I remember reading about some dudes that got court martialed for “indecent acts” while deployed pre don’t-ask-don’t-tell repeal bc they were f-ing each others’ armpits. Never knew there was a word for it til now.
Well it could be worse, unless Tim knew this one off the top of his head (Not judging), he MUST have done some research to find the ideal fetish for Ethan to be accused of… So his search History must be worse 😀
I noticed it a while ago thanks to all the Japanese artists I follow on Twitter. Kinda feel like it’s been on an upsurge but that might just be me noticing it more and more once I recognized it.
1 year ago
Scary thing is, this is actually what could happen to someone.
There’s some mentally handicapped German YouTuber called “Drachenlord”, where something like this is really happening. He made his YouTube channel based on weird rants where he goes on about all sorts of things. He isn’t exactly a nice guy, but that’s partially due to his mental disability. A group of 500 or 1000 “fans” (calling themselves “haters”) formed around that who do something they call the “Drachengame” which is essentially what the current strip is about. Hundreds of them frequently gather in front of his house, throw stuff at the house, shout at him and stuff. One of them (a… Read more »
Ugh, the Internet mob.
That’s a fight no hero can win.
How was that quote from The Dark Knight?
“You either die a hero, or you see yourself become the villain”
When the trolls find you, you find out how true that is.
For people like this, spreading truly dangerous misinformation, I honestly wouldn’t care if they’re intentional or just misguided. I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them… And then forget about legal matters, keeping them available only as a plan B, and destroy their lives. Frame them, get them fired, ruin their credit scores. Make sure they cannot even use social media anymore, because they cannot afford to charge their phones. They wouldn’t stand a chance, for the most part. Because I know the justice system wouldn’t even know what to… Read more »
You would do the same thing they do, to dozens of people instead of 1? Plus the skill, time, and dedication they use is spread out while your capability would be solo and even that split among several targets. . . Your proposal is not only hypocritical but also highly implausible.
Ah, yes. The usual “you’re the same as them” mistake that puts those calling out the crimes at the same level of those CAUSING them somehow. You don’t seem to differentiate victims from criminals. If according to you, punishing criminals is just like punishing innocents… How do you even explain the justice systems all throughout history? If I jail an innocent, it’s wrong. If I jail a criminal, it’s right. THAT simple. I recognise it’s not feasible unless I have something like Wayne Enterprises or the gov’t backing me up. But hypocritical? Nope. Not in the slightest. I didn’t make… Read more »
It’s clear that your mind is too simplistic, short-sighed and narrow to grasp the nuances and complexities here. You keep pretending you can fix the entire system with just a few short, simplistic and unfounded affirmations.
You don’t even know how to reason. Sad.
As I said, beyond refuting you, I’m not interested in the words of someone so devoid of basic reasoning. So, ignored from now on.
1) This stuff has been going on for a long time. Much longer than Jan 6th…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Drew 1a)…..and the government has often tried to use it as a pretext to tighten up their control of the internet. 2) You realize that the creator of this very webcomic has done things in the past that would qualify him for the treatment that you are proposing. 3) Since you mentioned Jan 6th, what exactly do you think would happen if you did this on a large scale which would create a very large segment of the population with nothing to lose? Even… Read more »
First of all, thanks for underestimating me. I know the issue is way older than Jan 6. I make it clear, by treating this as the long-term, deep issue it is. Nope, the creator hasn’t. You’re just making up bs there. The creator hasn’t knowingly aided and supported violent criminals, nor did any such crimes himself, as far as we know. The problem with all the people poking holes here, is that they forget the most basic form of reasoning: They confuse non-professional guesses about a hypothetic future, with certainties, just because it’s THEIR guesses. That’s ego overruling reason. And… Read more »
Classic. “I’m sure you’re wrong, but I’m not even gonna try to prove it. I’ll just act like my unfounded affirmations are absolute truth, because it’s me saying it.”
That’s what you meant, whether your frag¡le ego admits it or not.
Not interested in the words of someone who lacks even the most basic reasoning skills, beyond refuting you right now. Ignoring you from now on.
Tim didn’t really HAVE to go the extra mile with all the usernames and pics for the troll’s discord equivalent… and yet “GloryHoleTroll” is now a thing.
I think it’s the same stuff that the troll fell into when he fell into that truck.
