Tom Holland? Who is Hulk? Eric Bana, Edward Norton, or Mark Ruffalo? I get the argument the article is trying to make, but it kind of falls flat when the MCU or affiliates have done the same and still have managed success. Hell, three iterations of Spiderman, and aside from that atrocious fiasco of Maguire as Symbiote Spidey (which I am steal trying to mindbleach), they were all pretty well done and well received. Giving DC and WB leeway because they have had many actors doing the same thing doesn’t mean they… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  MaleBranche

Agreed. And when Robert Downey Jr.’s contract runs out and he decides that he doesn’t want Iron Man to overshadow the rest of his film career, will Disney just say, “OK, hey, we’ll just retire Iron Man from now on out of respect for the actor?” Heck no. It’s no different than Doctor Who or James Bond. Yes, Disney and Marvel are better at wrangling good actors into longer contracts, but essentially all of these characters have had multiple iterations over time. The only exception are the characters like Iron Man or Deadpool, who were relative nobodies in the minds… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

OK, sure, they always could try propping up a new Iron Man and have Tony Stark retire. There’s even plenty of precedent – I mean heck, Alfred, Dick, and even Supes have played at being Batman before. But I doubt it. When it comes down to an emotional connection, an audience cares about the –person– behind the mask. They don’t really care about the mask itself. A character’s abilities, whether it’s Iron Man’s armor, or Cyclops’ laser vision, isn’t really *him*. Spoilers here, for anyone who cares about comic book Spider-Man Take Spider-Man, for example. Just recently, in Superior Spider-Man,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

One thing about the MCU, the fact that the current long-term story arc will conclude with the second Infinity War movie. They may continue after that, but it’s a place that fans can choose as an end, if they want.

If anything “crashes” the superhero movie cashflow, it’ll be the end of that story arc.

7 years ago
Reply to  MaleBranche

Lou Ferrigno is Hulk! End of discussion 😉

7 years ago

*checks Rotten Tomatoes*

Aw, 37%? I was being hopeful about it….

7 years ago

Hasnt been a rotten tomatoes rating that’s reflected my taste in movies in ages. Additionally, since they changed their rating system to basically remove any and all user input in favor of reviewers of questionable bias, i find them to be an unreliable source of reviews.

7 years ago

Audience score is 83%. Screw the critics.

7 years ago

I’ll be honest, I kind of liked Jared Leto’s Joker. He looked fucking stupid, but he sounded great.
Also, on a weird note, I’m still not sure any of the DC movies have been worse than any of the Fantastic Four movies. I mean, taken historically, before the first Iron Man came about, I’m not sure these DC movies would even necessarily be seen as bad. Marvel just raised the bar awfully high all of a sudden.
And lastly, Kevin Conroy is my Batman, and nobody is ever going to out-Batman him. <3

7 years ago
Reply to  Pandalulz

Not just you, Jared Leto’s joker is my second favorite behind Ledger’s.

Wait what?!
Wait what?!
7 years ago
Reply to  Adam

-> this way, please. There’s the exit.

7 years ago
Reply to  Pandalulz

While DC movies have been received mixed reviews I still think BvS is one of the best comic book movies out there.

7 years ago

Shadowfury’s got a point here – what about Spidermen? And if you include Kevin Conroy as Batman (and the man damn right deserves it!), then there’s a handful of Wolverines, too (Cathal Dodd’s my favorite). And who’s Captain America, and is Nick Fury a black guy or a white guy?
Nah. It’s just that Robert Downey is pretty much a perfect much for this role. Doesn’t change much about Marvel and DC and their approach to movies.

