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Playing The Odds

May 17, 2019 by Tim

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5 years ago

Actually, you cannot really fault his logic 😀

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
5 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

He’s been uncharacteristically on-point for the last two comics. Might say more about Square-Enix than it does about him, tho.

5 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

I love the look of ‘damnit, he’s got a point’ on her face.

5 years ago

That may be the most rational response ive ever seen from ethan

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonkin

I believe the expression you want is “Taller Than Mickey Rooney Award”

5 years ago

he’s right you know XD

5 years ago


5 years ago

Actually, I’d say this example would be more accurate for Star Citizen than Square-Enix. A better example would be that they would be broken up or married and with kids when that happens so either way they won’t be able to really experience the game together.

5 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Kids go to sleep. In those precious moments, gaming can be had.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
5 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

yes, you’d think so….

5 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Ugh. F that game…. Its reached the point that I find it so likely to NEVER come out that instead of demanding a refund, I’m just leaving my money there as a nest-egg that I can withdraw in a time of crisis. I had such high hopes for it, too. FOUR YEARS AGO.

5 years ago

As much as I hate if when games are rushed into release, I also dislike constant *we’re getting there* teasers from Square-Enix.
I like the way the Elder Scrolls 6 is handled. Little information is provided except for the fact that its being worked on. And once a release date/time frame is given, I bet its one they can actually match.

5 years ago
Reply to  CRN

Since they set up a fancy release date for Skyrim, 11/11/11, maybe they’re going for 22/22/22 next.

5 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

And what month would that be?

5 years ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

It’s kind of like saying it will come out on the second Tuesday of next week.

Just Me
Just Me
5 years ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

Thanks for the explanation Cpt. Obvious 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

October 22, 2023

5 years ago
Reply to  Verdiekus


Stuart van Onselen
Stuart van Onselen
5 years ago
Reply to  CRN

And I’ll buy it 6 months after release, after the fanbase has had time to patch all the bugs.

5 years ago

That’s Bethesda, not Square 😛

5 years ago

Wow… seeing shades of Emily dying at the hand of some super villain, and Ethan playing FF7 alone, breaking down at the Aerith scene.

5 years ago

It’s funny Ethan mentions planet-death, due to the actual plot of Final Fantasy VII involving a meteor lol

5 years ago
Reply to  SuperIchi

just a meteor? it gets even more ironic: FF7 literally starts off with you trying to stop “the company” from killing the planet through over production.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  Banaman

Well…sucking up the planet’s life source, but you’re not wrong (Not a spoiler for those who haven’t played! You learn about this within the first hour of the game).

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

It’s still a spoiler, since you are “spoiling”(ruining the discovery for ones self) the events that happens sometime after starting something.

5 years ago

Lmao, that was good.

5 years ago

death by global destruction via climate change … which for HIM would be a really really bad day, that never ends.

5 years ago
Reply to  Damion

Oh god… He keeps respawning into a godawful death over and over again. That’s dark asf

5 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

That is the curse of immortality. No matter what happens you have no choice but to live on. You will see all your friends and loved ones grow old and die. Make new ones and repeat until the end of the world. Then your alone.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

hmm, yeah we don’t really have an idea on how old age death will affect ethan. I mean traumas are automatically cured but cancer? Just being 90?

5 years ago
Reply to  Damion

Well, while it is highly probable that no human civilization will be left, Ethan will be perfectly capable of surviving. Based on various estimates, while the odds of civilization enduring what we are headed to (assuming no important change is made in the next decade) is slim to none, the odds of humanity itself surviving is fairly small, the planet itself should remain fairly habitable by the remaining species, few as they may be. So Ethan will survive! And the other 21 immortals, all together on their 3 square mile patch of land that still has a few fruit-bearing trees.