1 year ago
Ugh. It was one thing when it was just one guy, but this feels…raw. IDK, something about online hate mobs just makes my skin crawl, and the sheer dedication these individuals have is just…eugh.
The Umbridge effect, I guess. Nobody really has to deal with fantastical threats but an online hate mob organized via Discord? That’s a possibility for any reason.
It’s because of the casual cruelty of the online troll recruits. They really have no reason at all to be this dedicated to performing work to just mentally harm one random person…but they’re doing it anyways. It’s like seeing someone stop their car so they could get out to kick a puppy. It’s disturbing.
I suspect it has to do with people who have difficulty making friends in real life finding an outlet where it’s super easy to get the acceptance of the group. Just be a dick and lack empathy. Then everyone praises you and you get to feel part of something.
Not just that. Some groups encourage, or at the very least, turn a blind eye to ‘trolling’. 2012 Eve online convention. the Mittani gave a speech and asked thousands of players to troll a suicidal guy who just wanted to be left alone. And he was cheered.
11 years later, it’s gotten much much worse. I’ve seen a successful 50 something business owner (like millionaire) offer free crap to people if they would harass a guy and provoke him into getting banned from a forum. And they did. All because the guy criticized a product.
1 year ago
I figured as such, the real “Troll” is horribly mutated from his toxic waste exposure. That vial is glowing, so it’s not the same crap he fell in to. I’m getting the green goblin vibes here…
about the only thing fantastic (by which I mean “of fantasy origin”, of course) is the fact that the Troll is a big, green, hulking monster.
That Other Guy
1 year ago
Not much I can say about the nature of online hate mobs that people haven’t tagged already, but goddamn does the Troll look gruesome. I was expecting something a bit more…sanitized looking. He looks horrific.
Fom what little we can see there I’d say he IS a troll now! Enough to become the leader of internet trolls everywhere. A filthy, disgusting, diseased troll, straight out of any video game/movie trope.
1 year ago
Based off how he looks in that last panel ‘The Troll’ might have to change his name to ‘The Goblin’.
1 year ago
that perfect username kek
1 year ago
Damn, Tim’s writing and art. Marvel and DC could learn from how to do proper cliffhangers from this man.
1 year ago
Pretty certain at this point he counts as a terrorist and considering they tend to get the death penalty that could be considered an appropriate response.
1 year ago
Considering he’s going to be Ethan’s nemesis, the day the troll is neutralized is going to be a long long time away. Could literally be the last storyline of Analog and D-pad.
1 year ago
As usual, the Troll acts like he’s above it all by playing the fool… We know Trolls thrive on feeling smugly superior, like they enlighten the masses by playing “trickster…”
But it’s just an act. He’s just another cowardly idiot who won’t admit it’s HIS fault he ended up like that, so he’s pulling some petty revenge on the one he projects the blame on.
1 year ago
For people like this, spreading truly dangerous misinformation, I honestly wouldn’t care if they’re intentional or just misguided. I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them… And then forget about legal matters, keeping them available only as a plan B, and destroy their lives. Frame them, get them fired, ruin their credit scores. Make sure they cannot even use social media anymore, because they cannot afford to charge their phones. They wouldn’t stand a chance, for the most part. Because I know the justice system wouldn’t even know what to… Read more »
I’ll just copy/paste what I said to Merida in some other part of the comments, since it applies for the most part: Ah, yes. The usual “you’re the same as them” mistake that puts those calling out the crimes at the same level of those CAUSING them somehow. You don’t seem to differentiate victims from criminals. If according to you, punishing criminals is just like punishing innocents… How do you even explain the justice systems all throughout history? If I jail an innocent, it’s wrong. If I jail a criminal, it’s right. THAT simple. I recognise it’s not feasible unless… Read more »
You would do the same thing they do, to dozens of people instead of 1? Plus the skill, time, and dedication they use is spread out while your capability would be solo and even that split among several targets. . . Your proposal is not only hypocritical but also highly implausible.
