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August 11, 2017 by Tim

A few weeks ago my buddy Andrew over at SUMO reached out to me to ask if I’d like to try a new chair they’re offering. He described it as “a new take on the Omni” (their very first chair, the one we used at Digital Overload). “Removable cover, spandex material and a smaller Micro Bead.  It is more comfortable and suitable for children.”

Children? I thought. Hey, I have some of those! Sure, why not!

And then I all but forgot about it until a couple of weeks later a giant box showed up on my doorstep. Since this is a new product, I didn’t really know what to expect; it wasn’t available on the website yet. When I first opened the box, I thought it was a giant version of one of those water snake toys. I guess it’s called the Omni Flex.

Tiny human for scale.

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Now, apparently this chair went completely off the grid for a few days while in the custody of UPS. As in, they had a giant empty box and no chair. Eventually the beanbag turned up, and they sent it along on its way to me, but I have no idea what this thing went through. I do know it arrived with a giant, black smudge on one end. Either it got stuck in one of the sorting machines, or the UPS guys were using it to slide across the warehouse floor.

The chair’s skin, carefully flayed and preserved. In other words, the removable cover removed.

SUMO offered to send me a new cover, but I figured what better opportunity to see how kid friendly this thing really is. Because if you have kids around furniture, they’re going to spill shit on it. So let’s see how hard this is to clean.

Now, this dirt was ground into the chair; the surface of the otherwise very smooth and soft material was a little rough as testament to the abuse. Plus, who knows how many butts had been on that chair during its journey. So I took off the cover (a nice advantage over the original Omni), and noticed the tag said “Hand Wash Only.” Blech.

Then I realized my washing machine has a setting that says “Hand Wash” on it. Hah! Take that, stupid instructional tag.

Why do myself what I can make a machine do for me?

Also I figured hey, I didn’t pay for this thing, and whenever I get free samples I give them away for tournament prizes at my LGS after I’m reviewed them anyway. So let’s see what happens if you put this in the wash.

The tag also said “Do Not Tumble Dry”, but I did that too.

I’m not advocating that you should do what I did; ignore the instructions at your own risk. But I’m a rebel, and they haven’t invented an instructional tag yet that can cage this wild spirit.

Anyway, my cover survived just fine. And 99% clean to boot. Which is impressive given how embedded that oily dirt was.

So once I had a sparkly clean and fresh-smelling Omni Flex, it was time to figure out how to use it.

The cover is made out of a really smooth, stretch material, almost like a thicker spandex, or a thinner neoprene. There isn’t a lot of texture to it, but it seems to have a nice balance between malleability and elasticity. Inside there are definitely little beads, as opposed to clumps of memory foam like the Titan and some of their other chairs have.

Since there were no pictures on SUMO’s site at the time, I had to guess at the different ways to use it. Most obvious, I suppose, is simply lying on it.

I have successfully lied down. Which in this house means 30 seconds later there’s a child crawling on me.

This was very comfortable. The chair feels pretty floppy on its own, but once you displace the beads with your body weight, it firms up really fast for great support once you’ve settled into your perfect position. This is actually something I kind of miss with my Titan; I love that it’s massive and feels like flopped down onto a big pillow, but it’s always squishy. No matter which way you move or turn, it’s soft, which sometimes isn’t so great for achieving certain sitting positions.

The Omni Flex, like the Omni before it, manages to hold a nice firm shape when you’re in it, but is also a lot soften than the Omni was (I always thought the Omni’s cover, while very tough, left a bit to be desired in the comfort department).

So yeah, lying down was great. I was happy to watch TV from this position for a couple hours at a time because, again, it felt supportive enough that my back wasn’t stuck in a slouched or curved position.

However playing games this way was less than ideal; I like to be sitting a bit more upright when I use a controller, and especially if I’m using my Switch in handheld mode, lest my hands start to go numb.

You can curve the Omni Flex just if you prop it up against something (a wall, a couch, whatever), which lets you sit upright, but as far as I was concerned, the chair was useless if it couldn’t do that on its own. Fortunately, I found that if you stand the chair up vertically on one end, and then sort of sit straight down into its midsection, you can displace the beads quickly enough that the back of the chair goes rigid, giving you a comfortable upright seat.

Success! A seated position! Evolution at work here, folks.

I’m sure there are other ways to use the chair as well. On your stomach. Lying on the floor with the chair covering you like a voluptuous tomb slab. You could even sit two people side-by-side. Though the chair isn’t deep enough sideways to offer back support to two people, it would be more comfortable than sitting on the floor. Unless your floor is also made out of beanbag chair.

And if you’re a child, well… it’s probably just about the most amazing thing on the planet.

It’s been a week, he’s still there. Actually, I’m not sure he knows how to get off it…

So there you have it, the Omni Flex.


  • It’s malleable like a beanbag should be, but once you’ve displaced the beads it still provides some support for extended periods of lounging. You can lean over to grab your drink without everything shifting and dumping you on the floor.
  • The cover is removable. That sort of thing makes a big difference if you have pets or kids.
  • The cover does not appear to attract lint or hair; we’ve had it for a week with two kids and a dog all over it, and it still looks like it just came out of the wash.
  • The spandex does seem like a nice middle-ground temperature-wise. One of my complaints about my corduroy Titan with foam filling is that, while nice and cozy in the winter, it can get pretty warm in the summer. The Flex seems to stay pretty cool.
  • It feels like there’s more fill per inch than the original Omni. So not only is it bigger, it feels more plush as well.
  • It’s light; it was so easy to move this thing around compared to my Titan, which may as well be bolted to the floor.
  • It’s one of the less expensive SUMO chairs.
  • It comes in a lot of colors.


