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August 31, 2020 by Tim

So I’ve made the quicksave/quickload mixup more than once in my years as a gamer… but until 1am last night at the tail end of a Wasteland 3 session, I’d never had the opportunity to do it in co-op. It makes it… oh so much worse.

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4 years ago

That’s why I started remapping them as far away from each other as possible =))

4 years ago
Reply to  Vadim

Doesn’t help. It’s not the proximity that’s the problem, it’s the automatic, almost mechanical actions we make during gameplay. That’s why quicksave should be immediate but quickload, despite the word “quick” in it, should at least come with a prompt to confirm. At the very least this prompt should come as a toggle-able menu option.

4 years ago
Reply to  Megasloth

Have you tried adding a modifier to your quickload? As in F4 is quicksave; Alt-F8 is quickload. So its one finger to save, two to load.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dysan

i could see that getting mixed up too. alt+F4 while trying to save would not be fun

4 years ago
Reply to  Megasloth

I’d say not necessarily. It’s been my belief for literally decades that quicksave should add a new save to a list of quicksaves rather than overwriting the last quicksave. Sure, you could limit it to 10 or 20 or something but the point is you might want to reload a slightly older quicksave.

Anyway, point being quickload could actually do quicksave+quickload, but only in the above scenario where your previous quicksave isn’t immediately overwritten.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  Frans

That wouldn’t solve the problem of loading a save instead of creating a new one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Megasloth

wouldn’t the solution be to just unmap quickload then? just use the menu to load.

4 years ago
Reply to  x2brute

Some games, like Bethesda’s, Divinity, etc, actually require rapid reloads, not just for save scummimg, but also because of tactical mistakes, trying a different approach and the like. Going through the menu to load each time can get quite troublesome after a while. But yeah, unmapping quickload is an acceptable workaround for this problem in general, I agree.

Marth Koopa
Marth Koopa
4 years ago
Reply to  Megasloth

Constantly saving and reloading seems like such an un-fun way of playing. Just compensating for being bad I guess…

4 years ago
Reply to  Marth Koopa

Thanks for being the douche of the day.

4 years ago
Reply to  Megasloth

That is an easy one for me. I do not use quickload or quicksave. For load there exists an autoload, and save can be found in the menues. Mostly I don’t know the keys for those functions anyway.
Thus, I never mixed those up.

4 years ago

That’s why you manually save if it’s really important to not mess up 😛

4 years ago
Reply to  Jackdaw

I had clicked ‘load’ instead of ‘save’ in the menus… An ungodly amount of times…

4 years ago
Reply to  Jackdaw

A tired brain can mess up even the menu click. Totally not speaking from personal experience…

4 years ago

At least the manual save/load often has “are you sure?” messages if you’re gonna load without saving or overwrite an important save lol

Vicente Sampedro Burgos
Vicente Sampedro Burgos
4 years ago

Real players only play in IronMan mode

4 years ago

13 people don’t understand satire.

4 years ago
Reply to  MRD

You realise this is the internet, right? He could just have likely been acting elitist as much as being joking.

4 years ago
Reply to  TuffMelon

It’s entirely possible, yes. Though, I have yet to see someone use the phrase “Real men…” in an unironic way. Also, of all the gamers I know that prefer Ironman mode, I don’t know of any who look down upon others for not using it. I think it’s pretty well understood that Ironman mode takes a special type of masochism and those that do it understand that most others simply aren’t into it.

4 years ago

I’ve always either disabled or remapped Quick Load. It’s not worth the 2 second time savings to have that risk on the keyboard.

Though it does remind me of some recent new playthroughs in Baldur’s Gate 2, where I FINALLY beat an incredibly tough fight… only for the game to glitch immediately after, with the only recourse being to reload to just BEFORE the fight. Argh.

4 years ago
Reply to  Swiftbow

Oh which fight?

4 years ago

I can’t remember the game, but I once quick saved instead of quick loading while falling into a pit (it was long ago, and the developers probably didn’t think of it, so that was possible). So the other way around but oh so more devastating, because I had only used the quick save slot for a long while.

4 years ago
Reply to  melloncollic

On one of the early Tomb Raider games, I saved while in the water, getting filled with lead courtesy a dude on a nearby ledge. I/ the game didn’t have any alternate saves other than reloading the whole level. I certainly tried to avoid death, but it was impossible.

4 years ago
Reply to  Christopher

When I was a kid my mom was playing a Tomb Raider and it auto saved as she was unintentionally driving off a cliff…..

4 years ago
Reply to  melloncollic

Did that more than once in Jedi Knight.

4 years ago

That is why whenever possible I unmap the quickload button

4 years ago

At least Lucas has a smile on his face in that last panel. I can easily see that being a ‘I’m gonna kill you’ grimace…

4 years ago
Reply to  Nono

This! there’s clear annoyance in the 2nd panel, but that smile is warm. Lucas doesn’t seem the type to take it out on someone for a honest mistake, which would only make someone who already feels bad, worse.

4 years ago

It might have been easier and faster if they included Z1 in the team.
W3 is on my list, loved the others, but given my actual game time is a small portion of my limited screen time atm, I’ll wait till any release bugs are ironed out and the cost comes down.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

That would totaly trigger the failsafe when he’s on the way to Ethan … unless Scott is also on the team; then Scott will immediately disable the failsafe and allow X1 to visit Ethan.

4 years ago

That’s why games should have automatic saves after each battle and in timed intervals, while also having last X auto/quick saves available if you ever quicksave instead of quickload by accident.

