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Infernal Demons, p24

July 21, 2023 by Tim

It’s here! As you read this, I am likely at ConnectiCon, bumbling my way around trying to remember how to do this convention thing. If you’re going, come say hi! I’ve got a table… somewhere. And I’ll be doing a panel… at some point.

I’ve got a handful of books, posters, pins and stickers if you’re into that sort of thing, or just come ask me a question. Hope to see a few of you there!

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Smol Bear
Smol Bear
1 year ago

I’d like to see him pull off cool, confident, AND charming all at once. For more than 10 seconds

Lilah literally made fun of the “masturbation man” video, pretty sure she doesn’t have him on a pedestal

1 year ago
Reply to  Smol Bear

She doesn’t seen the type to put anyone on a pedestal. Specially based on mere words and pose.

Any journalist worth their ink learns to see beyond idealisation and acts, regardless of the intentions behind it all. It’s a must to figure out their job, after all.

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
1 year ago

Don’t worry, Ethan. I’m sure she already knows you’re a doofus.

1 year ago

Honestly, if you get into any form of law enforcement without fully expecting that… You’re out of touch with reality. Escalation. Feeling like your work is positively sisyphean. Those are pretty much inherent to the job, humanity being what it is. You should brace yourself for it, from day one. And that’s without even considering corruption within the forces themselves, something this comic hasn’t even touched yet. But if/when Tim does, I’m sure it’ll be good because his storytelling is great. We all know there’s gotta be at least some rotten apples around. It’s still OK to feel bummed out… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Rolando
1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

Kind of has touched on that, with the whole Deathblood thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jaysburn

How? Did we actually see any corrupt cops or so that I’m forgetting?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

Corrupted superhero

1 year ago
Reply to  7eggert

Well, that’s definitely so different it doesn’t apply to what I said. It’s almost like changing the subject. I was clear about my point being in regard to corruption “within the forces.” Police in this case, most probably.

1 year ago

This story line is gold

1 year ago

That’s probably how Batman felt like around Joker after few seasons of dealing with him over and over. Here’s to hoping he won’t have to fight him as a pathogen in his own body.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maxwell
1 year ago
Reply to  Maxwell

batman has nobody to blame but batman for having to deal with joker over and over and over again. rorschach wouldve only had to deal with him once. maybe twice.

1 year ago
Reply to  jack

Punisher almost Did

i dont know
i dont know
1 year ago
Reply to  jack

Deathblood would only have to deal with The Troll once, maybe twice too. Just saying.

1 year ago
Reply to  jack

Joker actually proved in a recent storyline that even if batman lets him die he has backup plans for escaping death. Their whole dynamic changed after the recent joker war where the joker stole all of bruce waynes assets (including his company and all batman caves throughout gotham). Harley quinn forced batman to choose between saving her and saving the joker (cause she was tired of batman letting the fucker live), and he chose to save her, much to the disbelief of the joker who is now aware batman is done with his shit too and is willing to end… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  wilddeath

what joker has no plans for has no bearing on what batman has ever tried once. and i would wager these plans of his havent always been in place, nor are they infallible. bane was infallible too. until he wasn’t

edit: i am aware of BWL. even that would teach bruce an important lesson: avoid close range. guns are a thing. or even a batarang to the skull

Last edited 1 year ago by jack
1 year ago

Time for Dpad to casually move Analog over top her and de-spawn his arrow. So that he would fall to his death right in front of her. Only to re-spawn and be forced to give her a quote.

1 year ago

There is of course the other issue not mentioned here, her boss. Last time she published a piece with them it went badly because he was only interested in what would sell papers, and I can just imagine what he would do with the knowledge of the Trollz now being a thing. Would only cause an even bigger problem is my wager.

That being said, I could see Lucas just dropping Ethan next to her as a way of giving him a ‘little push’ lol

1 year ago

Anyone waiting for him to remove the Arrow and let him fall to his death for her to come running. Seeing his dead body and then he respawn in front of her.

1 year ago

Ghosting is icky. Doesn’t have to see her in person to trade her a lead – “not a quote, but “the troll” has copycats now”

1 year ago

I understand this is an emotional time for him, but I feel like he owes her a quote. Wasn’t that part of the deal? At least implicitly?
Still, I get his feelings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolan7

Yeah, seems like he would be burning a bridge by going back on his deal. I guess this really just shows how unprofessional he is as a superhero. He only cares about her as a potential hookup, not as someone doing a job.

1 year ago

He Should give a quote as something like ‘Make sure to call them ‘The Untold’ they went with ‘myriad’ as a way to describe themselves I want to troll the lot of them and make them seem useless and their efforts not worth mentioning at the same time.’ Though probably not in the right headpace now to realize what a boon having the media Mock Them could be.

1 year ago

I feel like the phone messages should be flipped, right? His on the right, hers on the left? Or is my dyslexia acting up again?

1 year ago

I mean not for nothing, but being authentic and emotionally vulnerable is an effective way to connect with another person on a genuine level.

1 year ago

If I had to guess. The troll is dead. What we are seeing here is his legacy beginning to sprout.