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April 27, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

I love this game. I bought a PS4 for Horizon Zero Dawn, haven’t turned it on since finishing that one, and after buying this last week. So glad I did it. Great story, great father/son relationship and I just love seeing the story unfold. Also helps that it’s absolutely beautiful. And I’m not enjoying myself doing some of the side quests instead of following the story further. Probably because I want more upgrades for my two weapons before going to fight the bigger guys. I am however playing it in “Give me a story”-mode because I suck at games like… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  EvilSwordfish

agreed on the beautiful part. I have found myself just stopping and looking at every new area (when I am not under siege lol) and I have to say, without any spoilers, the scene the first time you enter Tyr’s temple absolutely blew me away. I had my little old man moment of “kids today have it way to good. back in my day cutscenes where all hard triangles and unmoving mouths!”

6 years ago

That would be me 😀

6 years ago

Toy Boats are important, Kratos knows his priorities.

6 years ago

Toy boats are real. Spirits are make-believe. Adults know whats what.

6 years ago

collectibles > saving the world

6 years ago

Man, I’m loving this game. I’ll stop reading g your comics for now… I can’t play as fast as the most of you guys. My schedule/family doesn’t allow it. See you in a couple of weeks…

6 years ago

Autoplay audio on a USPS ad, Brunswick on Chrome/Mac, 6:40am eastern time.

(Didn’t see anywhere to email on the site and saw some weeks back you wanted to know about these. Ad came back when revisiting this page at 6:45 am eastern.)

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim autoplayed an advert at 6:58pm EST after I locked my computer screen. I even locked my computer while in a different browser tab.

6 years ago

I have this nagging feeling that there’s a great comic joke involving Hraezlyr somewhere…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Aww, Kratos looks so happy.

The first three God of War games would have been very different if instead of falling into a murderous rage, Kratos had just started frequenting Ye Olde Spartan Hobby Shop and drown his grief in miniatures.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

CAD is *totally* copying Penny Arcade again!
A few weeks ago…
“I need help.”
“That’s the first step really. Acknowledging that…”
“No. Like, getting the ones on the top shelf”

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I know the strip you’re talking about… and that doesn’t make sense.

Actually, I think it’s funny how PA and CAD were complete polar opposites in response to God of War.

Tycho and Gabe: This is so unrealistic; Kratos’ son isn’t a useless waste of space, like mine.

Tim: You’re so mean!! Where is the ‘hug’ button??

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

There’s usually someone, somewhere who is claiming that one of the “Gaming Webcomics” (CAD, Penny Arcade, VG Cats, Awkward Zombie, etc) is copying another one despite this generally not being the case (though there is occasionally overlap due to them talking about the same stuff). I’m making a joke about that. Also the “copying” in this case would have been Kratos’ obsession with collection miniatures.

6 years ago

The spirit wasn’t actually going to do that anyways; he was just going to put them with a random woman who has children.
In his defense, all people look the same to him. It’s the brown hair.

6 years ago

It happened twice, autoplay “goboldy” This is the address that it linked to. It happened when i went to the front page and then again when I went to comment here. Is there somewhere else we can inform you of this? it is the 29th, at 10:20 EST

6 years ago

gotta wonder now when starcaster chronicles or the campaign gets update

6 years ago

Could you make it that you have seeing “ALL” comics in publishing timeline as default? Once again I got stuck on your last CaD story comic and got a dead end there and that happened to me multiple times. Then I had to pull the “by month” archive and go from there to find what was next, and what I possibly missed out on because I was thrown once again into “1 story only line”. For example this comic’s “NEXT” button skips the console wars from april 30th and goes straight into May.

3 years ago


3 years ago

(this happened way before current virus situation) there was ps4 or 3 or xbox i dont even remember at this point, in the store near by my home, and it had the cars game (from 2006 i believe) and i would do the normal racing story, but as soon as i hit the Lizzie’s place first time each time, it was duck the racing time to collect postcards. i spent hours on that (since at the time my playtime on either my ps2 or pc was limited to 1 hour a day. between 18:00-19:00. but somehow playing at computer on… Read more »