Nice Sea of Thieves poster, I’m sure Evan spends all day staring at it.
Joshua Eddleston
7 years ago
For some bizarre reason, I have always thought UPS was pronounced UP-S (as in the direction) instead of U-P-S and I have only just realized that is not the case (I live in New Zealand, so it wasn’t as obvious to me as it should have been really).
Anyway, first time commentor, just really want to say that I love the comic and have loved it since the days of the original. Thanks for the great read over the past few years, keep up the fantastic work!
Stuff like this tough to write in comic font too, because there isn’t a drastic, readily apparent difference between upper and lowercase. UPS doesn’t put periods between the letters of their acronym either, so I just have to hope people read it as UPS and not “ups.”
Meh us Americans are pretty laxidasical and inconsistent when it comes to sticking punctuation in our alphabet soup of acronyms. Look at all the government agencies, sometimes you see the periods many times you dont. I think bolding is the best you can do for the emphasis which it looks like you did.
I think the only time I see acronyms consistantly get the periods between the letters is when the creator of said acronym is trying to show how clever they were with makeing the name of the whatever fit some arbitrary word.
I usually call them “oops”, as in what they say when they drop your package.
7 years ago
dude, maybe she has a speech impediment, don’t diss her before you get to know her XD
Eldest Gruff
7 years ago
I’m liking the deeper, somewhat insecure side of Ethan that we’re seeing here. He’s not just a loveable goofball who doesn’t really think ahead, he’s also someone who takes relationships seriously and cautiously, in order to not be hurt. He also seems to be a loner; outside of Lucas and Scott, it seems like he doesn’t really have any friends.
And for about a tenth of a second in Panel 2, I thought this comic was going somewhere completely different. It is 2018, after all.
This Ethan has also had another like 8 years of experience in life. He’s probably had more relationships and probably has felt seriously hurt more times.
7 years ago
I’m pretty sure that Ethan meant that Lucas would make the list.
Also, Emily sounds…familiar. Doesn’t she already have a boyfriend?
Nice Sea of Thieves poster, I’m sure Evan spends all day staring at it.
For some bizarre reason, I have always thought UPS was pronounced UP-S (as in the direction) instead of U-P-S and I have only just realized that is not the case (I live in New Zealand, so it wasn’t as obvious to me as it should have been really).
Anyway, first time commentor, just really want to say that I love the comic and have loved it since the days of the original. Thanks for the great read over the past few years, keep up the fantastic work!
Ya its an acronym, United Parcel Service or something along those lines.
Stuff like this tough to write in comic font too, because there isn’t a drastic, readily apparent difference between upper and lowercase. UPS doesn’t put periods between the letters of their acronym either, so I just have to hope people read it as UPS and not “ups.”
I mean, I had to reread it to be sure, but yeah, I read it that way.
Meh us Americans are pretty laxidasical and inconsistent when it comes to sticking punctuation in our alphabet soup of acronyms. Look at all the government agencies, sometimes you see the periods many times you dont. I think bolding is the best you can do for the emphasis which it looks like you did.
I think the only time I see acronyms consistantly get the periods between the letters is when the creator of said acronym is trying to show how clever they were with makeing the name of the whatever fit some arbitrary word.
The UPS is slightly bold makes it obvious enough to me.
I usually call them “oops”, as in what they say when they drop your package.
dude, maybe she has a speech impediment, don’t diss her before you get to know her XD
I’m liking the deeper, somewhat insecure side of Ethan that we’re seeing here. He’s not just a loveable goofball who doesn’t really think ahead, he’s also someone who takes relationships seriously and cautiously, in order to not be hurt. He also seems to be a loner; outside of Lucas and Scott, it seems like he doesn’t really have any friends.
And for about a tenth of a second in Panel 2, I thought this comic was going somewhere completely different. It is 2018, after all.
This Ethan has also had another like 8 years of experience in life. He’s probably had more relationships and probably has felt seriously hurt more times.
I’m pretty sure that Ethan meant that Lucas would make the list.
Also, Emily sounds…familiar. Doesn’t she already have a boyfriend?
Ethan comic
Maybe if you’d stop skipping them you would actually be a less terrible commenter?
Hm. Dialogue between Manny and Sid, especially the line:
“Do you have to tell us everytime you[r body] do[es] anything?”
Seriously. Get some kind of humor or at least stop being such an annoying commenter / reader.
Hm let’s see today’s todo list….”Feed the Troll” – check!
Feed him chocolate till it poisons him
Baby’s the best choice
… She sounds like the perfect match for Ethan …
Small bug with your site: the previous button and the arrows on the sides of the comic don’t share the same function