I love the Fire Emblem series, but the obsessive min/max way they mesh character relationships with grindy mechanics can feel a bit weird if you think about them too much.
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5 years ago
It’s me, I’m the one saying that Stahl and Anna can’t even support.
Also Anna doesn’t have a child, and neither do any of the Awakening males besides Chrom and Robin(m).
5 years ago
LMAO grindy mechanics.
James Rye
5 years ago
FBI! Yes, this teacher here! Trying to manipulate his student who’s not even in his class to be his waifu in a couple years!
Yeah, a bit creepy. Not helping when the chat in twitch is wooing when Mercedes invites Ingrid for tea in her room. Shippers gonna ship everything. XD
5 years ago
What killed me while I was playing today was the thought that you actively ruin your students’ (and other teachers’, AND faculties’) motivation by teaching them. In a single lesson, they go from ecstatic to completely apathetic. That’s some teaching skills ya got there, Byleth. Also, I just abused the repeatable battles on Normal to grind every skill on Byleth up to C, today, and recruited EVERY SINGLE STUDENT into my class except the other two house heads and their retainers. Like, why even have other houses anymore? Green Byleth house has been founded. I hope this royally breaks something… Read more »
5 years ago
Most of the Fire Emblem games are just a little bit creepy. A certain pair of twins from the early games being the creepiest.
Except in Pokemon you stick a Pokemon in with a Ditto and get a child. Then you stick the child in with the same Ditto and get another child, Then you stick that child in with the Ditto…
You think that’s creepy? I locked dozens, if not hundreds of breeding rejects in the dark basement in the PokeBank, and have them work grinding PokeMiles for me, 24/7. Majority of them are freshly hatched ones, who barely even saw the open sky, then got locked up in there. Victorian Britain ain’t got nothing on me.
Pokemon continue in spite of the actions of Pokemon trainers, not by virtue of nature itself.
Why do you think there are no subspecies of pokemon within a single region?
Statistically speaking, all Lillipups should be at Corgi level by now.
5 years ago
Look I still love it even if its insanity. I am glad they took away the the children though.
I liked the children … from a gameplay perspective and I never married one to anyone but each other.
5 years ago
Well at least you can’t pet them like nintendogs in this game
5 years ago
Flayn is the creepiest for me, she seems like she is like 10-12 and we are “grooming” her to be our potential wife in 5 years is the most Woody Allen thing I have ever seen in a game.
It didn’t help that the first time I got a “tea party” was her birthday and “winning” that conversation just creeped me out. Still a fantastic game though it is impressive how tight the game is even the creepy parts.
Ah, see I think I accidentally flirted with Flayn the first time I talked to her, and she said something like “My brother wouldn’t like that.” And I want as little to do with Seteth as possible, so I’m fine if our support stays at the bare minimum.
Well, at least I’ve yet to come across any incest in this one yet.
But there are definitely players pulling this exact scenario. Doesn’t dial down the creep factor when you consider that Petra’s currently 15 years old.
You want incest? (SPOILER ALERT obviously)
In this Fire Emblem, your Grandmother or sister I guess, depending on whether you interpret it biologically or in term of familial ties, who also believe that you are *her* mother, and treats you like *she* is your mommy, is perfectly fine with f****** you. It’s like they took all the incest, and then put it in a single character so that people wouldn’t notice.
5 years ago
I am in one of the worst financial situations I’ve ever been in and it’s killing me that I won’t be able to get Three Houses for a while, especially since a couple of friends are raving about it.
5 years ago
That girl hand is in a weird position.
5 years ago
“Can you two hurry it up? I need the combined powers of your child for the next boss fight”
Just to let ya know, the Add for Amazon that pops up in the lower right, is coming on un-muted, even though it says its muted. End up having to hit the Mute button on the add twice to get it to actually be muted 🙂
Could have been a glitch (something loaded out of order). I recomment just muting my website if your browser supports it. You’ll never hear another peep again.