James Kite
James Kite
7 years ago

How many versions of the Hulk came before the latest version? Fantastic Four? Spiderman (including the 70s movies which everyone seems to ignore) The previous renditions of Captain America, Thor and the X-men (fair enough perhaps the fact they were so bad, their existence wasn’t exactly well known) Using this whole many previous versions is simply an excuse for DCs failings. The problem with DC is a failure in execution, treating comic movies as that thing kids read, suddenly realizing those kids grew up and still treating them as little more than kids in adult clothing. Marvel doesn’t make great… Read more »

Justin MacIver
Justin MacIver
7 years ago
Reply to  James Kite

Technically the Spiderman from the 70’s was not a movie it was a set of made for tv serials that was an attempt to get a live action tv show started but they sucked so bad no one green lit the projects. DC’s main problem is they hire people who have ZERO respect for the characters and decide they want to change them from what they have been known for. Superman has always been the boyscout, the beacon of light and hope, yet he has become a brooding hipster idiot in the DC movie universe. They SHOULD have promoted… Read more »

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
7 years ago

Maybe the problem is the old Marvel movies were SO bad that nobody remembers them as a good performance, as something to compare new versions too. I loved he first two Reeves Superman movies. I loved loved Adam West. I never even saw the original Captain America movie from before the MCU.

7 years ago

At the very least they seem to still be killing it on the TV front, the last few Marvel shows have sucked.

7 years ago

Doesn’t really work.

There have been a bunch of Peter Parkers / Spider-mans lately. Some would say too many in such a short time. And that’s not even factoring on voice actors (since you mention Kevin Conroy).

Bruce Banner / Hulk? There have been a few: 2 in more recent years.

There were some old Captain America films and a bunch of more recent cartoon adaptations.


I think the Marvel characters tend to be more interesting. It’s harder to write a meaningful story when you have a character like Superman who’s pretty much a god.

7 years ago

So, I, sort of agree with the previous incarnation theory, but as many others stated. People loved the Tobey Spiderman (minus movie 3) but …if its a good characterization and story people will love it regardless. Take Xmen. People love Patrick Stewart and Ian but they also dug the younger versions. same with mystique and a few others that were reintroduced. I think the real problem is the characters themselves. Unfortunately they are suffering from the God complex. What can stop Superman….nothing…except a rare metal that few have that turns him to the complete opposite of what he is which… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  CRod

I’d just like to thank you. There was a 1,000 foot tsunami bearing down on my home, but I put this wall of text up and it saved my life, my family, and my home. We owe you a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

7 years ago
Reply to  Alyric

This comment actually made me snort, so no, thank you

7 years ago

Oh well, still the worst of the DCEU is much better than the best of Marvel. Not that’s it that great, mind You, it’s just not a very high bar to jump over…

7 years ago
Reply to  M3f

You have that backwards sir or madam. The Worst of MCU is much better than the best of DC. As bad and boring as Iron Man 2 is, it is still overall a better movie than Wonder Woman. It’s shot better, written better, doesn’t have people who shouldn’t have shitty “ethnic” accents having them for no reason other than Gal having an accent. As great of a movie as Wonder Woman is, it still completely wastes a cool character (marksman) and tries too hard to be a female version of “Captain America: The First Avenger.” We also cannot forgive the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

I respect Your opinion however flawed it may be… 🙂 I’d rather have my nuts cracked in a rusty fruit press than watch another Marvel movie.

7 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

Being on a mythical *Greek* Island seems like a reasonable justification for its population having an accent.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ubvoiced

Then why did they not get Greek or Mediterranean actresses, rather than having them have the garbled Eastern European meets Northern Africa accents from the movies? Why did Ares not have a Greek accent since he is the Greek God of War?

7 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

Simple. Ares has been working around and with mankind for centuries, whereas the Amazons have been living seperate and disconnected. He’s picked up the lingo. The others have not.

As for Greek actresses, that would actually have been interesting, but the island is Hellenic in appearance rather than heritage. They’d have had contact with other ancient human civilisations of the time and especially around the Mediterranean in general, thus the accents are likely quite close.

7 years ago
Reply to  M3f

Suicide Squad is terrible compared to Winter Soldier.

