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The Campaign: Against The Clock

April 28, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

Player One is willingly assuming Cake’s role in this campaign.

7 years ago
Reply to  Stevyn

If Player 2 does the same thing, the DM will have to role play by himself. Now I kinda hope that will happen. 😀

walle ras
walle ras
7 years ago

Just like in my Fallout PnP sessions. Lore building? Making the story interesting? Having some downtime? WAIT!

7 years ago
Reply to  walle ras

Well to be fair 3 is kind of highjacking the entire session. It’s great that he is getting a chance to dole out all the lore he created but he is doing so by giving the other players nothing to do other than listen to him rant. The ability to even do anything was straight up taken away from 4 and the only thing 2 has gotten a chance to do is spout off a line that 3 would have had to provide him. So far the session has been nothng but 3 telling everyone what they are doing and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hmm, as a DM, I’m not against the DM playing characters at the table, and I’ve done it myself. But I’m not sure I would be comfortable putting the DM’s character at the forefront of a session, and tend to create characters that will either stay in the background, or whose stories move the overall plot forward or tie in to one of the player’s stories. Different strokes for different folks though, I know some people who would never do things I do, like have the DM play a character at all, or fudge rolls. Really liked the “a calm… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Damien

I understand where you are coming from. I agree, but to be honest, in my experience, being a DM is very, I don’t wanna say boring, but… It’s fun to play DM and a character, but everyone needs a chance to shine sometimes.

Broken Physics
Broken Physics
7 years ago
Reply to  Percival2004

If DMing gets boring that fast, you’re doing something wrong.
Of course it gets boring at some point, if you DM all the time, but we always solved that problem by running two campaigns (or one campaign and some one-shot adventures) with different DMs in parallel, so everyone got some player time.

walle ras
walle ras
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well said Mr. Tim, though, just curious, when all the players have had their arc what will you do with the campaign? Have them play a different game or, more probably, just do all over again?

7 years ago

Hi Tim, Sorry to hijack the discussion about your comics. But I wanted to give you feedback about your new website and I wasn’t able to find another option to contact you anywhere on the website! So my feedback 1) First of all I really like your website and the improvements you’ve done! 2) I was looking around but the option to send feedback about random things seems to be missing. 3) The back button from the browser does not work anymore. I used to browse your comic (e.g. pressing multiple times to the previous comic) and then using the… Read more »

Pablo Torres
Pablo Torres
7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Back button works fine for me

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

#3 is a known issue and they are working on it

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Funny. I sent a similar message some days ago in the last page. But it seems it was deleted. The problem is that the ajax buttons that change the comic don’t make it reflect on the url, ergo for the browser you never actually leave main page. It is a simple problem to fix.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Good to know! Thanks!

7 years ago

Where is the DM screen?

7 years ago
Reply to  Zach

3 is too hardcore for that. As far as I know there’s only one panel where he’s ever had one (and it might have been an accident).

7 years ago
Reply to  Zach

Where you aren’t looking

7 years ago

Always annoying when the DM roleplays with himself while the players watch. :-p

7 years ago

I have run games, played, and run while playing when we didn’t have enough ppl. And it is nice to give everyone a chance to broaden the depth of their characters. It’s not just about combat to some people. Others that’s their main thrill. Not easy being DM. Even harder to b fair while playing and running. So missed their dnd bits.