It’s me, I’m the one saying that Stahl and Anna can’t even support.
Also Anna doesn’t have a child, and neither do any of the Awakening males besides Chrom and Robin(m).
LMAO grindy mechanics.
FBI! Yes, this teacher here! Trying to manipulate his student who’s not even in his class to be his waifu in a couple years!
Yeah, a bit creepy. Not helping when the chat in twitch is wooing when Mercedes invites Ingrid for tea in her room. Shippers gonna ship everything. XD
What killed me while I was playing today was the thought that you actively ruin your students’ (and other teachers’, AND faculties’) motivation by teaching them. In a single lesson, they go from ecstatic to completely apathetic. That’s some teaching skills ya got there, Byleth. Also, I just abused the repeatable battles on Normal to grind every skill on Byleth up to C, today, and recruited EVERY SINGLE STUDENT into my class except the other two house heads and their retainers. Like, why even have other houses anymore? Green Byleth house has been founded. I hope this royally breaks something… Read more »
Most of the Fire Emblem games are just a little bit creepy. A certain pair of twins from the early games being the creepiest.
My poor, innocent fantasies……..
Isn’t like this too in Pokémon?
Except in Pokemon you stick a Pokemon in with a Ditto and get a child. Then you stick the child in with the same Ditto and get another child, Then you stick that child in with the Ditto…
You think that’s creepy? I locked dozens, if not hundreds of breeding rejects in the dark basement in the PokeBank, and have them work grinding PokeMiles for me, 24/7. Majority of them are freshly hatched ones, who barely even saw the open sky, then got locked up in there. Victorian Britain ain’t got nothing on me.
Pokemon continue in spite of the actions of Pokemon trainers, not by virtue of nature itself.
Why do you think there are no subspecies of pokemon within a single region?
Statistically speaking, all Lillipups should be at Corgi level by now.
Look I still love it even if its insanity. I am glad they took away the the children though.
I liked the children … from a gameplay perspective and I never married one to anyone but each other.
Well at least you can’t pet them like nintendogs in this game
Flayn is the creepiest for me, she seems like she is like 10-12 and we are “grooming” her to be our potential wife in 5 years is the most Woody Allen thing I have ever seen in a game.
It didn’t help that the first time I got a “tea party” was her birthday and “winning” that conversation just creeped me out. Still a fantastic game though it is impressive how tight the game is even the creepy parts.
Ah, see I think I accidentally flirted with Flayn the first time I talked to her, and she said something like “My brother wouldn’t like that.” And I want as little to do with Seteth as possible, so I’m fine if our support stays at the bare minimum.
Flayn is the cutest
Well, at least I’ve yet to come across any incest in this one yet.
But there are definitely players pulling this exact scenario. Doesn’t dial down the creep factor when you consider that Petra’s currently 15 years old.
And Petra’s hand is looking a bit… off.
You want incest? (SPOILER ALERT obviously)
In this Fire Emblem, your Grandmother or sister I guess, depending on whether you interpret it biologically or in term of familial ties, who also believe that you are *her* mother, and treats you like *she* is your mommy, is perfectly fine with f****** you. It’s like they took all the incest, and then put it in a single character so that people wouldn’t notice.
I am in one of the worst financial situations I’ve ever been in and it’s killing me that I won’t be able to get Three Houses for a while, especially since a couple of friends are raving about it.
That girl hand is in a weird position.
“Can you two hurry it up? I need the combined powers of your child for the next boss fight”
came here to say that https://cad-comic.com/comic/foreplay/
Hey Tim,
Just to let ya know, the Add for Amazon that pops up in the lower right, is coming on un-muted, even though it says its muted. End up having to hit the Mute button on the add twice to get it to actually be muted 🙂
(Not a complaint, just letting ya know 🙂 )
Could have been a glitch (something loaded out of order). I recomment just muting my website if your browser supports it. You’ll never hear another peep again.