Nick Rivest
Nick Rivest
7 years ago

As much as I loved Ledger, his Joker was an atrocious interpretation that in no way reflected the character. Who know who ACTUALLY gave an accurate representation of the character on film? YES! LETO! He and Nicholson (and Hamill of course) have been the most comic accurate. Joker before Ledger was NOT a complete anarchist, he was a completely insane and unpredictable GANGSTER. And that’s what Lego gave! Now, as I understand it, the Blu-ray added some scenes of his deleted from the theatrical, so maybe those scenes helped, but it’s a FINE Joker if you know ANYTHING about the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Nick Rivest

I agree completely. Ledger was a pathetic Joker… Everyone just likes him because the actor died.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nick Rivest

Ledger Joker was a great interpretatiion for a movie trying to ground itself in some sort of pseudo-reality.

7 years ago

I actually really enjoyed the movie. It was very fast paced, and I’ve heard complaints about it being “chaotic,” but that actually added to the fun and believability in a way. Things don’t happen slowly. They just happen and you react to them. A lot of things happened really quickly, and that seemed really realistic to me. There were hints of things to come in previous movies then boom! Heee it all is at once, let’s deal with it. As for the action sequences, the same fast pace also helped there. The fights were very well put together without feeling… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  John

I did that for BvS. First 5 minutes had me concentrating on everything bad afterwards. XD

7 years ago


7 years ago

I don’t think that’s it. The thing about the Marvel movies is they are fun. DC forgot to have fun. Superman’s brooding. Batman’s brooding. Everything’s so heavy and seeeeerious. Everything is drab and cold colors.

Robert Downey Junior’s Tony Stark, on the other hand, set the tone for Marvel, and they’ve kept it up.

Sure, people will see sad movies, but you don’t go to super hero movies for sad, and you can’t build an entire cinematic universe around it.

Bill de Haan
Bill de Haan
7 years ago
Reply to  turrboenvy

Certain words keep popping up in reviews and discussions about both the DCU and the MCU. For Marvel, those words tend to be fun, exciting, cool, enjoyable, and amusing. For DC, those words are grim, dark, sullen, morose, tedious, gray, joyless, dour, humourless, grimy, sour, brooding, dismal, etc. Marvel can and does do serious and dark, too. But even their serious movies have SOME humour in them. DC is just so relentlessly depressing, there is no point to them. A gloomy, fatalistic character like Batman can carry that, but Superman is supposed to be an upbeat, optimistic character, not a… Read more »

7 years ago

I saw JL last night, and I actually liked it. Was it perfect? No. But it was DEFINITELY a step in the right direction for DC. The movie didn’t have an end of days/ash everywhere colour filter over everything like BvS, the characters are moving away from their “gritty” New 52 personalities, and I believe Gal Gadot might secretly actually be Wonder Woman.

7 years ago

The main reason why I don’t care much about DC is that they try waaay too hard to make all of their stuff mostly dark and gritty. And this doesn’t apply just to their movies, but their games as well. The grimdark tone of Injustice was one of the main reasons why I never really bothered to check it out, even though Lobo (whose comics I really enjoyed back in the day) was a playable character. Marvel, meanwhile, finds a good balance between the fantastic elements of the comics from where these characters originate and a proper sense of realism.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  ZORK

I did like the difference of Marvel being the funny ones, DC the serious ones and Sony somewhere in between. It gives you different takes.. I love that BvS is a bit more complex movie than the usual. And while they went for a more formulaic approach with WW I hope they will keep doing some different stuff as well.

Marvel went a bit too far in the comedy corner with Thor for me, I hope they don’t make all the movies in Guardians Style now.

7 years ago

Zack Snyder is why the DCEU can’t have nice things. What’s the one of the current slate of DCEU movies that’s done the best? Wonder Woman. Who had pretty much zero to do with it? Zack Snyder.

We can hope, going forward, that the DCEU will start righting itself without Snyder at the helm.