4 years ago
Reply to  Spade

You can set both auto and timed auto saves on Wasteland 3; I’ve been playing it the past couple days, too, and I have 5 minute auto saves.

4 years ago

Even worse is when you’re dead man walking, in the middle of the fight, and you decide to quickload to save time. AND THEN YOU QUICKSAVE. THERE. DOOMED.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ocramot

I appreciate devs who disable or verify quick saves in combat. This has happened to me one too many times.

4 years ago

Why the hell would you wanna quick load anyway?

4 years ago
Reply to  RoL

You’ve attempted the same bit of gameplay 20 times already and just want to get into it instead of clicking five menu screens.

4 years ago
Reply to  RoL

your on the Nth attempt of a fight and you know you’ve lost and just want to jump back to your pre fight save to try from the top and your tired of navigateing 3 menues to manualy load.

Also save scuming to get past anoying RNG that wont give you that last damn item you need.

4 years ago

So uhhh, quicksave and autosavve in multi cam sometimes reset your story progress. We’ve had to turn off autosave and use only manual saves saving before and after each zone load. Check the quest log before and after every loading screen. Weve had to throw away two separate saves because they broke

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
4 years ago

This is why I go into the save menu proper. While the system does its thing, sit back, stretch the fingers, relax the brain for a second. Mental exhaustion is the primary cause of gamer death…. and also the primary cause of typos, mixing up the quicksave/load keys.

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

Strange, I never made that mistake with regular saving via the menu. Are those Quickload/Quicksave buttons close by each other or something? Seems like a pretty bad idea if you ask me.

4 years ago

This is why I manual save before and after major stuff

4 years ago

Never happened to me because I don’t quick load/quick save from single button presses but from the menus.

Chris Herbert
Chris Herbert
4 years ago

A long time ago, I was playing an old CIV DOS game in my school library. Just as I went to save, my friend hit the reboot button on the desktop. When I tried to load the save it would instead reboot the computer.

4 years ago

Overuse of qucksave is a problem in itself!

Andrew Beard
Andrew Beard
4 years ago

This has happened to me so many times with Save States in emulators. Thank god people post up there saves and you can usually find someone else’s save point that is around where you left off.

4 years ago

Quick Save is good, quickload should gets its hotkey removed, you never need to load “on a whim”

4 years ago

T_T My finger slipped. Dont remind me……..

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

This comic is causing my PTSD to flare up and I *do not appreciate it*.

4 years ago

Is the multiple times over your gaming history why you didn’t tag the game? I got the overall experience thanks to doing it myself, but it seemed rather specific as well. 😀

4 years ago

I once had a keyboard that sometimes once a month would give two keypresses. I told my friend to not use the first savegame slot because of that. He still did.

4 years ago

thats why noone i know uses quicksave one of the worse ideas ever

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 years ago

Save file is always the third one down, can’t screw myself over with an oops if I have to scroll to get to my file. Used to be the second one down, but someone else accidentally saved over my file once before multiple profiles were a thing. Once I got my months of progress back I made sure it never happened again…….

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 years ago

Just came to my attention this means nothing to a PC game, but the logic still stands.

4 years ago

Is wasteland 3 worth picking up?

4 years ago

Yeah, see, this is why, despite hundreds of hours in many RPGs with the feature, I have only used it once, and that was to get through a series of persuasions I needed to make against an NPC in the first Divinity: Original Sin game. I am so unbelievably paranoid about making sure I save, especially after a tough fight. As much as I love New Vegas, that game taught me that lesson the hard way.

4 years ago

This is why I don’t quickload. I hit load to load a quickload. No mistakes!

4 years ago

A-yup. Been there, done that. Though, admittedly never in co-op. You’ve managed to one up me, sir. Kudos.

4 years ago

…and Wasteland 3 defaults them to F5 and F9… which is where I always map them any time I can.

4 years ago

Self inflicted on Lucas’ part. Why would you let Ethan be in charge of saving?

4 years ago

I had this once on a game, Thief, on PC, I think you couldn’t change the keys either and it was F5/F6 or something like that, once accidentally saved when I was in a position where I would die, I always check and move them to F5 and F9 normally

4 years ago

Thank you very much. It is incredibly comforting to see that I’m not the only one to goof up that way. I…I thought I was a monster, one of a kind! *sad gamer noises*

4 years ago

I haven’t seen a coop game with quicksave since System Shock.

4 years ago

hmm, so thats why I avoid quicksave and quickload like plague …manual save via menu is pretty sure method to avoid screw up

That Guy (Yes, the same one)
That Guy (Yes, the same one)
4 years ago


Oh no.

Sabre Runner
Sabre Runner
4 years ago

What? F5, F9. I even set them to light up differently.

4 years ago

With great power…
Having the power of time on your side makes you pretty much unstoppable. I’ve made the mistake of loading instead of saving once, long, long ago. Never again.
Save before immediately dying a gruesome death? Oh yeah, plenty of times. Just try to get out of that dilemma.

3 years ago

Worst one I had was when playing Diablo (the first one that is). The game only had one save slot per character, so if you saved you would overwrite the previous save. And save and load were right there in the main menu. You would hit Esc and the manu was “Save game”, “Options”, “New game”, “Load game”, “Quit Diablo”. Load and save were separated, which is good, but had no prompts, which is not good. Once I got in some pickle, surrounded by enemies, low on health and potions. So I decide, fuck it, load the game. Hit escape,… Read more »