Even if that were the ‘correct’ (for lack of a better word) opinion it still wouldn’t really apply in this situation. This isn’t the ‘Joker Dilemma’ where the criminal is (repeatedly) caught and the biggest problem is lack of effective means to stop them from breaking out again and again. The Troll only escaped once, and only because they got a miraculous recovery and/or power-up nobody could’ve expected. The main problem with the Troll isn’t dealing with him once caught, it’s (not) finding him so he can be caught and dealt with. It’s not a matter of there not being… Read more »
So, you literally leave a part of my comment out, to make your point. Your entire point hinges on overlooking that. Very rational. No, I don’t think it’s an honest mistake. It’s just too convenient to be one. You avoid replying to the one part that refutes you before you even start, oh the coincidence. Talk about bias blocking your basic perception, at the very least. “I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them…” That OBVIOUSLY meant I assume I get the necessary superior resources, to achieve all that I… Read more »
First off, my apologies if I insulted you with the Deathblood/murder suggestion. I might have misunderstood your comment on that one, but your arguments were so identical to the usual ‘Batman should kill Joker’ discussions that I assumed you were following that reasoning to its logical conclusion as the final step in your plan. But if you weren’t suggesting killing the Troll as an effective method to be rid of him, why bother abandoning the legal route you’re already preparing? What could your illegal methods achieve that the legal method wouldn’t be able to anyway? If you could find them,… Read more »
1) Apology accepted. I know we’re talking fiction here, but please remember from now on to measure your words more carefully. Accusing someone of advocating for mass murder is an extremely strong accusation. Something someone shouldn’t do, unless they have solid proof. Interpretations and guessing on a stranger’s intentions, are far from such proof. The methods I suggested are far more lawful and harmless than every last vigilante out there. Even those like this comic’s main characters, constantly risk severe harm and death for everyone involved. Themselves, those they try to stop, passersby… My methods don’t. Haven’t you noticed they… Read more »
1 year ago
Hmm cylindrical metal object glowing like tritium. Could it Be..no he Wouldn’… yes, yes He Would an anal log.
1 year ago
Perfectly believable if the troll didn’t recruit any of these people. They started doing all this before he gave them any new Ideas.
1 year ago
This is absurd. Every. Single. Time I talk about some rought draft of an idea on how to stop the evildoers in this comic, someone goes full drama queen on me and LITERALLY ACCUSES ME OF ADVOCATING FOR MASS MURDER to try to shut mw down because they cannot conceive of any ideas but their own possibly having merit. Even when I never come within A LIGHT YEAR of suggesting physical punishment of any kind… Even when I clarify I’m staunchly anti-violence, they keep foaming at the mouth and branding me a supporter for murder *facepalm* I suggest stopping criminals… Read more »
I doubt it. Maybe a few are, but if you look at the replies I get, you’ll see it doesn’t look like trolling at all. Even if someone CLAIMS to be trolling me, it looks like serious replies from someone who’s trying to claim trolling to act like they’re above petty fallacious disagreement while doing it.
Just wanted to say that, from a legal viewpoint, stopping criminals by destroying their lives via criminal means (doesn’t have to be murder, but then again neither the trolls are doing any murder) IS being the same as said criminals.
Also, if you want to see the one who obviously had their ego hurt because other peoples ideas doesn’t match theirs, just reread your post and then look in the mirror.
No. There’s something called “degrees.” You’re acting like all crimes are equally serious, and deserving of the same level of punishment and social stigma. Legally, realistically, morally and ethically… No one sensible considers what I mention, on the same level of what the Trolls’ allies are doing. Legally, it wouldn’t get the same punishment in most cases. None of what I mentioned, includes spreading dangerous lies that can easily get multiple people killed. Also, none of it involves the open support and collaboration with a known murderer. Also, from a simple realistic point, my actions are aiming to stop clearly… Read more »
Well the trolls might be doing some murder if anyone died in those fires. And the OG Troll DID murder at least one person. Whomever was kidnapped to represent PC gaming.
1 year ago
Green stuff. That’s bad… Does it mean that Troll’s plan is to disfigure Ethan? If he heals fast enough, Ethan will be stuck like that forever no matter how many times he respawns…
That’s scary. Reminds me of the last episode of the 1st season of Batman 2004. It was traumatizing to watch as a kid.
1 year ago
Woah….. Hopefully that’s just a costume to add to the trolling.
1 year ago
It’s fun that people are trolling each other in the comments about this comic.
I honestly doubt there’s much trolling going around. These all look like the words of people who’re serious. I know I cannot assure you it’s not trolling. Some trolls like to try to look serious and committed to better disguise the bait.
But I don’t assume something is trolling, just because it’s wildly absurd. After all, a lot of people seriously support some truly absurd ideas out there. Conspiracy nutjobs are just one example.
