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April 8, 2022 by Tim

The Venom movies weren’t particularly good, but at least they were fun and watchable in their own way. Morbius is an outright disaster, made even worse by Sony’s desperate attempts to attach it to the work Marvel Studios is doing and ride the hype coattails.

I know Marvel is thrilled to have Spidey in the MCU, but the cost of being associated with Sony’s utter inability to understand how to work with the characters they own the rights to must be the source of a great many eyerolls.

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2 years ago

Morbius…the film remembered me those 90’s superheroes movies…the idea was good but the history is too precipitated…for me is more a script fault that anything else.
The people is saying that Leto acting was awfull, but I think that this one was a really good (the moment when the legs fail him is incredibly impressive imo)

Last edited 2 years ago by Gonfrask
2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

I haven’t seen it yet, bu I’ve been hearing from people that if you guage it was a comic movie, it falls flat. but if you go in expecting a vampire flick, it’s actually pretty good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Forenus

This says more about the current state of vampire movies than it does about Morbius’s quality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Forenus

I saw it and thought it was fine. Of course, I really didn’t know anything about the character, so I didn’t have all that mental baggage and expectations about what they may or may not get right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Jared Leto has never disappointed me in any of his roles, even as the Joker. It’s the screentime/lack of good script direction and obvious cuts to his scenes that make it awful.

Vicente Sampedro
Vicente Sampedro
2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Jared Leto is one the main reason that makes me avoid watching this movie, for me it was the worst actor in Blade Runner 2049 and in Suicide Squade.

2 years ago

Every dialogue and human interaction in Morbius is out of place and makes me wonder how if the authors actually experienced any themselves. The movie is the best proof of aliens we have.

The action scenes and CGI was acceptable though, but is ruined by an absolute lack of relatability.

Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
2 years ago

I enjoyed the first Venom movie a fair bit. The second one less so, and Morbius was just okay as well. Sony’s live-action stuff is always such a gamble, but then they come up with an animated gem like Into the Spider-Verse. If only they could apply that level of quality to the rest of it.

2 years ago

I love that the kid has Feige’s cap lol. Well done.

2 years ago

I’ve heard the end credits caused some issues as well. On the plus side, it doesn’t seem like that many people are going to see it, so maybe it’ll be alright?

2 years ago

I saw it. It was fine. Quite dark in places.

The End-Credit scenes seem like it’s being shoe-horned in to try and make something happen, but yeah it’ll never be as successful as the other Marvel Studio films.

I saw a video that Sony will eventually have to sell the Spider-Man rights completely, so I think they’re just holding on until that time.

Into the Spiderverse is great though.

2 years ago

I enjoyed Leto’s performance on it’s own. I was sad to see Matt Smith wasted again as a “villain” but meh, he was fun to watch at least. However as the final end credit scene faded, the theater lights came up, the common reaction from the people I saw it with and generally around us was “What purpose was there, to that movie..?” It was pointless “superhero” paint by numbers that did nothing, of merit or interest. One person said “The MCU would have died had that been their first movie instead of Iron Man”

2 years ago

Can someone help me understand why Sony can keep its rights the way it does and Marvel/Disney can’t seem to end this contract? It would seem that at some point they would either end the deal via time or number of movie obligations.

Recommendations Engine
Recommendations Engine
2 years ago
Reply to  brantman19

There a story about the contract on NPR planet money podcast.

2 years ago
Reply to  brantman19

The problem is mostly that Marvel had absolutely no plans to actually make movies until the mid 2000s. So when they originally sold the movie rights to their properties during the 80s and 90s they where far more generous on terms. In hindsight too generous. Basically so long as the licensee kept making movies within X amount of years. They could keep the license in perpetuity with no avenue for Marvel to terminate without breach. Again. This started all the way back in the 80s. Vastly different (legal) landscape. Some licenses Marvel managed to regain over time like Iron Man… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Foxhood
2 years ago
Reply to  Foxhood

There’s a little more to it than that. The TL;DR version is that Marvel executives wrecked their own company in the 90s and were unable to negotiate like adults in the 2010s. The longer version: First……. When Marvel sold the movie rights to their characters, the comic bubble that Marvel had so gleefully invested in had burst under the weight of foil-embossed #1s… the extreme. Adding to the financial trouble were all the internal troubles. Many had left Marvel to work for the third party companies such as Malibu and Valiant. To make things worse, the 2099 line had touched… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  brantman19

I think there’s a certain amount of “what characters do we actually want to reclaim” concern in part of it. For many of us we like the MCU but really don’t know that many of the deeper/more obscure characters. The only things I know about Morbius were from some dives into wiki entries when I was bored. I always liked the idea of comics as a kid but they were just way too expensive as a hobby. Films like Shang-Chi and the Guardians of the Galaxy have proven that characters who weren’t already in the public consciousness can be successful,… Read more »

2 years ago

Maybe they’re recognizing that they are going down in flames, and they want to take Disney/Marvel down with them?

2 years ago

This is like the billionth comic youve made about posers ruining Marvel………..

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

There was one about Iron Man……….and Hulk……….and Thor…..and Captain America……..

