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The Campaign: Guilt Trip

August 30, 2023 by Tim

The Third Wave of the Console Wars Art Series posters are now up for Pre-Order! Click here!

I’ve also made available Wave One and Wave Two for the last time. The mega bundle gets you all nine posters for a discounted price, or you can order them individually or by series.

Pre-orders close September 18th, and shipping should begin in early to mid October. All copies of Wave Three will be signed. All posters in the Mega Bundle will be signed, even the old ones.

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1 year ago

Is Player Three roleplaying really well here, or are they all actually immortal in real life?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jetroid


playing it safe
playing it safe
1 year ago
Reply to  Jetroid

They respawn when they die in “real life”…which is interesting. When we mere humans play a game, we usually play as someone that is more durable than we are. A DnD character can heal with a potion or magic, even after sustaining a major injury in combat. Even so, typically once they’re dead, they’re dead, just like the human playing the game. I wonder if the thought processes around character death are different for someone who can themselves respawn?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jetroid

Her statement about “you mortals” would be roleplaying her character. Her character, as an elf, would be immortal or have a lifespan that would be hundreds or even thousands of years. She could already be older than all of the rest of the party combined.

The four players do respawn when they die, so they’re sort of immortal.

In the game, if it had not been their cleric that died, he likely would have been able to pull off a resurrection spell on one of the other three.

1 year ago

Panel 3: None of the arrows hit the nostrils, silly, of course it’s not one of yours.

1 year ago

Whole my life noone could give me a real answer to what’s the point of living if we’ll all die anyway. My parents sent me to a shrink and I didn’t even know why since I didn’t see a connection with waiting for death and others being worried about me. Figured out years later because I’m also stupid.

1 year ago

Ah, they live as spirits with the way they died, reminds me of “Betelgeuse” like when the magic assistant was cut in half, Or the shunken head guy, The only thing that was off-putting is the Matlines looked perfectly normal. Have anyone ever seen a body that was underwater for any length of time? It’s nasty. Even their clothes dried off.