David K.
David K.
5 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Humanity as a species has survived some pretty extreme events if you look in to it. Further global warming may/will have a significant impact on the ecosphere it’s not going to turn the earth into some desert wasteland. There was plenty of plant and animal life during the Cretaceous for example, when the earth was at one of its hottest periods.
I’m not saying it won’t be bad news for people and that we shouldn’t do something about it, but for life in general it will be fine.

5 years ago


OK, I can’t argue with that one.

5 years ago

Can we, like, make a petition demanding that you redraw all the comics featuring this girl and replace her with Lilah? Is that how things are done now?

5 years ago
Reply to  Salamander

I’m about 99.99% sure that Tim already has plans for Lilah to return as Ethan’s girlfriend at one point in the comic.

She’ll be his Lois Lane sooner or later.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  JFD

Yeah, seeing how Ethan had his love at first sight moments around her, it’s clear our girl will make a return. But every good superhero needs that one girlfriend that helped shape their lives before they found true love. How Emily will change Ethan is unknown, but let’s enjoy the ride in the meantime. Who knows? Maybe she’ll snap somewhere down the road and become his arch-nemesis. That would be fun.

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

Emily could be Ethan’s Gwen Stacy. I hope not, but she might be.

5 years ago

Not to worry Emily, even with several meters of sea level increase if the Thwaites Glacier melts (only several feet otherwise), there will still be several bits of perfectly habitable land laying around. I hear Colorado is nice this time of year.
Think of it as being like a small scale version of the Fall of Zeal from Chrono Trigger.

5 years ago

That is my one fear…. that FFVII Remaster/reboot will end up like Duke Nukem Forever.. and we’ll get teasers and trailers for like 18 more years before it actually comes out 🙁

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  Gwydion_Wolf

In all fairness, I read in an interview that the first trailer was released pre-maturely to counter leaks and spoilers the internet trolls may get their hands on. Technically THIS would be the real first trailer and now that KH III is done, we know that development is properly underway. I think we’ll know by next year what to expect and get those unanswered questions revealed finally.

5 years ago

At least he didn’t step in it by alluding to whether or not they’d still be dating when the game comes out = P

5 years ago

I’ve played FF7. And ultimately, like Watchmen, Moby Dick, and Speedy Gonzales cartoons, it’s better appreciated when it’s treated as a product of its time.

And I’m not gonna lie; I think Xenogears was better.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago
Reply to  FireballDragon

Xenogears was a beautiful game, but no…not better. FFVII actually had a full story that was fleshed out across all three discs. Xenogears Disc 1 was a masterpiece, but they turned Disc 2 into practically a visual novel because of time and resource constraints. If it was played the same manner as it was in Disc 1, then yes: Xenogears would have truly been the ultimate PS1 game of all time. BUT if I was told there was gonna be a Xenogears Remake that would fix all that and then some…(hint hint, SE, we all know you can do it…)

5 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

I blame that old BS policy that all Square projects had to be realized in 2 years tops. I mean, that’s fine for the SNES and all that, but I feel that if given 5 years like with most modern video games, Xenogears could’ve been the game it was trying to be, instead of going the way of Schubert and Dickens and remaining an unfinished masterpiece.

Also, if they’re gonna remake it, they should at least translate it right. Shitan, not Citan. Karellen, not Krelian. Gevurah, not Gebler, etc.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
5 years ago

He’s not wrong, but one thing you can’t fault SE for: They delay because they’re trying to get their stuff done RIGHT, not just fast: KH III, Just Cause 4, Secret of Mana…the list is long, but there’s no denying the quality behind their releases. Yeah the wait suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, but the end result is usually worth it.

Craig Baxley
Craig Baxley
5 years ago

More like “This game” and “Heat death of the universe” to be honest. Hahaha.

5 years ago

Uhh.. yeah got a ad from amazon about FFVII coming out last Dec. and I was thinking cool I loved the first version why not? A week after I pre-ordered i get a notification that the shipping date was changed from Dec. of 2018 to Dec. of 2019! ummm wtf?