1 year ago
So here’s a question I have. How is the troll out and about? Like he clearly isn’t in jail, I get that this is a fantasy world but I don’t remember explaining how he isn’t in jail.
Troll was in a coma in the hospital for a while and was non-responsive. Then one day they said he was ‘gone’. So he was in a hospital type situation where security was fairly light because he wasn’t conscious. Then Troll wakes up and runs off. The bigger question is, how did he not get picked up very quickly looking like he does now? It’s not like he can walk down the street anymore without terrifying everyone around him, or walk into a store and buy groceries, or walk up to a landlord and ask to stay in an apartment.… Read more »
Why do you think he’d still need to get all that stuff? The Troll was only caught at the scene of the crime, his lair was never found (unless I missed something). He presumably had at least one functioning hideout ready for him to return to and resume operations.
Troll was already confirmed to be extremely good at avoiding detection (operated for years without being caught, even Prime couldn’t find him), so it’s not that surprising he managed to do it this time as well.
(And it’s even possible he got some powers from the chemical.)
1 year ago
So, The troll have his own wicked minions and we still can’t rule out the possibility that he got some sick, sick super powers (a mysterious chemical in first act and so on). At least the possibility of him been a shapeshifter became lower and since he became more and more of a real troll, he might be turned into stone in the distant future
Has someone been reading Robert Galbraith?
woah lets not sling insults
Awesome writer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sarcasm, right Zaldrak?
I had to Google Axillism… Thats an obscure one…
I remember reading about some dudes that got court martialed for “indecent acts” while deployed pre don’t-ask-don’t-tell repeal bc they were f-ing each others’ armpits. Never knew there was a word for it til now.
And great… now that’s in my search history. Never would have guessed that particular meaning.
Well it could be worse, unless Tim knew this one off the top of his head (Not judging), he MUST have done some research to find the ideal fetish for Ethan to be accused of… So his search History must be worse 😀
I noticed it a while ago thanks to all the Japanese artists I follow on Twitter. Kinda feel like it’s been on an upsurge but that might just be me noticing it more and more once I recognized it.
Scary thing is, this is actually what could happen to someone.
I sadly, do think that things quite similar to this, might actually happen In real life.
They do in a regular basis. Not exactly like this, but very VERY similar.
Ever heard of the farms?
Compare and contrast Anonymous (the Hacker group), at least at the height of its heyday.
There’s some mentally handicapped German YouTuber called “Drachenlord”, where something like this is really happening. He made his YouTube channel based on weird rants where he goes on about all sorts of things. He isn’t exactly a nice guy, but that’s partially due to his mental disability. A group of 500 or 1000 “fans” (calling themselves “haters”) formed around that who do something they call the “Drachengame” which is essentially what the current strip is about. Hundreds of them frequently gather in front of his house, throw stuff at the house, shout at him and stuff. One of them (a… Read more »
Does happen to people
Ugh, the Internet mob.
That’s a fight no hero can win.
How was that quote from The Dark Knight?
“You either die a hero, or you see yourself become the villain”
When the trolls find you, you find out how true that is.
I have another quote for evil communities like these:
“Some men just want to watch the world burn”
For people like this, spreading truly dangerous misinformation, I honestly wouldn’t care if they’re intentional or just misguided. I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them… And then forget about legal matters, keeping them available only as a plan B, and destroy their lives. Frame them, get them fired, ruin their credit scores. Make sure they cannot even use social media anymore, because they cannot afford to charge their phones. They wouldn’t stand a chance, for the most part. Because I know the justice system wouldn’t even know what to… Read more »
You would do the same thing they do, to dozens of people instead of 1? Plus the skill, time, and dedication they use is spread out while your capability would be solo and even that split among several targets. . . Your proposal is not only hypocritical but also highly implausible.
Ah, yes. The usual “you’re the same as them” mistake that puts those calling out the crimes at the same level of those CAUSING them somehow. You don’t seem to differentiate victims from criminals. If according to you, punishing criminals is just like punishing innocents… How do you even explain the justice systems all throughout history? If I jail an innocent, it’s wrong. If I jail a criminal, it’s right. THAT simple. I recognise it’s not feasible unless I have something like Wayne Enterprises or the gov’t backing me up. But hypocritical? Nope. Not in the slightest. I didn’t make… Read more »
You punish criminals through the law, not by committing more crimes. vigilante justice works in comic books but not in real life.