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’m trying to say that, by now, it’s well-established that any Marvel classics have fallen, or will fall, under attack by these entertainment corporations.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Bro, just quit while you’re behind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ben

I have a right to share my thoughts, no matter how unpopular they may be. Downvotes have no power over me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leon

But ego apparently does have power over you. ALL the power…

2 years ago
Reply to  Leon

You have every right to share your thoughts. even if none of us can understand your point… Like, are you calling CAD an entertainment corporation?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

For some reason, I suddenly saw a comic with that exact line in it…. (okay, it would be a highly self-referential niche comic, but it would still be funny. 🙂 )

2 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Man, don’t even try. Tim is an awesome writer, but he’s sometimes hostile to his audience, he doesn’t tolerante any criticism. I do Love his work, but not so mucho his bahavior toward critic. even when a critic is unfair I would hope for a more friendly and polite response.

2 years ago

You know i actually enjoyed the Venom movies. A lot probably had to do with Tom Hardy’s acting holding things together, but i was amused at the internal dialogue between Venom and Eddie.

That said, while i haven’t seen the movie, the trailers I have seen for Morbius make it seem like a train wreck waiting to happen.

2 years ago

aww man, i dont wanna hear something like that… im looking forward to seeing morbius in the future. not something im gonna pay more money for than i already pay for my tv services mind you, but thats about all my entertainment budget. to be fair though… my wife and i watch b-grade movies for “fun” so… the bar is set really low for any big budget film.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

I saw it and it’s alright. Not something you’ll want to see over other bigger movies coming out like Sonic 2 or Fantastic Beasts 3.

2 years ago

Clearly he started wrong.

2 years ago

I actually liked Morbius well enough. The ending was abrupt and was clearly sequel bait, but it was better than Iron Man 2/3 and WAY better than Immortals. Sure I can think of things I would have done to make the movie better but it was a decent popcorn flick.

2 years ago

tbh venom wasnt even watchable

2 years ago

Are we sure the people criticizing Morbius aren’t toxic fan trying to gatekeep the fandom? Seems to be the kneejerk response to fan complaints these days…

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
2 years ago
Reply to  Bakhtosh

By most accounts it wasn’t terrible, an neither were the Venom movies. That being said, by most accounts they aren’t even to the level of the worst of the MCU. Of course this is all just opinion but this seems to be where the movies are.

2 years ago

I’ll be skipping Morbius- vampire movies are just so last decade, and filling the lead role with the next Jim Jones doesn’t increase its appeal. I’ve developed an allergy to anything with Leto in it. I have trouble hearing his lines with his head so far up his arse. How does he even breathe? The guy’s such an utter creep in real life that it seeps into his roles on screen too; it just puts me off anything he’s in.

2 years ago

I surprisingly enjoyed Morbius. For what should have been a nothing movie about a D-tier character, they actually made something interesting. I feel like something people are missing is this really isn’t a superhero movie; it’s a monster movie. Compare him to other “monster” heroes like Hulk or Venom. Hulk only reacts to other people attacking him first, and is presented as a good thing. Venom kills- and eats- criminals, but it’s “justified” because they’re saving others. Morbius however never does a single heroic or helpful thing with his powers; they are a full curse to him. And when Milo… Read more »

David Gibson
David Gibson
2 years ago

Firstly, it’s not like Morbius is the fault of the studio entirely. It’s the director/ writer. The studio is just as responsible for Into the Spider-Verse.

Sony does seem entirely too fixated on getting a Sinister Six/ Spidey-Villain series going because those are the characters they have the most rights to…
Overlooking all the Spidey adjacent heroes and stories they could do. Like the freakin’ Slingers.

2 years ago

I haven’t watched Morbius, but if I wanted a vampire movie in the Marvel, I wish they picked Blade…

But to be honest…Sony has done a better Spider-Man than what I’ve seen lately, tbh and I’m more afraid, with Disney’s handling of things, Spider-Man won’t be seen what it really is: a young male that is struggling to balance things while juggling several jobs just to keep an apartment, as that has many related to Spider-Man.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZenDend

Disney helped handle the spider-man you seem to like so much. So your fears seem imaginary and invented to hate on Disney.

2 years ago
Reply to  ZenDend

I like the first Spiderman movies done by Disney/Marvel actually. It was a bit different, but Peter was still struggling but in different ways. They got it set up now that he’s going to be more like how he was in the comics except this time, he is completely alone and has no one to support him at all, including Aunt May since she’s dead now.

Richard Weatherfield
Richard Weatherfield
2 years ago

I just noticed the colors of the shovel match Spidey’s suit colors.

2 years ago

I saw Morbius and I felt it was an average movie at best and is not a first pick to see if there are other movies around at the time that are better. I only saw the movie because I was wanting to go to the movie theater and there was nothing else I cared to see or I already saw it so I saw this movie. This is the only way I can really recommend this movie for people. On Morbius’ opening week, I could recommend watching it if you already saw other movies out there and there is… Read more »

2 years ago

Yea Sony doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing with superhero movies and have been making money just because of fan’s of the franchise. Rebooted Spider-man, Fantastic Four, what they did to X-men too… they think they doing well because of what money they rake in but doesn’t realize what they have could be great if they don’t try to mash every “formula” into a movie to appease the 0-80 demographic. Same with the Mummy franchise that could’ve been awesome. DC also has incoherent BS they vomit up. Marvel really did set the standard but seems these people “don’t get… Read more »

2 years ago

You’re mixing up Fox and Sony. Fox were the ones with the rights to Fantasic Four and X-men.

2 years ago

Not to sound too mean…but I am so glad Morbius is bombing. I uavent seen it, but anything that gives Jared Leto a platform is automatically bad in my book. He’s a mediocre actor and a shitstain of a person.

2 years ago

I’m confused. People loved Into the Spider verse. And the original Spiderman movies came before the MCU.