Jason Hall
Jason Hall
7 years ago

I see a lot of comments citing the current MCU spiderman and Hulk as being successes in the face of previous attempts, but there’s also the flip side. I don’t think many people had preconceived notions about the characters in Suicide Squad (save Joker), and it still sucked. They had practically a blank slate on these characters going in with some really good actors and it still suffered from poor studio choices. Yeah, there have been a lot of batmans and a lot of supermans, and some of them have been better than what is there now, but like others… Read more »

7 years ago

From the comments above it seems there’s a common trend as to why DCEU movies are less well received than the Marvel counterparts. It’s the tone. It’s a very hard balance to hit between conveying a sense of importance to what it happening on screen in a super hero movie and not going too dark and grim. So far, DCEU has tilted toward too grim/dark/gritty etc. I mean, as much as these movies are for adults, let’s not forget a generation of kids is going to grow up with these movies forming their perception of certain heroes. The best examples… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Namrepus

“why is it always night time in the DCEU?”

Because Batman only comes out at night.

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
7 years ago

The problem, in my opinion, is that they keep shitting on their flagship character, Superman. I almost think that they deliberately kick the character in the crotch every couple of years out of spite over this situation: Superman is supposedly dead now, and he’s not appearing in any of the trailers for the Justice League movie. Of course, he died a figurative death when they decided to make him “grown up,” “edgy,” and “dark.” He was already grown up before they decided to “make him so,” and he was never intended to be edgy or dark. The whole point… Read more »

7 years ago

there are different version of him, what I find strange is that most people seem to like the animated JLA series. And there he is much darker, actually wanting to kill Lex, refuses to talk to supergirl who desperately needed a father figure and so on.

7 years ago

Flawless victory

7 years ago

That is a very good point, but Marvel just definitively overcame that very same issue with Spider-Man after bringing him back into the fold, so…still no excuse. :-/

7 years ago

Two words about BvS that have destroyed my faith in DC doing anything right.
1) Doomsday.
2) “Martha”

7 years ago
Reply to  WhiteWolf

Doomsday made no sense in terms of canon, but was fairly cool.
Martha…not sure what the hell was SUPPOSED to be the point, it’s like a really bad metaphor made out of really bad analogies all of which mean nothing,

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

What I got from the “Martha” scene was Batman finally seeing the “human” side of Superman, instead of him just being a god-alien. They spent too long brow beating us with why Batman hated him, and really glossed over the redemption part. Most people I’ve spoken with totally missed that, which is just another way they screwed up BvS.

7 years ago

Why is Daria talking about the new Justice League movie.

7 years ago

I really enjoyed Justice League and it kind of tied up the development in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.
As individual movies MoS and BvS really disappointed me (the latter moreso) but watched with Justice League it comes together quite well.

Does that excuse those movies for being shit by themselves? Nope.
But it is more of a cinematic universe that builds on itself rather than Marvel which resets character development at the beginning of each movie to fit the plot. Ironman 3 has this great development for Tony and then Civil War acts like nothing happened.

7 years ago

Zack Snyder is the main problem with DCEU movies… Zack is great at cinematography but focuses so heavily on it that story will suffer just so he can get the shot he wants. Watchman is a prime example of this, could have been a fantastic movie but he plot holes are unforgivable which is a shame since the movie looked so good. Same goes for 300, the only thing that saved it was that Frank Miller wrote the original story and there was no way for him to completely butcher the story. Zack seems to be a producer that needs… Read more »

7 years ago

I think the issues with the DC movies isn’t characters having to overcome viewers pre-conceived notions, but rather that the characters – and movies – weren’t written very well. Just kinda…meh.

7 years ago

You know it’s kinda funny the main reason I loathe DC is Superman and his uncanny ability to have a weakness until it’s to inconvenient, that and most of the main DC heroes are either alien entities or descendants of ancient gods, whereas Marvel most of their characters are at base human.

Please note that most does not equal all.