  • There is no blending in for this chair. Yes, it comes in a lot of colors, all of which are vibrant and loud. I’ve talked in the past about some of SUMO’s chairs that look… dare I say, more grown-up? More respectable? The upholstery/corduroy exterior of the Titan almost makes it look like a piece of real furniture. The Omni Flex isn’t going to pull that off. It is most definitely a beanbag chair. Now that’s not necessarily a “con”, per se, but it is something you should be aware of. It will stand out if the rest of your living room decor is more formal. It will be right at home in an office, dorm room, kids room, or home theater, though.
  • The cover is has held up well over the week we’ve had it. However I’m not sure it feels quite as durable as the thicker corduroy of my Titan. Only time will tell, but for certain if it sustains any damage, it will be far more noticeable on the Flex’s cover since it is otherwise so smooth and textureless.
  • There’s a bit of a learning curve to getting an upright seat position. You have to hold the chair in position as you sit down. This was also the case with the original Omni. As opposed to their rounder, more pillow-like chairs where you just sit down and wiggle into place.
  • It’s not great for two people. Again, not exactly a con, because I don’t think it’s marketed as a two-person chair, I just wanted to be clear.
  • If you have kids, you’ll never get to sit in it because the little assholes will hog it.

Disclaimer: As mentioned above, I received this Omni Flex for free for the purpose of doing an honest an unbiased review. I’ve known the guys at SUMO since they sponsored the very first Digital Overload back in 2006.

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7 years ago

Hi Tim! When will be Analog and D-pad #5?

Rollie the Guar
Rollie the Guar
7 years ago

[Rollie gazes at you with soulful eyes, but says nothing.]

7 years ago

Super villains attack the city? Haven’t seen one in ages. Might want to keep your Patreon-only story line separate from your real story line.

7 years ago
Reply to  kruug

It is a general comment from how I read it. They are in a superhero/supervillain universe, so why wouldn´t there be fighting off screen.

7 years ago
Reply to  kruug

See also:
Evil Plan. A great webcomic that has that sort of a scenario what with there being a whole bunch of villains and heroes about.

7 years ago
Reply to  kruug

Just because Analog and D-Pad haven’t been getting involved in any super villain attacks, doesn’t mean there are none. In fact, I’d say their lack of participation makes sense, given they’re still, from what I understood, rookies.

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Makes sense. If you live with the threat of super villains wrecking your normal day, people will arm themselves. Luckily no one carried a gun around, but then he would have just respawned. XD

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hey, that could be ANY person who can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, be shot with a bullet and not die! It doesn’t HAVE TO be Superman!

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Could have been the birth of undying scarecrow. Maybe one of his copies came back to life as such a super villain and wants revenge on his original. XD

7 years ago

Fuck carrying a taser, I’ll carry a sacrificial sword with me everywhere I go

7 years ago
Reply to  Urzole_Narx

I’m scared for your family right now…
If you lugged around FFTA’s Excalibur around while having reflex and keeping yourself Concentrated on the other hand, THAT would work.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

My family already questions my sanity. I’m going to end up filling someone’s face with staples, then cutting something of his off and force feeding it to him. I think I have problems, but I don’t care. 🙂

7 years ago

“Auto tuned remix”
This is the internet Ethan…

Tim V.
Tim V.
7 years ago

I’m really liking this storyline! It’s a nice low-key break from the action, and Ethan’s antics remind me a lot of the sort of thing he’d get up to in the old version of the comic, as does Lucas’ “Ethan…!” attitude.

7 years ago

Wow, Tim, the kids are getting big quick! I remember when mine was that small, and I just took him to his first day of kindergarten. Does the spandex-like material of the cover pick up a lot of dirt from the floor?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mitoni

My cousin is incredibly large, when he was in 2nd grade he was taller than I was in 4th. (Incidentally, he also has ludicrously strong vocal chords)
It’s not a matter of time to growth, but a matter of growth to average.

7 years ago

I cackled out loud in my living room. Nice the see the old Ethan back in action. I missed that guy.

7 years ago

Off topic mate, but the new Silly has a bad link, just thought you might wanna look into it 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Vrach

Until the link gets fixed, here’s the dialogue for you:

“No Man’s Sky is releasing a huge update, with tons of new stuff including basic multiplayer.”
“Wow, maybe we should go back and give the game another chance.”

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

Talk about mean-spirited, I’ve been having a lot of fun with the new Artemis plotline.

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

I thought the purpose of NMS was a bit like Minecrafts: Run/fly around, explore magnificent terrain that no one else will probably ever see/care about, and maybe blow stuff up.
Not neccesarily having good NPCs besides animals, and not necessarily having a coherent plot if any.

7 years ago

Also I appreciate how Scott is enjoying revenge after ALL THOSE YEARS.

7 years ago

Hi. Love seeing Ethan and Lucas back please keep them in.
Also your kids are adorable. How old are they now?