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Mindstate, p3

January 22, 2021 by Tim

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4 years ago

time for non-zeke to be introduced to a new religion ^^

4 years ago

Oh Gizmo thou hast yet to hear of the godliness that is WINTEREENMAS

4 years ago

This is gonna be fun. 😀

4 years ago

If Non-Zeke a weeb at heart himself?
Otherwise, I see no reason why the “Star Wars” poster has the title written in katakana.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Maybe he should be lol

4 years ago
Reply to  Stu|

At the very least: he could, because he got access to the stores WiFi lately.

Graham Best
Graham Best
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I appreciate the small attention to details like this. An obscure geeky poster lends the credibility to the story, and it tells us about Ethan himself.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Except for with at least one throne.

4 years ago

Ethan should have just responded with “Yes, boltbag, bow before the new Master of Mankind!”

4 years ago

Fear-based-idiot-control-construct. FBICC. What the Fbicc.

That is one Fbicc of an awesome phrase.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  Arcatus

Otherwise known as Qanon.

4 years ago
Reply to  Arcatus

That was a great line, and humanity already giving up on itself, fantastic strip

4 years ago

, I was wondering about the lights Gizmo has. Are they red lights or RGB LEDs, meaning they can change to any color dependig on input? Because that would make for interresting storyline possibilities. E.g. changing to green eventually when he joins the team or switching color depending on his mood, etc. It may well be possible that Gizmo never realized he can change these colors or seen the use of it, I just wondered if it was even possible tech-wise.

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Gizmo the non-Zeke walking mood ring. That’d be dusting off the old sci-fi cliché of “all the glowy lights on the robot turn red when he’s angry and blue when he’s non-murdery.” Nothing like telegraphing your intentions so everyone’s got time to duck for cover.

I’m thinking they’re prolly red cuz the angry guy who built him likes red-eyed murder bots. Might be a preference setting they can change like choosing a new theme on your PC but I wouldn’t count on it.

Katrina Knight
Katrina Knight
4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

I would love them to use the mood ring trope if. .. if/when not zeke goes bad again no one notices until almost too late as his eyes stay green. “What? I control these things, why would I literally tell you I was planning to take over you meatbags?”

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Katrina Knight

Ok, that I could see.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Now I imagined them being dot-matrix displays.

Also: Why should eyes have a light at all? Realistically the lights should be separate. A light right at the eyes hinders depth perception and a light in the eyes just hinders.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Why would Zeke have depth perception or even eyes at all? A combination of LIDAR and Sonar would be much more reliable, defeat invisibility based superheroes, etc. Could be that they are just there so he can be expressive, hence the choice of “murder-bot red”

4 years ago

Something I’ve been pondering since they “domesticated” Gizmo. Is he going to hack the Wintereenmas drawing to get Ethan into the games?

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Scortch

Unless first prize is public dismemberment I doubt it.

4 years ago

“fear-based-idiot-control-construct known as hell” is now my favorite catchphrase that I will repeat to exhaustion.

4 years ago

I like the Japanese Empire Strikes Back poster.

4 years ago

You know, Zeke isn’t wrong. If you made Ethan your King, it would literally make you an idiot in a country of idiots led by the King of Idiots… that would kind of be like humanity throwing in the towel….

It’s not that Ethan doesn’t have a decent nature…. but his foibles and hangups just say ‘not ready for much real responsibility’.

4 years ago

Are we finally going to get to the bottom of Winter-een-mas? Because the whole concept only really makes sense coming from Ethan, and if this Ethan didn’t do it, I still say it was Ethan from the original timeline. That would be so comic-book-ish.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Eh, not so much. I could easily see it taking off as a meme and getting group traction, especially in an Internet-and-gaming society. Kind of like how Baby Shark started as an annoying song and spun into a weird sort of brand, or Donald Trump started as an odd reality TV star and ended as a cult leader. Once something goes viral, you don’t know what a bunch of knuckleheads who resonate with it will turn it into.

Blue Griffin
Blue Griffin
4 years ago

I’d guessing Ethan is holding a copy of Hitman?

4 years ago

Please say that XBot isn’t entering the Games Games Bowl…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

Naw, pretty sure they’d consider using bots cheating.

4 years ago

“Yes, let’s give an omnicidal robot a game where he plays an assassin. Clearly this is a good idea”

4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Well he’s already an assassin we also don’t really know the full extent of his skills since he could of quite easily killed lucas before but it seemed he was more interested in toying with him
Also i feel like Gizmo will feel disappointed with hitman since it’s not brutal enough

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Not so terrible, actually. Gaming *is* escapism, in a way, and a way to vent feelings.

If we believed that gaming caused violence, I’d be concerned. Rather, it seems like gaming is a positive outlet for some of our negative feelings, where instead of being bottled up they can be confronted without causing real harm to anyone.

Granted, that’s taking human psychology and applying it to a robot, so what do I know?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

I can totally see him beating the game by getting in so deep he’s able to set up a kind of Rube Goldberg contraption of murder that spans the game’s entire scenario, where the game effectively plays itself. ??

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

I just hope that Tim has a storyline where our lovable murderbot chooses or otherwise has an official name soon. Seeing “Gizmo” everywhere is giving me real Gremlins vibes.

4 years ago

I see the next 2 comics going like this: Ethan explaining the glory of Winter-een-mass, and the next one as ‘Gizmo’ making a throne, crown, and scepter out of boxes and declaring himself the king of said wonderful holiday!!!!

4 years ago

hes moved from annihilation to conquest. progress!

4 years ago

Clearly he hasn’t heard about Trump…

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago

That burn… ?