It’s clear that your mind is too simplistic, short-sighed and narrow to grasp the nuances and complexities here. You keep pretending you can fix the entire system with just a few short, simplistic and unfounded affirmations.
You don’t even know how to reason. Sad.
As I said, beyond refuting you, I’m not interested in the words of someone so devoid of basic reasoning. So, ignored from now on.
You haven’t actually refuted anything I’ve said, so…
1) This stuff has been going on for a long time. Much longer than Jan 6th…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Drew 1a)…..and the government has often tried to use it as a pretext to tighten up their control of the internet. 2) You realize that the creator of this very webcomic has done things in the past that would qualify him for the treatment that you are proposing. 3) Since you mentioned Jan 6th, what exactly do you think would happen if you did this on a large scale which would create a very large segment of the population with nothing to lose? Even… Read more »
First of all, thanks for underestimating me. I know the issue is way older than Jan 6. I make it clear, by treating this as the long-term, deep issue it is. Nope, the creator hasn’t. You’re just making up bs there. The creator hasn’t knowingly aided and supported violent criminals, nor did any such crimes himself, as far as we know. The problem with all the people poking holes here, is that they forget the most basic form of reasoning: They confuse non-professional guesses about a hypothetic future, with certainties, just because it’s THEIR guesses. That’s ego overruling reason. And… Read more »
You know nothing about January 6th, or you wouldn’t have posted such garbage.
Classic. “I’m sure you’re wrong, but I’m not even gonna try to prove it. I’ll just act like my unfounded affirmations are absolute truth, because it’s me saying it.”
That’s what you meant, whether your frag¡le ego admits it or not.
Not interested in the words of someone who lacks even the most basic reasoning skills, beyond refuting you right now. Ignoring you from now on.
I believe the correct response is the Jay and Silent Bob one.
Tim didn’t really HAVE to go the extra mile with all the usernames and pics for the troll’s discord equivalent… and yet “GloryHoleTroll” is now a thing.
Love the icon for that one – nice touch to put goatse here.
That cannister is green. It’s not the same vial as the one that gave Ethan and Lucas their powers, but it feels like it might be related in some way.
It will be the stuff the troll fell into, I’m sure.
I think it’s the same stuff that the troll fell into when he fell into that truck.
Ugh. It was one thing when it was just one guy, but this feels…raw. IDK, something about online hate mobs just makes my skin crawl, and the sheer dedication these individuals have is just…eugh.
That’s what makes this villain so terrifying… we not only can all relate to it… we already know it very much exists in real life.
The Umbridge effect, I guess. Nobody really has to deal with fantastical threats but an online hate mob organized via Discord? That’s a possibility for any reason.
It’s because of the casual cruelty of the online troll recruits. They really have no reason at all to be this dedicated to performing work to just mentally harm one random person…but they’re doing it anyways. It’s like seeing someone stop their car so they could get out to kick a puppy. It’s disturbing.
I suspect it has to do with people who have difficulty making friends in real life finding an outlet where it’s super easy to get the acceptance of the group. Just be a dick and lack empathy. Then everyone praises you and you get to feel part of something.
Not just that. Some groups encourage, or at the very least, turn a blind eye to ‘trolling’. 2012 Eve online convention. the Mittani gave a speech and asked thousands of players to troll a suicidal guy who just wanted to be left alone. And he was cheered.
11 years later, it’s gotten much much worse. I’ve seen a successful 50 something business owner (like millionaire) offer free crap to people if they would harass a guy and provoke him into getting banned from a forum. And they did. All because the guy criticized a product.
I figured as such, the real “Troll” is horribly mutated from his toxic waste exposure. That vial is glowing, so it’s not the same crap he fell in to. I’m getting the green goblin vibes here…
Worse, imagine him getting Ethan’s respawn powers. If that ever happens, earth is literally uninhabitable for all time, forever.
Not necessarily, he could still be arrested and contained in prison.
It could be the same crap he fell in to. https://cad-comic.com/comic/analog-and-d-pad-03-22/
why not be both the stuff he fell into and also the stuff that gave analog and d-pad their powers?
This is scary because it is, at most, only a mild exaggeration on what this can look like in real life.
about the only thing fantastic (by which I mean “of fantasy origin”, of course) is the fact that the Troll is a big, green, hulking monster.
Not much I can say about the nature of online hate mobs that people haven’t tagged already, but goddamn does the Troll look gruesome. I was expecting something a bit more…sanitized looking. He looks horrific.
meh, looks just like a storybook troll from the 80s.