7 years ago

Marvel=Light, fluffy, formulaic movies that require absolutely no thought to enjoy. These are very easy to enjoy as long as you don’t think about them. In fact, they actually get worse the more you think about the movie. (Also has the Disney advantage that Disney owns a LOT of media outlets and can shape the narrative far easier than the other two but that as well as the effect of gender/race politics is too long a post for this forum) X-men=Kinda between the two. Far more experimental movies. Along the same lines, this means that quality can vary wildly. Requires… Read more »

7 years ago

Go see superhero movie about superheros you like with cute girl who is into superheros orrrrrrrrrr get nuts crushed in fruit press.

yah, tuff choyse their buddeh

7 years ago

DC struggle because they use fictitious places over real world alternates (Gotham City instead of New York) which makes it harder for the regular person to follow. There’s no real clear answer as for why Batman and Superman ever ended up in the same place because there’s nowhere that really connects them – unlike with Marvel where plenty of superheroes all exist in the same town as a centralized hub for the entertainment. If DC had put Superman and Batman in the same fictitious city then we might be looking at the DC franchise as a much more effective modern… Read more »

7 years ago

Potentially this holds a LITTLE water. After all, Wonder Woman was the first big-screen cinematic presentation of the character, and despite having some highlights the TV series is dated and cheesy as well as being somewhat less progressive. And WW is the only film so far that’s actually succeeded. But Heath Ledger’s Joker and Christian Bale’s Batman were excellent representations in a series that hit high point after high point – despite those characters also having been represented successfully in the past, several times over. Honestly, the DCU simply hasn’t done well enough by most of its constituent characters to… Read more »

7 years ago

I disagree. Marvel had a significantly greater challenge – building a universe in which they couldn’t use most of their most popular properties. Remember, at the time Iron Man was made, Marvel did not have access to Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Punisher, or any character associated with X-men. In addition to being without their biggest guns, they had the baggage of absolutely terrible Hulk and Captain America adaptations to contend with. I’m not saying Stark was ever a benchwarmer, but he was nowhere near as popular as he is now until after his first movie. Marvel was successful because they… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  rAt

Heh, Supreman. Thanks auto-correct.

7 years ago

The problem isn’t itterations. It’s that it sucks. When I went to see Marvel movies, I expect them to be bad and I get regularly surprised. I’ve watched some of them MORE THAN ONCE. DCEU movies are TRASH. Wonder Woman is the only movie that is just about correct. The rest is such garbage that they shoudl scrap everything nad start anew. Man of Steel was an epic failure. Batman vs. Superman was not AS BAD, but that’s like saying that a pile of pig shit is not as bad as a pile of cow shit. It’s true, but we’re… Read more »

7 years ago

I think the main problem DC has is the same problem it’s always had, namely that they don’t give a crap about characters and character devlopment. Most periods of published comics see a lot of loose storytelling culminating in some kind of stupid crisis where suddenly everything you knew about a character gets retconned and everything starts over again. That’s why I think the DC tv series we’ve seen so far are/were doing fairly well. Arrow, Flash, in a lesser way even Supergirl all get us invested in characters we want to follow through their stories. It’s also why I… Read more »

7 years ago

Well i just returned from the cinema. And i for one actually enjoyed watching Justice League.
Yes sure theres been a tad of an aim and miss with the guy playing Barry, but the rest hit it off rather well.
It has what i want when i go to the cinema,
A certain Flow of the events being played out.
And most of all, content i didnt expect to see.

Watch with an open mind and you just might be surprised in a good way

7 years ago

Part of the problem DC has is that they limit how long their movies can be. Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad, and even Justice League has a ton of ‘deleted’ scenes that shouldn’t have been removed from the movie but they did because they wanted to limit how long their movies are to get a maximum amount of showings in and maximize profit. That hurts the quality of the movie in theatres in my opinion. I feel Suicide Squad and Batman vs Superman were better with those deleted scenes in there when I watched the movie with them in it.… Read more »

7 years ago

From what I’ve seen Marvel uses the same creative process for their movies that they use for their comics. Movies aren’t kept separate. They’re all used to support each other and the more movies that are done the stronger the storyline becomes. If DC wants to compete with Marvel they need to build a universe. From the ground up.