Fom what little we can see there I’d say he IS a troll now! Enough to become the leader of internet trolls everywhere. A filthy, disgusting, diseased troll, straight out of any video game/movie trope.
Based off how he looks in that last panel ‘The Troll’ might have to change his name to ‘The Goblin’.
that perfect username kek
Damn, Tim’s writing and art. Marvel and DC could learn from how to do proper cliffhangers from this man.
Pretty certain at this point he counts as a terrorist and considering they tend to get the death penalty that could be considered an appropriate response.
Considering he’s going to be Ethan’s nemesis, the day the troll is neutralized is going to be a long long time away. Could literally be the last storyline of Analog and D-pad.
As usual, the Troll acts like he’s above it all by playing the fool… We know Trolls thrive on feeling smugly superior, like they enlighten the masses by playing “trickster…”
But it’s just an act. He’s just another cowardly idiot who won’t admit it’s HIS fault he ended up like that, so he’s pulling some petty revenge on the one he projects the blame on.
For people like this, spreading truly dangerous misinformation, I honestly wouldn’t care if they’re intentional or just misguided. I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them… And then forget about legal matters, keeping them available only as a plan B, and destroy their lives. Frame them, get them fired, ruin their credit scores. Make sure they cannot even use social media anymore, because they cannot afford to charge their phones. They wouldn’t stand a chance, for the most part. Because I know the justice system wouldn’t even know what to… Read more »
How is what you are proposing different than what the troll is doing?
I’ll just copy/paste what I said to Merida in some other part of the comments, since it applies for the most part: Ah, yes. The usual “you’re the same as them” mistake that puts those calling out the crimes at the same level of those CAUSING them somehow. You don’t seem to differentiate victims from criminals. If according to you, punishing criminals is just like punishing innocents… How do you even explain the justice systems all throughout history? If I jail an innocent, it’s wrong. If I jail a criminal, it’s right. THAT simple. I recognise it’s not feasible unless… Read more »
You would do the same thing they do, to dozens of people instead of 1? Plus the skill, time, and dedication they use is spread out while your capability would be solo and even that split among several targets. . . Your proposal is not only hypocritical but also highly implausible.
Why the need to reply to me twice, with the same thing? You got your reply in the other part of the comments, just a few minutes ago
Why the need to post your comment and then post it again under someone else’s comment? Adding it again didn’t benefit his comment.
Simple. It’s to two different targets. One, a general comment for the general population here. Another, it’s a reply to someone specifically.
Merida literally gave the same thing to the same person. Two times, a reply to me.
Even if that were the ‘correct’ (for lack of a better word) opinion it still wouldn’t really apply in this situation. This isn’t the ‘Joker Dilemma’ where the criminal is (repeatedly) caught and the biggest problem is lack of effective means to stop them from breaking out again and again. The Troll only escaped once, and only because they got a miraculous recovery and/or power-up nobody could’ve expected. The main problem with the Troll isn’t dealing with him once caught, it’s (not) finding him so he can be caught and dealt with. It’s not a matter of there not being… Read more »
So, you literally leave a part of my comment out, to make your point. Your entire point hinges on overlooking that. Very rational. No, I don’t think it’s an honest mistake. It’s just too convenient to be one. You avoid replying to the one part that refutes you before you even start, oh the coincidence. Talk about bias blocking your basic perception, at the very least. “I’d use superior resources (technological, financial, etc.) to document their cr@p, build a solid legal case against them…” That OBVIOUSLY meant I assume I get the necessary superior resources, to achieve all that I… Read more »
First off, my apologies if I insulted you with the Deathblood/murder suggestion. I might have misunderstood your comment on that one, but your arguments were so identical to the usual ‘Batman should kill Joker’ discussions that I assumed you were following that reasoning to its logical conclusion as the final step in your plan. But if you weren’t suggesting killing the Troll as an effective method to be rid of him, why bother abandoning the legal route you’re already preparing? What could your illegal methods achieve that the legal method wouldn’t be able to anyway? If you could find them,… Read more »
1) Apology accepted. I know we’re talking fiction here, but please remember from now on to measure your words more carefully. Accusing someone of advocating for mass murder is an extremely strong accusation. Something someone shouldn’t do, unless they have solid proof. Interpretations and guessing on a stranger’s intentions, are far from such proof. The methods I suggested are far more lawful and harmless than every last vigilante out there. Even those like this comic’s main characters, constantly risk severe harm and death for everyone involved. Themselves, those they try to stop, passersby… My methods don’t. Haven’t you noticed they… Read more »
Hmm cylindrical metal object glowing like tritium. Could it Be..no he Wouldn’… yes, yes He Would an anal log.
Perfectly believable if the troll didn’t recruit any of these people. They started doing all this before he gave them any new Ideas.
This is absurd. Every. Single. Time I talk about some rought draft of an idea on how to stop the evildoers in this comic, someone goes full drama queen on me and LITERALLY ACCUSES ME OF ADVOCATING FOR MASS MURDER to try to shut mw down because they cannot conceive of any ideas but their own possibly having merit. Even when I never come within A LIGHT YEAR of suggesting physical punishment of any kind… Even when I clarify I’m staunchly anti-violence, they keep foaming at the mouth and branding me a supporter for murder *facepalm* I suggest stopping criminals… Read more »
So, it could be that they’re trolling you…
I doubt it. Maybe a few are, but if you look at the replies I get, you’ll see it doesn’t look like trolling at all. Even if someone CLAIMS to be trolling me, it looks like serious replies from someone who’s trying to claim trolling to act like they’re above petty fallacious disagreement while doing it.
Just wanted to say that, from a legal viewpoint, stopping criminals by destroying their lives via criminal means (doesn’t have to be murder, but then again neither the trolls are doing any murder) IS being the same as said criminals.
Also, if you want to see the one who obviously had their ego hurt because other peoples ideas doesn’t match theirs, just reread your post and then look in the mirror.
No. There’s something called “degrees.” You’re acting like all crimes are equally serious, and deserving of the same level of punishment and social stigma. Legally, realistically, morally and ethically… No one sensible considers what I mention, on the same level of what the Trolls’ allies are doing. Legally, it wouldn’t get the same punishment in most cases. None of what I mentioned, includes spreading dangerous lies that can easily get multiple people killed. Also, none of it involves the open support and collaboration with a known murderer. Also, from a simple realistic point, my actions are aiming to stop clearly… Read more »
Well the trolls might be doing some murder if anyone died in those fires. And the OG Troll DID murder at least one person. Whomever was kidnapped to represent PC gaming.
Green stuff. That’s bad… Does it mean that Troll’s plan is to disfigure Ethan? If he heals fast enough, Ethan will be stuck like that forever no matter how many times he respawns…
That’s scary. Reminds me of the last episode of the 1st season of Batman 2004. It was traumatizing to watch as a kid.
Woah….. Hopefully that’s just a costume to add to the trolling.
It’s fun that people are trolling each other in the comments about this comic.
I honestly doubt there’s much trolling going around. These all look like the words of people who’re serious. I know I cannot assure you it’s not trolling. Some trolls like to try to look serious and committed to better disguise the bait.
But I don’t assume something is trolling, just because it’s wildly absurd. After all, a lot of people seriously support some truly absurd ideas out there. Conspiracy nutjobs are just one example.
So here’s a question I have. How is the troll out and about? Like he clearly isn’t in jail, I get that this is a fantasy world but I don’t remember explaining how he isn’t in jail.
Troll was in a coma in the hospital for a while and was non-responsive. Then one day they said he was ‘gone’. So he was in a hospital type situation where security was fairly light because he wasn’t conscious. Then Troll wakes up and runs off. The bigger question is, how did he not get picked up very quickly looking like he does now? It’s not like he can walk down the street anymore without terrifying everyone around him, or walk into a store and buy groceries, or walk up to a landlord and ask to stay in an apartment.… Read more »
Why do you think he’d still need to get all that stuff? The Troll was only caught at the scene of the crime, his lair was never found (unless I missed something). He presumably had at least one functioning hideout ready for him to return to and resume operations.
Troll was already confirmed to be extremely good at avoiding detection (operated for years without being caught, even Prime couldn’t find him), so it’s not that surprising he managed to do it this time as well.
(And it’s even possible he got some powers from the chemical.)
So, The troll have his own wicked minions and we still can’t rule out the possibility that he got some sick, sick super powers (a mysterious chemical in first act and so on). At least the possibility of him been a shapeshifter became lower and since he became more and more of a real troll, he might be turned into stone in the distant future